Obama's Illinois is his 'redistribution' on display


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Obama's liberal Illinois is a failing state.....it is going broke with the worst funded government retirement system in the nation.....Illinois raised state income tax 67%.....now they're talking about shifting responsibility to local districts where they will be forced to raise property taxes to pay for those hefty union pensions....

you can count on Obama to have a similar kind of 'tax prescription' for all of his spending and government expansion....'redistribution' from you the worker to the government workers....:mad:

GLEN CARBON: GOP leader says Illinoisans could get 'January surprise': Lame-duck property tax hike | Voters Guide | News Democrat
As someone that grew up in Illinois, it is Chicago and then the rest of the state.

Chicago is the gang infested, mafia infested, union infested and dirty politician infested cancer attached to the state. It's not surprising Obamination came out of Chicago....
Thanks for reminding me.

And on our ballot is a question about amending the State Constitution to require a 3/5 vote on matters concerning pensions. Every Liberal in the state will vote against it.

But it's academic since historically those measures have passed by an 80% margin.

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