Obama's legacy will depend on how the healthcare legislation plays out


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Obama's legacy will greatly depend on the success or failure of the healthcare reform. What is said today does not matter. It is how the legislation effects the healthcare for the citizens of the US in the years to come.

George Bush and Dick Cheney tied their legacy to taking the country to war in Iraq. If weapons of mass destruction had been found and dismantled, if the Iraq government became a successful example of a democracy in the middle east and as a result democracy spread through out the middle east, Bush and Cheney would have gone down in history as one of the country's greatest administrations.

That did not happen.

No weapons of mass destruction were found. A inept post war strategy ended with an insurgency that distabilized the country.

The over throw of Saddam resulted in a distabilization of the entire region with Iran gaining power in the region.

Iraq has not become a shining example of democracy in the middle east. Democracy is not spreading through out the middle east.

The focus on Iraq took the focus off Afghanistan where our enemies are based.

Bush and Cheny will go down in history as one of the worst administrations in history.
Why dont people just do what's right and let the legacy take care of itself?
Because our party never did anything except sit on its Republican ass when it came to health care reform. We inherited the whirlwind. So, now, we get to deal with it, as every growing numbers of Americans laugh at the Republican Party.

Guys, the GOP certainly does not represent the will of the American people.
Why dont people just do what's right and let the legacy take care of itself?

I think that Bush and Cheney did what they though was right.

The problem is they were making decisions based on a false hypothesis and false values.

I think Obama is doing what he feels is right. History will determine if he was correct. I feel he is.
Guys, the GOP certainly does not represent the will of the American people.

Nor does the Democrat party. If everyone would realize its not an "us against them" political America, then we would be able to join together and rid politics of all the corruption, special interest and etc. Surely you don't truly believe the Dems passed this legislation because they care about our health care and that we are number 1 on their minds. Both political parties and whoever is president at the time want 1 thing....more power, either for themselves or for their government.

This bill is nothing more than a giant govt takeover of 1/5th of our economy. It will do nothing to bring down health care cost as many of the major contributors of this cost were not in it. They were able to demonize the HC insurance companies but did not address big Pharma (only to give them an extension on name brand medication before generics can come in), did nothing to stop hospitals from overcharging, nothing to stop fraud and abuse and the list goes on.

When/If we ever get honest and stop choosing sides then we can begin to take back our country from the power mad politicians! We are so mad at each others party affiliation, we are blinded by this hatred that we can't see what the politicians are doing until after it is too late.
One step at a time. Medicare was incrementally developed over the years, as was SS.
We recovered from FDR. Took awhile but the old fart finally died and we did it.

This is a whole new hurdle.
If he lasts 4 terms, I would concede the point.

BTW, its my opinion the nation NEVER recovered from what FDR did to it.

Aside from the social security screw-job, I think we rebounded fairly well.

Haven't noticed that whole 'UN" thing world police stuff I take it.
Obama's legacy will depend on how the healthcare legislation plays out

Likely true.

Assuming something more dramatic doesn't happen that puts the HC debate on the back pages of our newpapers, of course.
I agree. Time will tell.

A few things kick in right off in the bs bill but the majority of the pain will come in 2014 and 2018. Wonder if all those lauding this bill will be as happy with it then.

Time will tell.

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