Obama's Kulturkampf


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "The German term Kulturkampf (help·info) (literally, "culture struggle") refers to German policies in relation to secularity and the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, enacted from 1871 to 1878 by the Prime Minister of Prussia, Otto von Bismarck.

2. As one scholar put it, "the attack on the church included a series of Prussian, discriminatory laws that made Catholics feel understandably persecuted within a predominantly Protestant nation."

3. The Catholic Church comprised one third of the population of Prussia. In the newly founded German Empire, Bismarck sought to appeal to liberals and Protestants by reducing the political and social influence of the Catholic Church."
Kulturkampf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. "Obama ruling requires Catholic institutions to violate church teaching....But now the Obama administration has handed his critics an example of an action that fits nicely with the narrative that he’s a secularist who looks down on believers.... “churches are exempt.” Yes, but church-run schools, hospitals and social service agencies are not."
Obama ruling requires Catholic institutions to violate church teaching - She the People: - The Washington Post

5. "Obama plays his Catholic allies for fools."
Obama’s radical power grab on health care - The Washington Post

6. It is more than passing interesting that the first Progressive President, Woodrow Wilson, instituted European ideas into the American political system. The source of Progressive ideas was Germany, specifically the philosophy of Hegel, and this euro-thinking placed the ruler above the ruled: Germans have a history of accepting authoritarian rule.

a. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule, and the Liberal establishment is training the Americans with this aim. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

The election of 2012 will determine if Americans "obey without protest."

So, we come full circle, from the Kulturkampf of Bismarck, to the culture war of Obama.
He's a Community Organizer with anti-American values and an anti Constitution anarchist; he has no respect for our laws or culture. One can only imagine the reign of terror he'll unleash if re-elected
He's a Community Organizer with anti-American values and an anti Constitution anarchist; he has no respect for our laws or culture. One can only imagine the reign of terror he'll unleash if re-elected

Let me add to that:

"... how uncomfortable he is with American exceptionalism—and thus with America itself. President Obama considers this country deeply flawed from its very beginnings. He means not simply that slavery and other kinds of fundamental injustice existed, which everyone would admit. He means that the Declaration of Independence, when it said that all men are created equal, did not mean to include blacks or anyone else who is not a property-holding, white, European male—an argument put forward infamously by Chief Justice Roger Taney in the Dred Scott decision, and one that was powerfully refuted by Abraham Lincoln.

Unlike most Americans, President Obama still bristles at any suggestion that our nation is better or even luckier than other nations. To be blunt, he despises the notion that Americans consider themselves special among the peoples of the world. This strikes him as the worst sort of ignorance and ethnocentrism, which is why it was so difficult for him to decide to wear an American flag lapel pin when he started running for president, even though he knew it was political suicide to refuse wearing it.As President Obama hinted in his Berlin speech during the campaign, he really thinks of himself as a multiculturalist, as a citizen of the world, first, and only incidentally as an American. To put it differently, he regards patriotism as morally and intellectually inferior to cosmopolitanism."
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