Obama's economy, the REAL facts..


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2009
Gulf of Mexico Coast, Texas
Here are the facts about Obama’s record on the economy:

• At Obama’s Inauguration, the price at the pump for gas was $1.83. It has more than DOUBLED since and now some say it could even TRIPLE to $5 or $6 a gallon!

• The official U.S. unemployment rate has jumped back up to 9%. But this pathetic number only puts a smiley face on the real misery. Unemployment spikes to a whopping 15.9% when one counts Americans who’ve grown so discouraged they’ve given up even looking for work or those who’ve settled for part-time work (Bureau of Labor Statistics).

• Home prices have plummeted “at their fastest rate since the Lehman collapse.” (according to Zillow). Now called “zombie homeowners” because they’re financially walking dead, an all-time record “16.3 million families are upside-down on their home loans.”

• A study by the New America Foundation finds “8.5 million people receiving unemployment checks and over 40 million receiving food stamps. At the current pace of job creation, the economy won't return to full employment until 2018.”

• Wal-Mart’s CEO says its customers are “running out of money” with purchases “dropping off by the end of the month even more than last year".

• The Wall Street Journal says “the dollar today is lower than at any time since major currencies began floating in 1973. It is 13% lower than it was 30 years ago and 28% below its 2002 recent peak.”

• Standard & Poor’s, the independent credit rating agency, downgraded the outlook for the United States to negative from stable, saying within two years there's at least a one-in-three chance it could lower its long-term rating.

In spite of the REAL facts re: the economy, according to Obama "green jobs are just around the corner" and Tim Geithner continues to pull the spin cord over and over again. Geither said this:

"The economic rescue package that President Obama put in place was essential to turning the economy around… "

"Actions since the fall of 2007 of the Federal Reserve, the White House and Congress helped save 8.5 million jobs and increased gross domestic product by 6.5 percent relative to what would have happened had we done nothing… "

"Government action delivered a powerful bang for the buck…"

"We have put the American economy on a firmer foundation for future growth…."
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Wake up America! Recovery in NOT "just around the corner". America’s economy is in deep, deep trouble.
Here are the facts about Obama’s record on the economy:

• At Obama’s Inauguration, the price at the pump for gas was $1.83. It has more than DOUBLED since and now some say it could even TRIPLE to $5 or $6 a gallon!

• The official U.S. unemployment rate has jumped back up to 9%. But this pathetic number only puts a smiley face on the real misery. Unemployment spikes to a whopping 15.9% when one counts Americans who’ve grown so discouraged they’ve given up even looking for work or those who’ve settled for part-time work (Bureau of Labor Statistics).

• Home prices have plummeted “at their fastest rate since the Lehman collapse.” (according to Zillow). Now called “zombie homeowners” because they’re financially walking dead, an all-time record “16.3 million families are upside-down on their home loans.”

• A study by the New America Foundation finds “8.5 million people receiving unemployment checks and over 40 million receiving food stamps. At the current pace of job creation, the economy won't return to full employment until 2018.”

• Wal-Mart’s CEO says its customers are “running out of money” with purchases “dropping off by the end of the month even more than last year".

• The Wall Street Journal says “the dollar today is lower than at any time since major currencies began floating in 1973. It is 13% lower than it was 30 years ago and 28% below its 2002 recent peak.”

• Standard & Poor’s, the independent credit rating agency, downgraded the outlook for the United States to negative from stable, saying within two years there's at least a one-in-three chance it could lower its long-term rating.

In spite of the REAL facts re: the economy, according to Obama "green jobs are just around the corner" and Tim Geithner continues to pull the spin cord over and over again. Geither said this:

"The economic rescue package that President Obama put in place was essential to turning the economy around… "

"Actions since the fall of 2007 of the Federal Reserve, the White House and Congress helped save 8.5 million jobs and increased gross domestic product by 6.5 percent relative to what would have happened had we done nothing… "

"Government action delivered a powerful bang for the buck…"

"We have put the American economy on a firmer foundation for future growth…."
____________________________________________________________________ ____________
Wake up America! Recovery in NOT "just around the corner". America’s economy is in deep, deep trouble.

Yup. And while much of this has been a while in the making, people don't want to hear deflection and blame. They want solutions.

Obama has plenty of blame and no solutions. But, is anybody really surprised? The man's never really even worked for a living. He's lived his whole life in a bubble on somebody else's nickel.
Oh you fucking fucks were born to hate... Don't you know anything? Obama's stimulus was set out to end the recession while not allowing UE to go over 8%, the only reason that stimulus failed so horribly at it's original goal is because Obama and all of his giant panel of expert economists ended up saving us from an unknown, unforeseeable, unexpected, out of nowhere Depression...

If Obama does not get to do another bailout/stimulus soon we will possibly skip that recession we are out of now and just BAM be in that depression Obama himself saved us from...

So keep hating with your "facts" and your "reality" bullshit. Obama saved children, teachers, firefighters, rainbows and you just want to destroy the planet.
Your team crashed the world economy for the second time in one lifetime.

Then you blame the guy who has to clean up your mess by pretending the mess was not so bad.

So which is it , the mess is bad or the mess is not so bad.

make up your minds
Your team crashed the world economy for the second time in one lifetime.

Then you blame the guy who has to clean up your mess by pretending the mess was not so bad.

So which is it , the mess is bad or the mess is not so bad.

make up your minds

And the board idiot chimes in right on queue with her ususal " I know you are but what am I" level response.

Your team crashed the world economy for the second time in one lifetime.

Then you blame the guy who has to clean up your mess by pretending the mess was not so bad.

So which is it , the mess is bad or the mess is not so bad.

make up your minds

Yes they did, those evil filthy oil loving Republicans destroyed the world and thank GOD we have Obama and his team here to fix EVERYTHING. You fucking people hate him because he's black and because he can't magically get UE down after spending trillions but you never think back to when Republicans installed terminators in the WH to kill democrats.

Democrats now have to battle the economy and the entire world by starting new no-wars while at the same time as having red eye terminators chasing them with laser guns.

Fact: All Republicans have killed anyone they have met with an education or that does not dump oil in ponds, lakes and rivers like they do

Fact: Democrats are just better looking than Republicans and that makes Republicans sOOoOoo fucking jealous!
Oh you fucking fucks were born to hate... Don't you know anything? Obama's stimulus was set out to end the recession while not allowing UE to go over 8%, the only reason that stimulus failed so horribly at it's original goal is because Obama and all of his giant panel of expert economists ended up saving us from an unknown, unforeseeable, unexpected, out of nowhere Depression...

If Obama does not get to do another bailout/stimulus soon we will possibly skip that recession we are out of now and just BAM be in that depression Obama himself saved us from...

So keep hating with your "facts" and your "reality" bullshit. Obama saved children, teachers, firefighters, rainbows and you just want to destroy the planet.

Don't forget old people! We want to starve them.
Oh you fucking fucks were born to hate... Don't you know anything? Obama's stimulus was set out to end the recession while not allowing UE to go over 8%, the only reason that stimulus failed so horribly at it's original goal is because Obama and all of his giant panel of expert economists ended up saving us from an unknown, unforeseeable, unexpected, out of nowhere Depression...

If Obama does not get to do another bailout/stimulus soon we will possibly skip that recession we are out of now and just BAM be in that depression Obama himself saved us from...

So keep hating with your "facts" and your "reality" bullshit. Obama saved children, teachers, firefighters, rainbows and you just want to destroy the planet.

Don't forget old people! We want to starve them.

And beat kittens and feed puppies to alligators.
Oh you fucking fucks were born to hate... Don't you know anything? Obama's stimulus was set out to end the recession while not allowing UE to go over 8%, the only reason that stimulus failed so horribly at it's original goal is because Obama and all of his giant panel of expert economists ended up saving us from an unknown, unforeseeable, unexpected, out of nowhere Depression...

If Obama does not get to do another bailout/stimulus soon we will possibly skip that recession we are out of now and just BAM be in that depression Obama himself saved us from...

So keep hating with your "facts" and your "reality" bullshit. Obama saved children, teachers, firefighters, rainbows and you just want to destroy the planet.

Don't forget old people! We want to starve them.

And beat kittens and feed puppies to alligators.

No no no! Alligators are becoming enlightened vegetarians in obama's Utopia.
Your team crashed the world economy for the second time in one lifetime.

Then you blame the guy who has to clean up your mess by pretending the mess was not so bad.

So which is it , the mess is bad or the mess is not so bad.

make up your minds

Yes they did, those evil filthy oil loving Republicans destroyed the world and thank GOD we have Obama and his team here to fix EVERYTHING. You fucking people hate him because he's black and because he can't magically get UE down after spending trillions but you never think back to when Republicans installed terminators in the WH to kill democrats.

Democrats now have to battle the economy and the entire world by starting new no-wars while at the same time as having red eye terminators chasing them with laser guns.

Fact: All Republicans have killed anyone they have met with an education or that does not dump oil in ponds, lakes and rivers like they do

Fact: Democrats are just better looking than Republicans and that makes Republicans sOOoOoo fucking jealous!

We don't like his bigger and bigger Government not because he is black.
Oh you fucking fucks were born to hate... Don't you know anything? Obama's stimulus was set out to end the recession while not allowing UE to go over 8%, the only reason that stimulus failed so horribly at it's original goal is because Obama and all of his giant panel of expert economists ended up saving us from an unknown, unforeseeable, unexpected, out of nowhere Depression...

If Obama does not get to do another bailout/stimulus soon we will possibly skip that recession we are out of now and just BAM be in that depression Obama himself saved us from...

So keep hating with your "facts" and your "reality" bullshit. Obama saved children, teachers, firefighters, rainbows and you just want to destroy the planet.

Don't forget old people! We want to starve them.

And beat kittens and feed puppies to alligators.

Pew pew! Pew pew!

OMFG! The White House terminators are shooting at me now you fucking hacks, you fucking world destroying religious aliens! I’m on their hit list now for outing you wit FACTS and so you set your drones on me!

Common TM, grab that box of doughnuts and let’s get our big bold beautiful selves outa here on these hand electric powered wheelchairs we scoot around in! Us girls gotta roll up on outa of here and plot our shit talking revenge for later tonight. All I can think of atm is “I hate old white people” but your right, that does not sound as factual as just saying “I hate white people.”

I fucking hate you white people and your peace ha8ting terminators!
So you on the right will try to rewrite this history too huh?

The republican party held power while this mess cooked.

They did NOTHING to avert it.

When people would mention just how precarious the economy based on unrealistic housing numbers was the right would cackle about people hating the rich.

They pretended the talk of coming trouble was just the left hating the "progress" Bush was making with the economy.

Then the pan blew up a little early and the mess fell on their watch instead of the next presidents watch.

That doesnt stop the rewriters from pretending this was not created during Bushes watch.

Now that we are in a recovery due to some better policy they are working hard trying to deny the progress made while simultaniously denying that things were bad.

This was the worse economic disastor since the Great Depression. That fact will not be wiped from the memories of anyone but your most gullible party members.

People lived this one and it will be some of the most memorable momments in their lives.

There are people who lost their homes, jobs and nearly eveything.

They are not going to forget GWB standing in front of our nation annoucing that our country was about to collapse.

When you tried to rewrite the history of the Great Depression many people alive had no memory of the incident.

This one will not be accepted even as well as that lie was.

You can try and smear the dead people who fought WWII by saying they were to stupid to see FDR caused the GD and some fools may believe you because their grandparents are now dead.

The people you are trying to smear now are still alive.

They are getting really tired of being told its their fault and we need to reward the ONE class of people in this country that benifited from the whole mess.

Your fighting a losing fight.
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So you on the right will try to rewrite this history too huh?

The republican party held power while this mess cooked.

They did NOTHING to avert it.

When people would mention just how precarious the economy based on unrealistic housing numbers was the right would cackle about people hating the rich.

They pretended the talk of coming trouble was just the left hating the "progress" Bush was making with the economy.

Then the pan blew up a little early and the mess fell on their watch instead of the next presidents watch.

That doesnt stop the rewriters from pretending this was not created during Bushes watch.

Now that we are in a recovery due to some better policy they are working hard trying to deny the progress made while simultaniously denying that things were bad.

This was the worse economic disastor since the Great Depression. That fact will not be wiped from the memories of anyone but your most gullible party members.

People lived this one and it will be some of the most memorable momments in their lives.

There are people who lost their homes, jobs and nearly eveything.

They are not going to forget GWB standing in front of our nation annoucing that our country was about to collapse.

When you tried to rewrite the history of the Great Depression many people alive had no memory of the incident.

This one will not be accepted even as well as that lie was.

You can try and smear the dead people who fought WWII by saying they were to stupid to see FDR caused the GD and some fools may believe you because their grandparents are now dead.

The people you are trying to smear now are still alive.

They are getting really tired of being told its their fault and we need to reward the ONE class of people in this country that benifited from the whole mess.

Your fighting a losing fight.

Yes! FUCK WHITE PEOPEL! I love Obama!

I wit you gurl!
Thanks for laying out all those facts, a sad reality but reality nevertheless.

I think the Fed deserves most the blame, but both our parties get a nice chunk of blame for spending like a teenage girl with her stepdad's credit card.

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