Obama's Perfect Timing


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
2008 was the perfect time for him to implement his liberal agenda. At the same time we were entering a deep recession, with its greater demand for government benefits, Obama was presented with an $800 billion "stimulus" fund which has been renewable each year to support his social programs without the need to obtain Congressional budget approval. He will keep spending this money for the next four years, becoming a champion of the poor while handing off a $20 trillion debt problem for his successor to deal with. What a deal, being to blame Bush for all our economic troubles but having an unlimited amount of money to spend on his favorite programs. Fortunate for him, a disaster for the country.
No, what really happened was the Republicans were deservedly voted out of power for driving the country into a ditch (unprovoked, unfunded, and immoral Iraqi war) and the Democrats then have successfully righted the Ship of State.

Obama and the Democrats were rewarded by a second term and additional representation in both Houses of Congress.

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