Obama's FDA to attempt a ban on all vitamins, supplements, minerals, etc, OTC!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
FDA Plot to Ban Supplements

So while I have a leg injury, I still workout my upper body a lot, and am passionate about that and my clean diet and nutrition. In what may turn out to be the most overbearing, tyrant move yet, the FDA under Obama is attempting to pass a ban on all over the counter supplements, vitamins, amino acids, vitamins.

That means GNC. With the whey protein powders that athletes use, banned. The amino acids body builders use, banned. The supplements people use since food these days is basically a baked chemical cake with no nutritional value? Banned. You'll eat processed chemical food and you'll like it.

This is NOT up for a vote. Like the EPA's clean air regulation move that Obama tyranted in, this will be a regulatory mandate, with NO vote by Congress to determine whether it passes or not.

I'm truly at a loss for words over this one. I buy Vitamin C by the box, and consume massive amounts of that and all the B vitamins, along with A and E. I'm dedicated to taking vitamin supplements, whey protein powders in shakes, and eating really clean whole foods the rest of the time.

The federal government is attempting to ban that ability. To take away the choice and ability of a person to eat clean and supplement their diet with over the counter products.

In the grand scheme of things, THIS is a bigger invasion of our rights than Obamacare. Yet, no one is talking about it. If you live off aspartame infused sodas (aka cancer causing drinks) or highly processed low nutrition junk, which is what 90% of America's diet is, then you won't care about this. But if you workout, or just eat clean, your freedom is about to be yanked away. This is a frightening leap towards tyranny, one regulation at a time.
Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 Seeks to Ban Consumer Access to Dietary Supplements - Life Extension

Here, this is a much better link. It says that the Senate was convinced by Big Pharma that this was needed in light of the MLB steroid scandal, when in reality, they just want people to rely more on prescription drugs than natural remedies. In other words.....being a population that is sick is profitable. Being a population of people that are proactive and healthy isn't. Yet another way to funnel us into government healthcare. No vitamins? It's ok. Go to the hospital for your pills.

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