Obama's Iran-Contra


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "JERUSALEM – The U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, actually served as a meeting place to coordinate aid for the rebel-led insurgencies in the Middle East, according to Middle Eastern security officials. [The purpose] the building was collaborating with Arab countries on the recruitment of fighters – including jihadists – to target Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.

2. A consulate typically refers to the building that officially houses a consul, who is the official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another. The U.S. consul in Libya, Jenny Cordell, works out of the embassy in Tripoli. A diplomatic mission is simply a group of people from one state or an international inter-governmental organization present in another state...

a. Since the mission was attacked last month, countless news media reports around the world have referred to the obscure post as a U.S. consulate. That theme continues to permeate the media, with articles daily referencing a “consulate” in Benghazi.The State Department website lists no consulate in Benghazi.

3. The distinction may help explain why there was no major public security presence at what has been described as a “consulate.” Such a presence would draw attention to the shabby, nondescript building that was allegedly used for such sensitive purposes.

a. President Obama has referred to the Benghazi post as a “U.S. mission.” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has similarly called the post a “mission.” U.S. officials have been more careful in their rhetoric while not contradicting the media narrative that a consulate was attacked.

4. ...the so-called consulate was more of a diplomatic meeting place for U.S. officials, including Stevens....the building was routinely used by Stevens and others to coordinate with the Turkish, Saudi and Qatari governments on supporting the insurgencies in the Middle East, most prominently the rebels opposing Assad’s regime in Syria.

5. ...Stevens played a central role in recruiting jihadists to fight Assad’s regime in Syria, according to Egyptian security officials....to coordinate the recruitment by Saudi Arabia of Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya. The jihadists were sent to Syria via Turkey to attack Assad’s forces,...

6. One witness to the mob scene in Libya said some of the gunmen attacking the U.S. installation had identified themselves as members of Ansar al-Shariah, which represents al-Qaida in Yemen and Libya. The al-Qaida offshoot released a statement denying its members were behind the deadly attack, but a man identified as a leader of the Ansar brigade told Al Jazeera the group indeed took part in the Benghazi attack.

7. ...questions remain about the nature of U.S. support for the revolutions in Egypt and Libya, including reports the U.S.-aided rebels that toppled Muammar Gadhafi’s regime in Libya consisted of al-Qaida and jihad groups. The U.S. provided direct assistance, including weapons and finances, to the Libyan rebels.

a. ...the Obama administration is currently aiding the rebels fighting Assad’s regime in Syria amid widespread reports that al-Qaida jihadists are included in the ranks of the Free Syrian Army. Earlier this month, Obama announced $50 million more in aid to the Syrian rebels.

b. ... rebel leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi admitted in an interview that a significant number of the Libyan rebels were al-Qaida fighters, many of whom had fought U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

8. Adm. James Stavridis, NATO supreme commander for Europe, admitted Libya’s rebel force may include al-Qaida: “We have seen flickers in the intelligence of potential al-Qaida, Hezbollah.”

9. ...widespread reports of al-Qaida among the Syrian rebels, including in reports by Reuters and the New York Times.... Egypt has reports of collaboration between the Syrian opposition and three al-Qaida arms, including one that operates in Libya:

Jund al-Sham, which is made up of al-Qaida militants who are Syrian, Palestinian and Lebanese;

Jund al-Islam, which in recent years merged with Ansar al-Islam, an extremist group of Sunni Iraqis operating under the al-Qaida banner and operating in Yemen and Libya;

Jund Ansar al-Allah, an al-Qaida group based in Gaza linked to Palestinian camps in Lebanon and Syria.

10. U.S. officials have stated the White House is providing nonlethal aid to the Syrian rebels while widespread reports have claimed the U.S. has been working with Arab countries to ensure the opposition in Syria is well armed."
This is what Benghazi

Why are we arming jihadi radicals????
What is America's policy...and why??

...Reagan's 'Iran-Contra' was aimed against communism....
Obama's 'Iran-Contra' designed to support Islamofascist jihadists.

Is this why American forces could not be sent to Steven's mission, where evidence might be revealed about the Obama attempts to radicalize the Middle East?

Egypt...Libya...Syria...exactly what is the Obama Middle East foreign policy?
Obama's Iran-Contra

...Reagan's 'Iran-Contra' was aimed against communism....
Obama's 'Iran-Contra' designed to support Islamofascist jihadists.

Aw, gee.....another Teabaggin' History Major.


Stupid Fuckin' Bimbo



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After years of witnessing a presidency strewn with unanswered questions about the President's relationship and attitude toward Islam.....

...and the only individual seemingly interested in a story that may be the key

is the class buffoon, the one who writes with crayons.

After years of witnessing a presidency strewn with unanswered questions about the President's relationship and attitude toward Islam.....

...and the only individual seemingly interested in a story that may be the key

is the class buffoon, the one who writes with crayons.
I never pass-up an opportunity to expose a bubbleheaded-bimbo, like yourself!!
Mitt Romney: arm the Syrian rebels

Republican presidential candidate is to call for an escalation of the conflict in Syria in a major foreign policy address

Mitt Romney will call for an escalation of the conflict in Syria by arming rebels with the heavy weapons needed to confront president Bashar al-Assad's tanks, helicopters and fighter jets.

Romney is to make the proposal on Monday in what his campaign team has billed as a major foreign policy speech in Lexington, Virginia.

In extracts published in advance, he opened up the prospect, if he becomes president, of a US-Iranian proxy war being fought in Syria.

"Iran is sending arms to Assad because they know his downfall would be a strategic defeat for them. We should be working no less vigorously with our international partners to support the many Syrians who would deliver that defeat to Iran – rather than sitting on the sidelines," he said.

Mitt Romney: arm the Syrian rebels | World news | guardian.co.uk

Case closed...

...well, except for the part of the case where Old Grandmother comes back into the thread and rattles off a few smart remarks -

or what apparently pass for smart remarks in the vast intellectually starved wasteland that is her habitat -

and tries to make us believe they represent a rebuttal.
Didn't Romney say he'd be doing the same, only more?

Did you read the OP, konny?

If so......would you mind providing a link to the Romney promise to "support the insurgencies in the Middle East," and to arm "Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya and jihadists."

Is it your opinion that it would be wise, as a matter of foreign policy, to arm " al-Qaida jihadists"?

Certainly, President Obama doesn't....he has run a re-election campaign based on decimating the same people......or has he?

That's why the OP is timely, and why thinking people should pay attention to what has been going on.
Didn't Romney say he'd be doing the same, only more?

Did you read the OP, konny?

If so......would you mind providing a link to the Romney promise to "support the insurgencies in the Middle East," and to arm "Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya and jihadists."

Is it your opinion that it would be wise, as a matter of foreign policy, to arm " al-Qaida jihadists"?

Certainly, President Obama doesn't....he has run a re-election campaign based on decimating the same people......or has he?

That's why the OP is timely, and why thinking people should pay attention to what has been going on.
Romney would be no different than Obama who is no different than Bush:

Mitt Romney: arm the Syrian rebels | World news | guardian.co.uk
Mitt Romney will call for an escalation of the conflict in Syria by arming rebels with the heavy weapons needed to confront president Bashar al-Assad's tanks, helicopters and fighter jets.
We already know the CIA backs Al Qaida "rebels" in Syria. Mitt wants more of that.

Nice "choice" we have this election cycle huh?
Didn't Romney say he'd be doing the same, only more?

Did you read the OP, konny?

If so......would you mind providing a link to the Romney promise to "support the insurgencies in the Middle East," and to arm "Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya and jihadists."

Is it your opinion that it would be wise, as a matter of foreign policy, to arm " al-Qaida jihadists"?

Certainly, President Obama doesn't....he has run a re-election campaign based on decimating the same people......or has he?

That's why the OP is timely, and why thinking people should pay attention to what has been going on.

Try reading post 6.
Let see in a nut shell Raygun allowed the sale of missiles to Iran in hope of gaining the release of US hostages in Lebanon. Then they took those funds from the illegal sales and illegally funnelled them to the CIA supported terrorist group based in Costa Rica who were attacking poor peasants in Nicaragua. And you want to call this Obamas' Iran\Contra?

Wow. All you guys have done for 4 years is try to equate some of the worst chapters in GOP History with anything theis President does. How many times?

You really sound like the boy who cried wolfe.
Mitt Romney: arm the Syrian rebels

Republican presidential candidate is to call for an escalation of the conflict in Syria in a major foreign policy address

Mitt Romney will call for an escalation of the conflict in Syria by arming rebels with the heavy weapons needed to confront president Bashar al-Assad's tanks, helicopters and fighter jets.

.....Just like we did, in Afghanistan, against the Soviets!!!

"Mittens" must have been on a mission, during that one.​
Didn't Romney say he'd be doing the same, only more?

Did you read the OP, konny?

If so......would you mind providing a link to the Romney promise to "support the insurgencies in the Middle East," and to arm "Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya and jihadists."

Is it your opinion that it would be wise, as a matter of foreign policy, to arm " al-Qaida jihadists"?

Certainly, President Obama doesn't....he has run a re-election campaign based on decimating the same people......or has he?

That's why the OP is timely, and why thinking people should pay attention to what has been going on.

Try reading post 6.

OK....I read post #6.

This from your link:
"Romney's comments that will have the most bearing on the election campaign are his return to criticism of the Obama adminstration over its handling of the killings of the US ambassador, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans at the consultate in Benghazi, Libya.

"The attack on our consulate in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012 was likely the work of the same forces that attacked our homeland on September 11th, 2001. This latest assault cannot be blamed on a reprehensible video insulting Islam, despite the administration's attempts to convince us of that for so long," Romney said."

I see a major distinction here....Obama's efforts are toward arming al-Quaeda jihadists....

Romney is suggesting that he would not pursue a course that included said radicals: "The attack on our consulate in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012 was likely the work of the same forces that attacked our homeland on September 11th, 2001."

Hmmm.....that may be a quibble....how would he separate the two....

OK....say the word and I'll give you a rep.
Did you read the OP, konny?

If so......would you mind providing a link to the Romney promise to "support the insurgencies in the Middle East," and to arm "Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya and jihadists."

Is it your opinion that it would be wise, as a matter of foreign policy, to arm " al-Qaida jihadists"?

Certainly, President Obama doesn't....he has run a re-election campaign based on decimating the same people......or has he?

That's why the OP is timely, and why thinking people should pay attention to what has been going on.

Try reading post 6.

OK....I read post #6.

This from your link:
"Romney's comments that will have the most bearing on the election campaign are his return to criticism of the Obama adminstration over its handling of the killings of the US ambassador, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans at the consultate in Benghazi, Libya.

"The attack on our consulate in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012 was likely the work of the same forces that attacked our homeland on September 11th, 2001. This latest assault cannot be blamed on a reprehensible video insulting Islam, despite the administration's attempts to convince us of that for so long," Romney said."

I see a major distinction here....Obama's efforts are toward arming al-Quaeda jihadists....

Romney is suggesting that he would not pursue a course that included said radicals: "The attack on our consulate in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012 was likely the work of the same forces that attacked our homeland on September 11th, 2001."

Hmmm.....that may be a quibble....how would he separate the two....

OK....say the word and I'll give you a rep.

As best as I can sort out your OP, the assertion is that al qaeda is 'among' the Syrian rebels.

Romney clearly wants to arm the Syrian rebels. Does Romney have a plan that can deprive the al qaeda among the Syrian rebels weapons, assuming al qaeda is there?

Could anyone devise such a plan?
We armed the future al qaeda in Afghanistan in the 80's, when Reagan was president.

If both Romney and Obama have not learned from that lesson, among the many others regarding ill fated entanglements in the Middle East,

who should we vote for,

the political ghost of Ron Paul?
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Try reading post 6.

OK....I read post #6.

This from your link:
"Romney's comments that will have the most bearing on the election campaign are his return to criticism of the Obama adminstration over its handling of the killings of the US ambassador, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans at the consultate in Benghazi, Libya.

"The attack on our consulate in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012 was likely the work of the same forces that attacked our homeland on September 11th, 2001. This latest assault cannot be blamed on a reprehensible video insulting Islam, despite the administration's attempts to convince us of that for so long," Romney said."

I see a major distinction here....Obama's efforts are toward arming al-Quaeda jihadists....

Romney is suggesting that he would not pursue a course that included said radicals: "The attack on our consulate in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012 was likely the work of the same forces that attacked our homeland on September 11th, 2001."

Hmmm.....that may be a quibble....how would he separate the two....

OK....say the word and I'll give you a rep.

As best as I can sort out your OP, the assertion is that al qaeda is 'among' the Syrian rebels.

Romney clearly wants to arm the Syrian rebels. Does Romney have a plan that can deprive the al qaeda among the Syrian rebels weapons, assuming al qaeda is there?

Could anyone devise such a plan?


Let see in a nut shell Raygun allowed the sale of missiles to Iran in hope of gaining the release of US hostages in Lebanon. Then they took those funds from the illegal sales and illegally funnelled them to the CIA supported terrorist group based in Costa Rica who were attacking poor peasants in Nicaragua. And you want to call this Obamas' Iran\Contra?

Wow. All you guys have done for 4 years is try to equate some of the worst chapters in GOP History with anything theis President does. How many times?

You really sound like the boy who cried wolfe.

"....to the CIA supported terrorist group based in Costa Rica who were attacking poor peasants in Nicaragua."

1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged anyone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.

a. Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress.

Clearly you are clueless as to the nature and program of the Sandanistas.

2. Once the Sandinistas captured power in Nicaragua in July 1979, they immediately imposed a ruthless dictatorship, complete with spy networks, a ‘Sandinista Defense Committee’ in each neighborhood, censored all publications, crushed trade unions, and seized the means of production. [see Pascal Fontaine, “Nicaragua: The Failure of a Totalitarian Project,” in Courtois et al., The Black Book of Communism, p. 665-675]

3. The Sandinistas were influenced by three major trains of thought. First, and perhaps most heavily, they were influenced by the teachings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marx’s dialectical materialism, proletariat revolution, and rule by the workers seemed perfect and ingenious. The Sandinistas arrogantly viewed themselves as the catalyst of the proletariat revolution in Nicaragua.
Second, they were influenced by Augusto Sandino, the aforementioned hero of the anti-US struggle. Sandino was a paternal character whose ideas were reflective of his pagan religion, his Marxist beliefs, and his close association with anarchism.
Finally, they were influenced by the Christian Theology of Liberation. The Impact of the Sandinistas on Nicaragua

a. The Sandinistas, in the first few months of their sovereignty, ignored their promise of political democracy. They immediately set up a ruling junta, made up of five top Sandinista officials, including Daniel Ortega and Violeta Barrios de Chamorro. And, as well, their promise of international nonalignment was violated: they allied with the Soviet Union and Cuba, receiving heavy financial and military aid from these countries. They grew more and more distant from the US and other capitalist nations. Ibid.

b. Equal parts of improved education and political oppression: they carried out some eight thousand political executions in three years; and by 1983 they had over twenty thousand prisoners in their jails.

4. Similar to the Khmer Rouge, forcibly relocated tens of thousands of Miskito Indians, and killed or imprisoned about fifteen thousand of them. Like Stalin, they used famine as a weapon against the ‘enemies of the people.’
Humberto Belli, “Breaking Faith,” p. 106-117.

a. By 1986, a vicious and violent “resettlement program” forced some two hundred thousand Nicaraguans into 145 “settlements” throughout the country. This monstrous social-engineering program included the designation of “free-fire” zones, in which government troops had carte blanche to shoot and kill any peasant they spotted. The Two Malcontents » Commie Pinkos

5. The Left felt profoundly devastated by the victory of the Opposition Parties under Violeta Chamorro, who ousted Daniel Ortega on February 25, 1990. The true believers had championed tyrants who would sacrifice human blood on the altar of utopian ideals. Glazov, “United in Hate,” p. 96.

Lucky for the Nicarauga folks that the US had a President Reagan, huh?

Astounding that there are still folks like you who blindly accept Leftist propaganda....

It would almost be acceptable if you couldn't read...or obtain a library card.

Educate yourself.
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Let see in a nut shell Raygun allowed the sale of missiles to Iran in hope of gaining the release of US hostages in Lebanon. Then they took those funds from the illegal sales and illegally funnelled them to the CIA supported terrorist group based in Costa Rica who were attacking poor peasants in Nicaragua. And you want to call this Obamas' Iran\Contra?

Wow. All you guys have done for 4 years is try to equate some of the worst chapters in GOP History with anything theis President does. How many times?

You really sound like the boy who cried wolfe.

"....to the CIA supported terrorist group based in Costa Rica who were attacking poor peasants in Nicaragua."

1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged anyone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.

a. Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress.

Clearly you are clueless as to the nature and program of the Sandanistas.

2. Once the Sandinistas captured power in Nicaragua in July 1979, they immediately imposed a ruthless dictatorship, complete with spy networks, a ‘Sandinista Defense Committee’ in each neighborhood, censored all publications, crushed trade unions, and seized the means of production. [see Pascal Fontaine, “Nicaragua: The Failure of a Totalitarian Project,” in Courtois et al., The Black Book of Communism, p. 665-675]

3. The Sandinistas were influenced by three major trains of thought. First, and perhaps most heavily, they were influenced by the teachings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marx’s dialectical materialism, proletariat revolution, and rule by the workers seemed perfect and ingenious. The Sandinistas arrogantly viewed themselves as the catalyst of the proletariat revolution in Nicaragua.
Second, they were influenced by Augusto Sandino, the aforementioned hero of the anti-US struggle. Sandino was a paternal character whose ideas were reflective of his pagan religion, his Marxist beliefs, and his close association with anarchism.
Finally, they were influenced by the Christian Theology of Liberation. The Impact of the Sandinistas on Nicaragua

a. The Sandinistas, in the first few months of their sovereignty, ignored their promise of political democracy. They immediately set up a ruling junta, made up of five top Sandinista officials, including Daniel Ortega and Violeta Barrios de Chamorro. And, as well, their promise of international nonalignment was violated: they allied with the Soviet Union and Cuba, receiving heavy financial and military aid from these countries. They grew more and more distant from the US and other capitalist nations. Ibid.

b. Equal parts of improved education and political oppression: they carried out some eight thousand political executions in three years; and by 1983 they had over twenty thousand prisoners in their jails.

4. Similar to the Khmer Rouge, forcibly relocated tens of thousands of Miskito Indians, and killed or imprisoned about fifteen thousand of them. Like Stalin, they used famine as a weapon against the ‘enemies of the people.’
Humberto Belli, “Breaking Faith,” p. 106-117.

a. By 1986, a vicious and violent “resettlement program” forced some two hundred thousand Nicaraguans into 145 “settlements” throughout the country. This monstrous social-engineering program included the designation of “free-fire” zones, in which government troops had carte blanche to shoot and kill any peasant they spotted. The Two Malcontents » Commie Pinkos

5. The Left felt profoundly devastated by the victory of the Opposition Parties under Violeta Chamorro, who ousted Daniel Ortega on February 25, 1990. The true believers had championed tyrants who would sacrifice human blood on the altar of utopian ideals. Glazov, “United in Hate,” p. 96.

Lucky for the Nicarauga folks that the US had a President Reagan, huh?

Astounding that there are still folks like you who blindly accept Leftist propaganda....

It would almost be acceptable if you couldn't read...or obtain a library card.

Educate yourself.

Quit reciting propaganda.

After decades under a US backed Military dicatorships the Nicaraguan people finally were in charge of their own destiny. That didn't set well with their former masters.

November 1982. First Democrats passed the Boland Amendment, which restricted CIA and Department of Defense operations in Nicaragua specifically; in 1984, a strengthened Boland Amendment made support almost impossible.

The Sandinista government implements social programs, which receive international recognition for their gains in literacy, health care, education, childcare, unions, and land reform. For the first time in history, Nicaraguans are called to decide their own future. Just as they struggle for increased self-sufficiency, the Reagan-Bush administration begins funding the Contra War. The goal is to undermine the Sandinista regime. This ten-year war is fought at the cost of 60, 000 lives, 178 billion dollars, and the Nicaraguan infrastructure and economy. Timeline: Nicaragua

Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh investigated the affair for the next eight years. Fourteen people were charged with either operational or "cover-up" crimes. In the end, North's conviction was overturned on a technicality, and President Bush issued six pardons, including one to McFarlane, who had already been convicted, and one to Weinberger before he stood trial. The Iran-Contra Affair . Reagan . WGBH American Experience | PBS

Who is the elected president of Nicaruagua?
Didn't Romney say he'd be doing the same, only more?

Did you read the OP, konny?

If so......would you mind providing a link to the Romney promise to "support the insurgencies in the Middle East," and to arm "Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya and jihadists."

Is it your opinion that it would be wise, as a matter of foreign policy, to arm " al-Qaida jihadists"?

Certainly, President Obama doesn't....he has run a re-election campaign based on decimating the same people......or has he?

That's why the OP is timely, and why thinking people should pay attention to what has been going on.

Did you listen to Romney? What does "more" mean? He certainly wasn't specific. If we're to replace Obama, we should know what we're in for. Of course there's no link to what Romney intends to do, because he never says. Obama certainly doesn't intend to support jihadist, but we don't have a clue as to what Romney would do. He's likely to pull a Reagan and arm them the hilt, like in Afghanistan, and then leave them to their own devices. Is THAT what you really want? You should really think this through before posting .
Let see in a nut shell Raygun allowed the sale of missiles to Iran in hope of gaining the release of US hostages in Lebanon. Then they took those funds from the illegal sales and illegally funnelled them to the CIA supported terrorist group based in Costa Rica who were attacking poor peasants in Nicaragua. And you want to call this Obamas' Iran\Contra?

Wow. All you guys have done for 4 years is try to equate some of the worst chapters in GOP History with anything theis President does. How many times?

You really sound like the boy who cried wolfe.

"....to the CIA supported terrorist group based in Costa Rica who were attacking poor peasants in Nicaragua."

1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged anyone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.

a. Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress.

Clearly you are clueless as to the nature and program of the Sandanistas.

2. Once the Sandinistas captured power in Nicaragua in July 1979, they immediately imposed a ruthless dictatorship, complete with spy networks, a ‘Sandinista Defense Committee’ in each neighborhood, censored all publications, crushed trade unions, and seized the means of production. [see Pascal Fontaine, “Nicaragua: The Failure of a Totalitarian Project,” in Courtois et al., The Black Book of Communism, p. 665-675]

3. The Sandinistas were influenced by three major trains of thought. First, and perhaps most heavily, they were influenced by the teachings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marx’s dialectical materialism, proletariat revolution, and rule by the workers seemed perfect and ingenious. The Sandinistas arrogantly viewed themselves as the catalyst of the proletariat revolution in Nicaragua.
Second, they were influenced by Augusto Sandino, the aforementioned hero of the anti-US struggle. Sandino was a paternal character whose ideas were reflective of his pagan religion, his Marxist beliefs, and his close association with anarchism.
Finally, they were influenced by the Christian Theology of Liberation. The Impact of the Sandinistas on Nicaragua

a. The Sandinistas, in the first few months of their sovereignty, ignored their promise of political democracy. They immediately set up a ruling junta, made up of five top Sandinista officials, including Daniel Ortega and Violeta Barrios de Chamorro. And, as well, their promise of international nonalignment was violated: they allied with the Soviet Union and Cuba, receiving heavy financial and military aid from these countries. They grew more and more distant from the US and other capitalist nations. Ibid.

b. Equal parts of improved education and political oppression: they carried out some eight thousand political executions in three years; and by 1983 they had over twenty thousand prisoners in their jails.

4. Similar to the Khmer Rouge, forcibly relocated tens of thousands of Miskito Indians, and killed or imprisoned about fifteen thousand of them. Like Stalin, they used famine as a weapon against the ‘enemies of the people.’
Humberto Belli, “Breaking Faith,” p. 106-117.

a. By 1986, a vicious and violent “resettlement program” forced some two hundred thousand Nicaraguans into 145 “settlements” throughout the country. This monstrous social-engineering program included the designation of “free-fire” zones, in which government troops had carte blanche to shoot and kill any peasant they spotted. The Two Malcontents » Commie Pinkos

5. The Left felt profoundly devastated by the victory of the Opposition Parties under Violeta Chamorro, who ousted Daniel Ortega on February 25, 1990. The true believers had championed tyrants who would sacrifice human blood on the altar of utopian ideals. Glazov, “United in Hate,” p. 96.

Lucky for the Nicarauga folks that the US had a President Reagan, huh?

Astounding that there are still folks like you who blindly accept Leftist propaganda....

It would almost be acceptable if you couldn't read...or obtain a library card.

Educate yourself.

Quit reciting propaganda.

After decades under a US backed Military dicatorships the Nicaraguan people finally were in charge of their own destiny. That didn't set well with their former masters.

November 1982. First Democrats passed the Boland Amendment, which restricted CIA and Department of Defense operations in Nicaragua specifically; in 1984, a strengthened Boland Amendment made support almost impossible.

The Sandinista government implements social programs, which receive international recognition for their gains in literacy, health care, education, childcare, unions, and land reform. For the first time in history, Nicaraguans are called to decide their own future. Just as they struggle for increased self-sufficiency, the Reagan-Bush administration begins funding the Contra War. The goal is to undermine the Sandinista regime. This ten-year war is fought at the cost of 60, 000 lives, 178 billion dollars, and the Nicaraguan infrastructure and economy. Timeline: Nicaragua

Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh investigated the affair for the next eight years. Fourteen people were charged with either operational or "cover-up" crimes. In the end, North's conviction was overturned on a technicality, and President Bush issued six pardons, including one to McFarlane, who had already been convicted, and one to Weinberger before he stood trial. The Iran-Contra Affair . Reagan . WGBH American Experience | PBS

Who is the elected president of Nicaruagua?

"Quit reciting propaganda."
Propaganda......no, I'm giving you an education.

1. I see nothing in your post about the executions and mass deportations by the communists.

Nor did you deny that the Democrat Congress was in favor of communism, and supports same wherever possible.....

2. "First Democrats passed the Boland Amendment, which restricted CIA and Department of Defense operations..."

And you think that's good????

In every way they could, the Democrat Congress....which evolved into the Democrat Socialists of America, attempted to destroy intelligence-gathering ability of the United States.

a. [Democrat] Senator Frank Church and his allies claimed that an assertive legislative role would bring the United States “back to the genius of the Founding Fathers.” This assertion was made despite the fact that American presidents from 1789 to 1974 were given wide latitude to conduct clandestine operations they believed were in the national interest.

b. The damage done to the CIA by this congressional oversight regime (Democrat-controlled Pike and Church Committees) is quite extensive.
It is the reason we had no advance warnings about the attacks of 9/11!
Democrat calumny.

c. [C]hairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden,…[t]he Delaware Democrat was one of seventeen Senators who voted in 1974 to ban all covert operations, and proudly noted during his 1988 campaign for president that he had threatened to “go public” with covert action plans by the Reagan administration, causing them to cancel the operations.
Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA
History News Network

d. [Democrat] Senator Pat Leahy was annoyed with the Reagan administration's war on terrorism in the 1980s. At the time he was vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. ....disclosed a top-secret communications intercept ...Leahy leaked secret information about a 1986 covert operation planned by the Reagan administration ...had to resign his Intelligence Committee post after he was caught leaking secret information ....
American Chronicle | Sen. Leahy to FBI Director: Give Me Secret Information

e. In 1983, [Democrat] Sen. Edward M. Kennedy offered to help the Soviets mount a public-relations offensive in the United States. Ted Kennedy sides with Soviets. Traitor [Archive] - Georgia Outdoor News Forum
Didn't Romney say he'd be doing the same, only more?

Did you read the OP, konny?

If so......would you mind providing a link to the Romney promise to "support the insurgencies in the Middle East," and to arm "Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya and jihadists."

Is it your opinion that it would be wise, as a matter of foreign policy, to arm " al-Qaida jihadists"?

Certainly, President Obama doesn't....he has run a re-election campaign based on decimating the same people......or has he?

That's why the OP is timely, and why thinking people should pay attention to what has been going on.

Did you listen to Romney? What does "more" mean? He certainly wasn't specific. If we're to replace Obama, we should know what we're in for. Of course there's no link to what Romney intends to do, because he never says. Obama certainly doesn't intend to support jihadist, but we don't have a clue as to what Romney would do. He's likely to pull a Reagan and arm them the hilt, like in Afghanistan, and then leave them to their own devices. Is THAT what you really want? You should really think this through before posting .

"Obama certainly doesn't intend to support jihadist,..."

That's exactly what Steven's mission was doing in Benghazi.

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