Obama's Failures Don't Improve with Age


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama's Failures Don't Improve with Age - Forbes

Virtually every measurable indicator of the economy screams “failure,” and yet, Barack Obama travels across the USA campaigning on the “progress” he imagines—that few Americans can feel or enjoy.

While Congress gets a share of the blame, it is the foremost principle of leadership that the leader, during a crisis, pulls together the factions and finds solutions, and then implements them. Unless the leader is out of ideas, because few of the old ones have worked—or unless he is clueless–and was unqualified for the job he holds in the first place.

There will be no significant recovery in the United States of America while Barack Obama is President. The evidence is overwhelming: everything Obama has tried to fuel a recovery (with his Democratic allies in Congress) has failed. Statistics claiming jobs saved by the stimulus package were mostly fiction, and cost American taxpayers about $275,000 each. Nearly 2-1/2 million fewer Americans have jobs than before the stimulus.

“Obama’s Legacy: A Failed Recovery & Double-Dip Recession”:clap2::clap2:

Obama's Failures Don't Improve with Age - Forbes

Virtually every measurable indicator of the economy screams “failure,” and yet, Barack Obama travels across the USA campaigning on the “progress” he imagines—that few Americans can feel or enjoy.

While Congress gets a share of the blame, it is the foremost principle of leadership that the leader, during a crisis, pulls together the factions and finds solutions, and then implements them. Unless the leader is out of ideas, because few of the old ones have worked—or unless he is clueless–and was unqualified for the job he holds in the first place.

There will be no significant recovery in the United States of America while Barack Obama is President. The evidence is overwhelming: everything Obama has tried to fuel a recovery (with his Democratic allies in Congress) has failed. Statistics claiming jobs saved by the stimulus package were mostly fiction, and cost American taxpayers about $275,000 each. Nearly 2-1/2 million fewer Americans have jobs than before the stimulus.

“Obama’s Legacy: A Failed Recovery & Double-Dip Recession”:clap2::clap2:

View attachment 20946

Great article. Thank you.

You're not followin the playbook. This election is about keeping Obamacare, and 9,000,000 Mexicans and 21,000,000 po' folks gettin free healthcare, while the rich dumb folks pay their fair-share in taxes.

If you look at the economy or statistics you're a racist.

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