Obama's dream of collapsing the U.S. economy is finally here


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
New orders for manufactured durable goods in August decreased $30.1 billion or 13.2 percent to $198.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau announced today. This decrease, down following three consecutive monthly increases, was the largest decrease since January 2009 and followed a 3.3 percent July increase. Excluding transportation, new orders decreased 1.6 percent. Excluding defense, new orders decreased 12.4 percent. Transportation equipment, down following four consecutive monthly increases, had the largest decrease, $27.8 billion or 34.9 percent to $51.9 billion.

Shipments of manufactured durable goods in August, down two of the last three months, decreased $6.8 billion or 3.0 percent to $222.5 billion. This was also the largest decrease since January 2009 and followed a 1.9 percent July increase. Transportation equipment, down two of the last three months, had the largest decrease, $5.5 billion or 7.9 percent to $63.9 billion.

The Obama Administration is actually purchasing their own debt now. China has stopped purchasing our bonds, so the Obama Administration (in their infinite wisdom) is buying it from themselves. The inflation that is on the horizon will surpass that which we experienced under Jimmy Carter. The US dollar is about to be worth less than the Mexican peso.

Lindsey said that with the Fed purchasing at least $40 billion a month in mortgage debt through QE3, "they are buying the entire deficit."

Fed Virtually Funding the Entire US Deficit: Lindsey - US Business News - CNBC
dear idiot your team is the one who crashed everything just a few years ago.

Your team is the one who refuses to fix anything and want all sorts of sectors in the government be drowned in the bath tub.

Your team is the one who says what our founders gave us is evil.

Government is not the enemy.

The republican party has said right out loud they want the only control the people have over the wealthy who wish to enslave us all economically to their will dead.

without government what did the world look like in the past?

that is what you will have again when the right kills our government
dear idiot your team is the one who crashed everything just a few years ago.

Your team is the one who refuses to fix anything and want all sorts of sectors in the government be drowned in the bath tub.

Your team is the one who says what our founders gave us is evil.

Government is not the enemy.

The republican party has said right out loud they want the only control the people have over the wealthy who wish to enslave us all economically to their will dead.

without government what did the world look like in the past?

that is what you will have again when the right kills our government

hey dipshit.....we get recessions on a regular basis.....and recover from them regularly too....

but with Obama we haven't recovered because he doesn't want us to....he doesn't care if the American people suffer....

Obama wants to pull down the USA to become a more "manageable" country controlled by socialist world powers....
New orders for manufactured durable goods in August decreased $30.1 billion or 13.2 percent to $198.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau announced today. This decrease, down following three consecutive monthly increases, was the largest decrease since January 2009 and followed a 3.3 percent July increase. Excluding transportation, new orders decreased 1.6 percent. Excluding defense, new orders decreased 12.4 percent. Transportation equipment, down following four consecutive monthly increases, had the largest decrease, $27.8 billion or 34.9 percent to $51.9 billion.

Shipments of manufactured durable goods in August, down two of the last three months, decreased $6.8 billion or 3.0 percent to $222.5 billion. This was also the largest decrease since January 2009 and followed a 1.9 percent July increase. Transportation equipment, down two of the last three months, had the largest decrease, $5.5 billion or 7.9 percent to $63.9 billion.

Well, Rottweiler, foreigners do look over here once in a while.

They are seeing a President lying to his people, calling half of his people his enemies, making the other half filled with racial hatred by his constant playing of the race card, and they are thinking "civil war."

This avarice on the part of President Obama will harm the people of the United States by turning off friends, making us prey to international enemies who say they would like to wipe us off the face of the map, and is destroying our trade market.

He started off by destroying the domestic energy industry when he shut down American drilling in our own waters by presidential fiat. that brought 3 communistic countries into America's drilling areas from Cuba and their buddies, the Russians, who are building rocket launch facilities across the gulf to "protect" drilling in America's waters with punitive measures, and also China, who is drilling in coordination with Cuba's instructions.

Obama doesn't know what the hell he's doing to the country whose constitution and laws he is supposed to uphold, protecting America, not exposing them to enemy warheads.

We need him voted out for that reason and that alone.

His imbalanced budget situation brought about by his determination to do just what you're saying--collapsing the U.S. Economy--is clearly illustrated by two things: no budget in 4 years, and overspending with a Democrat majority Congress for 2 years that has now resulted in a $16 Trillion dollar U. S. National Debt.

Obama's learned opinion that our deficit of $1.3 trillion that he inherited when he took office. It is now at $16 trillion: US Debt Clock in Real Time:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jJvkkNmR_8"]Obama Declares Plan to Cut Deficit in Half - YouTube[/ame]

He not only didn't reduce Bush's $1.3 trillion deficit by his own words, it's now $16 Trillion. That's not the fault of President Bush.
New orders for manufactured durable goods in August decreased $30.1 billion or 13.2 percent to $198.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau announced today. This decrease, down following three consecutive monthly increases, was the largest decrease since January 2009 and followed a 3.3 percent July increase. Excluding transportation, new orders decreased 1.6 percent. Excluding defense, new orders decreased 12.4 percent. Transportation equipment, down following four consecutive monthly increases, had the largest decrease, $27.8 billion or 34.9 percent to $51.9 billion.

Shipments of manufactured durable goods in August, down two of the last three months, decreased $6.8 billion or 3.0 percent to $222.5 billion. This was also the largest decrease since January 2009 and followed a 1.9 percent July increase. Transportation equipment, down two of the last three months, had the largest decrease, $5.5 billion or 7.9 percent to $63.9 billion.


Obama's dream? Let's look at Grover Norquist and the efforts of the GOP to Starve the Beast. Their plan, not Obama's.
New orders for manufactured durable goods in August decreased $30.1 billion or 13.2 percent to $198.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau announced today. This decrease, down following three consecutive monthly increases, was the largest decrease since January 2009 and followed a 3.3 percent July increase. Excluding transportation, new orders decreased 1.6 percent. Excluding defense, new orders decreased 12.4 percent. Transportation equipment, down following four consecutive monthly increases, had the largest decrease, $27.8 billion or 34.9 percent to $51.9 billion.

Shipments of manufactured durable goods in August, down two of the last three months, decreased $6.8 billion or 3.0 percent to $222.5 billion. This was also the largest decrease since January 2009 and followed a 1.9 percent July increase. Transportation equipment, down two of the last three months, had the largest decrease, $5.5 billion or 7.9 percent to $63.9 billion.

Well, Rottweiler, foreigners do look over here once in a while.

They are seeing a President lying to his people, calling half of his people his enemies, making the other half filled with racial hatred by his constant playing of the race card, and they are thinking "civil war."

This avarice on the part of President Obama will harm the people of the United States by turning off friends, making us prey to international enemies who say they would like to wipe us off the face of the map, and is destroying our trade market.

He started off by destroying the domestic energy industry when he shut down American drilling in our own waters by presidential fiat. that brought 3 communistic countries into America's drilling areas from Cuba and their buddies, the Russians, who are building rocket launch facilities across the gulf to "protect" drilling in America's waters with punitive measures, and also China, who is drilling in coordination with Cuba's instructions.

Obama doesn't know what the hell he's doing to the country whose constitution and laws he is supposed to uphold, protecting America, not exposing them to enemy warheads.

We need him voted out for that reason and that alone.

His imbalanced budget situation brought about by his determination to do just what you're saying--collapsing the U.S. Economy--is clearly illustrated by two things: no budget in 4 years, and overspending with a Democrat majority Congress for 2 years that has now resulted in a $16 Trillion dollar U. S. National Debt.

Obama's learned opinion that our deficit of $1.3 trillion that he inherited when he took office. It is now at $16 trillion: US Debt Clock in Real Time:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jJvkkNmR_8"]Obama Declares Plan to Cut Deficit in Half - YouTube[/ame]

He not only didn't reduce Bush's $1.3 trillion deficit by his own words, it's now $16 Trillion. That's not the fault of President Bush.

Where did the mammoth US budget deficits come from? - Yahoo! News
Wry, they do not want the truth they love the myth that Obama is the all powerful messiah who can singlehandedly collapse the economy despite a republican controlled house.
New orders for manufactured durable goods in August decreased $30.1 billion or 13.2 percent to $198.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau announced today. This decrease, down following three consecutive monthly increases, was the largest decrease since January 2009 and followed a 3.3 percent July increase. Excluding transportation, new orders decreased 1.6 percent. Excluding defense, new orders decreased 12.4 percent. Transportation equipment, down following four consecutive monthly increases, had the largest decrease, $27.8 billion or 34.9 percent to $51.9 billion.

Shipments of manufactured durable goods in August, down two of the last three months, decreased $6.8 billion or 3.0 percent to $222.5 billion. This was also the largest decrease since January 2009 and followed a 1.9 percent July increase. Transportation equipment, down two of the last three months, had the largest decrease, $5.5 billion or 7.9 percent to $63.9 billion.

Well, Rottweiler, foreigners do look over here once in a while.

They are seeing a President lying to his people, calling half of his people his enemies, making the other half filled with racial hatred by his constant playing of the race card, and they are thinking "civil war."

This avarice on the part of President Obama will harm the people of the United States by turning off friends, making us prey to international enemies who say they would like to wipe us off the face of the map, and is destroying our trade market.

He started off by destroying the domestic energy industry when he shut down American drilling in our own waters by presidential fiat. that brought 3 communistic countries into America's drilling areas from Cuba and their buddies, the Russians, who are building rocket launch facilities across the gulf to "protect" drilling in America's waters with punitive measures, and also China, who is drilling in coordination with Cuba's instructions.

Obama doesn't know what the hell he's doing to the country whose constitution and laws he is supposed to uphold, protecting America, not exposing them to enemy warheads.

We need him voted out for that reason and that alone.

His imbalanced budget situation brought about by his determination to do just what you're saying--collapsing the U.S. Economy--is clearly illustrated by two things: no budget in 4 years, and overspending with a Democrat majority Congress for 2 years that has now resulted in a $16 Trillion dollar U. S. National Debt.

Obama's learned opinion that our deficit of $1.3 trillion that he inherited when he took office. It is now at $16 trillion: US Debt Clock in Real Time:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jJvkkNmR_8"]Obama Declares Plan to Cut Deficit in Half - YouTube[/ame]

He not only didn't reduce Bush's $1.3 trillion deficit by his own words, it's now $16 Trillion. That's not the fault of President Bush.

Some dipshits know the difference between annual budget defecit and national debt.
Some apparently do not.
Wry, they do not want the truth they love the myth that Obama is the all powerful messiah who can singlehandedly collapse the economy despite a republican controlled house.

With the US economy burning to the ground along with high unemployment over the past three years O looks nothing like a messiah. More like a Jimeh.
dear idiot your team is the one who crashed everything just a few years ago.

Your team is the one who refuses to fix anything and want all sorts of sectors in the government be drowned in the bath tub.

Your team is the one who says what our founders gave us is evil.

Government is not the enemy.

The republican party has said right out loud they want the only control the people have over the wealthy who wish to enslave us all economically to their will dead.

without government what did the world look like in the past?

that is what you will have again when the right kills our government

hey dipshit.....we get recessions on a regular basis.....and recover from them regularly too....

but with Obama we haven't recovered because he doesn't want us to....he doesn't care if the American people suffer....

Obama wants to pull down the USA to become a more "manageable" country controlled by socialist world powers....

And your proof is what?

No No No you are not allowed to pull the answer out of your ass
Wry, they do not want the truth they love the myth that Obama is the all powerful messiah who can singlehandedly collapse the economy despite a republican controlled house.

With the US economy burning to the ground along with high unemployment over the past three years O looks nothing like a messiah. More like a Jimeh.

please go get the facts that support this claim
Obama is getting exactly what he wants.
The economy crashes.People become more dependent on government.
People needs Democrats to legislate for them.
People vote Democrat.

The circle of life for the Libs.
Thousands of coal miners are facing layoffs and Obozo's Green Energy program will result in skyrocketing energy costs which will further burden the American people.

Hundreds of manufacturing facilities are facing closure due to onerous government rules and regulations.

Even more defense-related plants are facing closure with the loss of thousands of highly-skilled workers who will have little choice but to go where the jobs are - highly likely to be overseas.

Another four years of this and we will fall to Third World status with massive food kitchen lines and squatters camps.

Ever looked at TV parks lately? Filled with full-time residents who've been forced from their homes and find it cheaper to live there.

How's all that Hope and Change working for ya? :cool:
Wry, they do not want the truth they love the myth that Obama is the all powerful messiah who can singlehandedly collapse the economy despite a republican controlled house.

With the US economy burning to the ground along with high unemployment over the past three years O looks nothing like a messiah. More like a Jimeh.

please go get the facts that support this claim

High unemployment, economy in tatters. Correlate it with Jimmeh's four years. Go find it yourself and quit being lazy. This isnt news.
Thousands of coal miners are facing layoffs and Obozo's Green Energy program will result in skyrocketing energy costs which will further burden the American people.citation needed

Hundreds of manufacturing facilities are facing closure due to onerous government rules and regulations.which laws

Even more defense-related plants are facing closure with the loss of thousands of highly-skilled workers who will have little choice but to go where the jobs are - highly likely to be overseas.citation needed

Another four years of this and we will fall to Third World status with massive food kitchen lines and squatters camps.please retrieve the economic data that supports this calim

Ever looked at TV parks lately? Filled with full-time residents who've been forced from their homes and find it cheaper to live there.this makes no sense

How's all that Hope and Change working for ya? :cool:

can you provide any facts?

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