Obama's Lowest Approval Rate Ever


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
Surprising how many of his own base as well as Independents and Progressives are against him now. Finally, they are seeing his true colors and they aren't black and white. They are racist, dark and divisive. Right up there with Reverend Wright those 20 years. Many of us saw that in`08. :FIREdevil:

NEW YORK , N.Y. - October 25, 2010 - President Obama is spending the next week crisscrossing the country in support of Democratic candidates before this year's midterm elections. While the president may do a great job of energizing the base, he may not be able to convert any Independents who have yet to decide for whom they will vote. Currently, two-thirds of Americans (67%) have a negative opinion of the job President Obama is doing while just over one-third (37%) have a positive opinion. This continues the president's downward trend and he is now at the lowest job approval rating of his presidency.

These are some of the results of The Harris Poll of 3,084 adults surveyed online between October 11 and 18, 2010 by Harris Interactive.

It's perhaps not surprising that nine in ten Republicans (90%) and Conservatives (89%) give the job the president is doing negative ratings. What may be surprising is that one-third of Democrats (34%) and Liberals (33%) also give him negative ratings, as do seven in ten Independents (70%) and six in ten Moderates (60%).

Harris Interactive: Harris Polls > President Obama Heads into Midterms at Lowest Approval Rating of Presidency
After what the smarmy critter said today it's going to go a lot lower. I wish all the Republicans would sit in the back of the chamber during the state of the dis union address. Along with the Surpeme Court Justices. They should all sit in the back and thumb their noses at him.
So actually, if you take the 37% positive, which is "Excellent" or "Pretty Good," and add in the "Fair Job:" Then that is 67% who think is doing OK on the job.

One clue may be the lower support among liberals, unhappy with slowing pace of the Socialist catching up to the rest of the world, even in the area of economic prosperity.

In other nations, many have seen, Even Chilean Miners get bail-outs. In the United States, people who do not like miners--mianly like the bail-outs of the rich. Those came mainly late in the Bush presidency, and even the Tea Party thinks that Obama did those.

The Tea Party even seems to have a favorable opinion of the Shia Crescent outcome of the basis-free invasion, and occupation of Iraq. Internationally, even the Saudis are likely unhappy with that.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Republican Invasion of Socialist Iraq, of course, now leaves Moslems in Charge. The Republican generals, likely now know that: And mainly are currently, looking around for the Colored People they are supposed to set free. . .or however that is said! There is probably a National Intelligence Estimate from the Bush years: On which they rely!)
I don't care about his prestige, real or imagined.

The country is flat on its back and he's in way over his head.

If you didn't care on some level about his prestige, real or imagined, you would stick to the issue at hand: his approval rating. Instead you denigrate his educational achievements in an irrational tirade of inexplicable irrelevance.

If you must hate the man, hate him for the issues. Don't hate him for some trumped up mumbo-jumbo of speculation.:lame2::dig:
After what the smarmy critter said today it's going to go a lot lower. I wish all the Republicans would sit in the back of the chamber during the state of the dis union address. Along with the Surpeme Court Justices. They should all sit in the back and thumb their noses at him.

Oh god what did I miss. What did he say today.
I don't care about his prestige, real or imagined.

The country is flat on its back and he's in way over his head.

If you didn't care on some level about his prestige, real or imagined, you would stick to the issue at hand: his approval rating. Instead you denigrate his educational achievements in an irrational tirade of inexplicable irrelevance.

If you must hate the man, hate him for the issues. Don't hate him for some trumped up mumbo-jumbo of speculation.:lame2::dig:

Americans know a fuck up when they see one.

Scroll up. Some pants pisser said that "fair" should be counted toward his approval numbers, meaning he gets a 67 instead of a 37. That's what I was replying to.

Is that close enough to the issue at hand?
I don't care about his prestige, real or imagined.

The country is flat on its back and he's in way over his head.

If you didn't care on some level about his prestige, real or imagined, you would stick to the issue at hand: his approval rating. Instead you denigrate his educational achievements in an irrational tirade of inexplicable irrelevance.

If you must hate the man, hate him for the issues. Don't hate him for some trumped up mumbo-jumbo of speculation.:lame2::dig:

Americans know a fuck up when they see one.

Scroll up. Some pants pisser said that "fair" should be counted toward his approval numbers, meaning he gets a 67 instead of a 37. That's what I was replying to.

Is that close enough to the issue at hand?

And then you went on a soapbox about his education. It's not enough that you knock him on his approval rating alone, but you have to take any other cheap shot you can land.

Are you even out of highschool yet?:eusa_whistle:

See what I did there?
After what the smarmy critter said today it's going to go a lot lower. I wish all the Republicans would sit in the back of the chamber during the state of the dis union address. Along with the Surpeme Court Justices. They should all sit in the back and thumb their noses at him.

Oh god what did I miss. What did he say today.

He said that Charles Main's part should have been cut out of the "North and South" Trilogy. He meant it too. Something about Charles being a son of a slave holder and a rebel so his part, and the part of his brother Orry not to mention the entire southern part of the series, should have been eliminated from the miniseries. :eusa_whistle:

I'll go find... er make up the quote if you want. :lol:

Krauthammer said it best. "This is the real obama who sat in Wright's church for 20 years coming through."


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