Obama's Executive Orders

(Dennis Miller remarked on October 29th at Mohegan Sun: "This Pelosi Woman. She's so bat sh!t crazy, I swear, she sleeps hanging upside down!" This executive order edict is just another example of unleashed Democratic batsh!t craziness.
Take this supposed shortage of levothyroxine injection. The original cause of the shortage was an FDA edict that said it needed more scientific proof that the drug was effective and safe, pending that, the FDA said it could no longer be manufactured and sold legally in this country. Now in order to comply with the FDA's order, the original patent holder, Winthrop Labs or its purchaser Syntex, will have to do additional scientific research work on the drug, probably to the tune of a half billion dollars. Once they do the necessary human studies, the drug will again be approved to be legally sold in commerce for medicinal use. But Syntex or its successors will not derive a single penny for their research efforts, because once approval is granted, hundreds of generic producers on every junk, barge, or motorized sampan from Seoul, Hiroshima, Taipei, Hong Kong, and Jakarta will be busily engaged in producing the product to supply the US marketplace need.)

"Obama’s Drug Shortage Demagoguery
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2011

President Obama couldn’t wait to trample over the legislative process again. This week, he issued his 98th executive order on an irresistibly exploitatable policy issue: prescription drug shortages. Soon, “One a Day” won’t just be a multivitamin. It’ll be the rate of White House administrative fiats.

Federal officials darkly suggest that selfish industry “stockpiling” is endangering Americans’ lives. “If we find out that prices are being driven up because shortages are being made worse by manipulations of companies or distributors,” the White House further threatened, “agencies will be empowered to stop those practices. And the FDA and the Department of Justice will be investigating any kinds of abuses that would lead to drug shortages.”

As usual, the underlying reasons for these marketplace conditions are gobsmackingly complicated. As usual, a significant portion of the fault lies with the government — not evil corporate “abuses.” And as usual, Obama’s unilaterally imposed “solutions” promise to do more harm than good.

There’s no question that drug shortages exist and that they have been on the rise. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 246 drugs are now scarce. It’s a record. Why? I’ve rounded up just a few of the reasons:"

Michelle Malkin » Obama’s Drug Shortage Demagoguery
I am all for help to veterans. If Congress can't or won't do it, then go Obama go!
Dick Tater.

not like you ever get anyways so why worry.

why do you hate veterans?
Sorry, that's not a characteristic of WillowTree.

President Obama is putting himself into Congress' seat after spending a lot of time campaigning how it was wrong for a President to issue executive laws instead of going through Congress in opposing his predecessor on one or two issues. Now, he's doing the same time several times a week.

If you want something in this country, you have to go through Congress.

He's wrong to use veterans as his inroad into dictatorial powers in the United States. He may be copying Hugo Chavez' push to total power. It isn't going down well with patriots like WillowTree.

Just my opinion.


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I am all for help to veterans. If Congress can't or won't do it, then go Obama go!
And where is HE going to get the money for it? Outta thin air? There is an appropriations process.

Obama can't spend shit unless he gets funding for it, and it's justified.

For the Record? This is ALL a ploy to get VETS to vote for him because his record is abysmal, lackluster.
The best way for Obama to help Veterans get a job would be to stop strangling the economy
Our President signed three new EO's today in an effort to help Veterans land jobs.

Way To Go!

Obama is getting ready to gut the military and put thousands of service members out on the street.

This is purely window-dressing. It will not find jobs for the thousands that will be looking for work in a few months.

I wonder how many of the handicapped soldiers that are currently still on active-duty is he going to include in those reductions.

If Obama loses the election the new GOP President will have to rebuild the military again.....just like Bush did........and the Dems will use the costs of that as an issue against them......as they did against Bush.
Our President signed three new EO's today in an effort to help Veterans land jobs.

Way To Go!

Obama is getting ready to gut the military and put thousands of service members out on the street.

This is purely window-dressing. It will not find jobs for the thousands that will be looking for work in a few months.

I wonder how many of the handicapped soldiers that are currently still on active-duty is he going to include in those reductions.

If Obama loses the election the new GOP President will have to rebuild the military again.....just like Bush did........and the Dems will use the costs of that as an issue against them......as they did against Bush.

What a mistaken rant. Goodness.

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