Obama's Legacy, Warships That Must Flee and EOs Stripping Citizens of Gun Rights


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Obama would be a complete joke were it not for all the people who might one day die or be crippled by his idiotic policies.

Navy Accepts Delivery of 'Not Combat Survivable' USS Gabrielle Giffords

Gilmore told the committee, “In Total Ship Survivability trials that we did, the crews did their best, but in almost every incidence, there was major damage to the ship and the combat capability was fully lost, and in some instances the ship would have been lost.”

“These ships will still be faster than any other combatant or warship that we have today,” said Sean J. Stackley, the assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition, who testified with Gilmore and Vice Adm. Thomas S. Rowden, the commander of the Pacific Fleet’s surface warfare assets.

In his opening remarks at the hearing, the committee chairman, Sen. John S. McCain III (R-Ariz.), referred to the LCS class as an “alleged warship.”

McCain said despite all of the signs of trouble, the Navy has rushed the littoral program into production and deployment so that of the 40 ships now planned, 65 percent of them are either delivered or under construction.

“For some reason, Navy leaders prioritized deploying a ship with no capability over completing necessary mission package testing,” he said. “In other words, the taxpayers have paid for—and are still paying for—26 ships that have demonstrated next-to-no combat capability,” he added. “This is unacceptable.”​


Windsor, CO - President Obama drew harsh criticism from the National Association for Gun Rights following Monday’s announcement that he will force the implementation of the Social Security Gun Ban before leaving office. The final fourteen-page rule published in the Federal Register says the agency will begin the process of placing beneficiaries on the NICS prohibited persons list beginning January 18, 2017, just two days before inauguration.
This announcement comes as the agency also dismissed out of hand over 89,000 individually signed petitions from members and supporters of the National Association for Gun Rights which made up 95% or all petitions received. “It’s now up to President-elect Trump to block Obama’s lame-duck assault on senior citizens’ constitutional rights,” said the group’s President Dudley Brown. “He can reverse this anti-gun executive action immediately upon taking office on January 20.”
Under the ban, Social Security beneficiaries who receive Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits using a representative payee would be categorically striped of their Second Amendment rights.​

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