Obama's administration issues new Goat herder legislation--This is not a JOKE


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
The Obama administration is setting new workplace regulations to assist foreign workers who fill goat herding positions in the U.S. , including employee-paid cell phones and comfy beds.

These new special procedures issued by the Labor Department must be followed by employers who want to hire temporary agricultural foreign workers to perform sheep herding or goat herding activities. It describes strict rules for sleeping quarters, lighting, food storage, bathing, laundry, cooking and new rules for the counters where food is prepared.

“A separate sleeping unit shall be provided for each person, except in a family arrangement,” says the rules signed by Jane Oates, assistant secretary for employment and training administration at the Labor Department.

“Such a unit shall include a comfortable bed, cot or bunk, with a clean mattress,” the rules state.

Diane Katz, a research fellow in regulatory policy at The Heritage Foundation, unearthed the policy in the "Federal Register," the massive daily journal of proposed regulations that Washington bureaucrats publish every day.

Team Obama Regulates Goat Herders' Workplaces - HUMAN EVENTS

Now--we have to wonder how many taxpayer dollars are going to go to new Federal government agents--who are going to track down these herds of GOATS--and make certain that all GOAT HERDERS are properly taken care of under these new regulations.
The Obama administration is setting new workplace regulations to assist foreign workers who fill goat herding positions in the U.S. , including employee-paid cell phones and comfy beds.

These new special procedures issued by the Labor Department must be followed by employers who want to hire temporary agricultural foreign workers to perform sheep herding or goat herding activities. It describes strict rules for sleeping quarters, lighting, food storage, bathing, laundry, cooking and new rules for the counters where food is prepared.

“A separate sleeping unit shall be provided for each person, except in a family arrangement,” says the rules signed by Jane Oates, assistant secretary for employment and training administration at the Labor Department.

“Such a unit shall include a comfortable bed, cot or bunk, with a clean mattress,” the rules state.

Diane Katz, a research fellow in regulatory policy at The Heritage Foundation, unearthed the policy in the "Federal Register," the massive daily journal of proposed regulations that Washington bureaucrats publish every day.

Team Obama Regulates Goat Herders' Workplaces - HUMAN EVENTS

Now--we have to wonder how many taxpayer dollars are going to go to new Federal government agents--who are going to track down these herds of GOATS--and make certain that all GOAT HERDERS are properly taken care of under these new regulations.

The closer we get to the eminent defeat of President Obama in 2012 I believe the more extremist and fanatical actions this administration will take.
Is that their jobs plan??:lol:

Well maybe---:lol: New Goat Herder legislation to protect all those Americans that are looking for goat and sheep herder work--makes sense to me---:lol:

A few weeks ago--we had another Federal government regulation--where kids growing up on farms--and learn to drive and operate farming machinery at an early age--were required to get licensed for it.

The farming communities across this country had a FIT over that--so the Federal government backed off.
Avatar is going to be pissed!

$Ram it down.jpg

They did it too--and plan on doing it again in 2012--:lol:

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the rules cn only emante from the Dept of Agriculture, but sep is the month that starts the bull movement record keeping requirement
The Obama administration is setting new workplace regulations to assist foreign workers who fill goat herding positions in the U.S. , including employee-paid cell phones and comfy beds.

These new special procedures issued by the Labor Department must be followed by employers who want to hire temporary agricultural foreign workers to perform sheep herding or goat herding activities. It describes strict rules for sleeping quarters, lighting, food storage, bathing, laundry, cooking and new rules for the counters where food is prepared.

“A separate sleeping unit shall be provided for each person, except in a family arrangement,” says the rules signed by Jane Oates, assistant secretary for employment and training administration at the Labor Department.

“Such a unit shall include a comfortable bed, cot or bunk, with a clean mattress,” the rules state.

Diane Katz, a research fellow in regulatory policy at The Heritage Foundation, unearthed the policy in the "Federal Register," the massive daily journal of proposed regulations that Washington bureaucrats publish every day.

Team Obama Regulates Goat Herders' Workplaces - HUMAN EVENTS

Now--we have to wonder how many taxpayer dollars are going to go to new Federal government agents--who are going to track down these herds of GOATS--and make certain that all GOAT HERDERS are properly taken care of under these new regulations.

The Obama administration is setting new workplace regulations to assist foreign workers who fill goat herding positions in the U.S. , including employee-paid cell phones and comfy beds.

These new special procedures issued by the Labor Department must be followed by employers who want to hire temporary agricultural foreign workers to perform sheep herding or goat herding activities. It describes strict rules for sleeping quarters, lighting, food storage, bathing, laundry, cooking and new rules for the counters where food is prepared.

“A separate sleeping unit shall be provided for each person, except in a family arrangement,” says the rules signed by Jane Oates, assistant secretary for employment and training administration at the Labor Department.

“Such a unit shall include a comfortable bed, cot or bunk, with a clean mattress,” the rules state.

Diane Katz, a research fellow in regulatory policy at The Heritage Foundation, unearthed the policy in the "Federal Register," the massive daily journal of proposed regulations that Washington bureaucrats publish every day.

Team Obama Regulates Goat Herders' Workplaces - HUMAN EVENTS

Now--we have to wonder how many taxpayer dollars are going to go to new Federal government agents--who are going to track down these herds of GOATS--and make certain that all GOAT HERDERS are properly taken care of under these new regulations.

I call FOUL what of cows? Camels? Deer? Alpacas? Equal representation...~!
The Obama administration is setting new workplace regulations to assist foreign workers who fill goat herding positions in the U.S. , including employee-paid cell phones and comfy beds.

These new special procedures issued by the Labor Department must be followed by employers who want to hire temporary agricultural foreign workers to perform sheep herding or goat herding activities. It describes strict rules for sleeping quarters, lighting, food storage, bathing, laundry, cooking and new rules for the counters where food is prepared.

“A separate sleeping unit shall be provided for each person, except in a family arrangement,” says the rules signed by Jane Oates, assistant secretary for employment and training administration at the Labor Department.

“Such a unit shall include a comfortable bed, cot or bunk, with a clean mattress,” the rules state.

Diane Katz, a research fellow in regulatory policy at The Heritage Foundation, unearthed the policy in the "Federal Register," the massive daily journal of proposed regulations that Washington bureaucrats publish every day.

Team Obama Regulates Goat Herders' Workplaces - HUMAN EVENTS

Now--we have to wonder how many taxpayer dollars are going to go to new Federal government agents--who are going to track down these herds of GOATS--and make certain that all GOAT HERDERS are properly taken care of under these new regulations.

I call FOUL what of cows? Camels? Deer? Alpacas? Equal representation...~!

I totally agree with you--I see discrimination--here. What about the cows--chickens--and pig caregivers. Where are their rights in all of this?--:cuckoo:
The Obama administration is setting new workplace regulations to assist foreign workers who fill goat herding positions in the U.S. , including employee-paid cell phones and comfy beds.

These new special procedures issued by the Labor Department must be followed by employers who want to hire temporary agricultural foreign workers to perform sheep herding or goat herding activities. It describes strict rules for sleeping quarters, lighting, food storage, bathing, laundry, cooking and new rules for the counters where food is prepared.

“A separate sleeping unit shall be provided for each person, except in a family arrangement,” says the rules signed by Jane Oates, assistant secretary for employment and training administration at the Labor Department.

“Such a unit shall include a comfortable bed, cot or bunk, with a clean mattress,” the rules state.

Diane Katz, a research fellow in regulatory policy at The Heritage Foundation, unearthed the policy in the "Federal Register," the massive daily journal of proposed regulations that Washington bureaucrats publish every day.

Team Obama Regulates Goat Herders' Workplaces - HUMAN EVENTS

Now--we have to wonder how many taxpayer dollars are going to go to new Federal government agents--who are going to track down these herds of GOATS--and make certain that all GOAT HERDERS are properly taken care of under these new regulations.

The closer we get to the eminent defeat of President Obama in 2012 I believe the more extremist and fanatical actions this administration will take.

It couldn't be more clear that the pig caregivers have been discriminated against. It's time they form a union = and get in gear here.

I would Laugh but this story is actually evidence of one of the most seriously destructive parts of Obama's Presidency. His use of Federal Agencies and Regulations to dump BILLIONS of dollars in new costs of Doing Business and Employing people on American Business.
The new lighting standards say that in areas where it is not feasible to provide electrical service such as tents or mobile trailers, lanterns must be provided. “Kerosene wick lights meet the definition of lantern,” the regulations say.

Seems reasonable to me.

“Such a unit shall include a comfortable bed, cot or bunk, with a clean mattress,” the rules state.

My lord, the idea that someone whose job requires them to sleep at the job site on a regular basis should have cot to sleep in, its an atrocity!
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okay, let me get this straight....

37 million wasted on some goats and beds for goats is bad but spending trillions in Iraq building infrastructure for Muslims is just fine? the math does not add up with this group, never has, never will.

Its absolutely insane the right spends time, ink, or even digital code on such stories. Its like this current crop of Republicans just flew down form the kookoo's nest and woke up. weirdness.
Team Obama Regulates Goat Herders' Workplaces - HUMAN EVENTS

Now--we have to wonder how many taxpayer dollars are going to go to new Federal government agents--who are going to track down these herds of GOATS--and make certain that all GOAT HERDERS are properly taken care of under these new regulations.

I call FOUL what of cows? Camels? Deer? Alpacas? Equal representation...~!

I totally agree with you--I see discrimination--here. What about the cows--chickens--and pig caregivers. Where are their rights in all of this?--:cuckoo:
In 30 year's someone will interpret the 14th amendment to mean that people are not allowed to have goats and that everyone, goat herder or otherwise must have a clean comfortable mattress and roommates will be outlawed.

okay, let me get this straight....

37 million wasted on some goats and beds for goats is bad but spending trillions in Iraq building infrastructure for Muslims is just fine? the math does not add up with this group, never has, never will.

Its absolutely insane the right spends time, ink, or even digital code on such stories. Its like this current crop of Republicans just flew down form the kookoo's nest and woke up. weirdness.

^^^ This post is funny on so many levels. :lol::lol::lol:

$37m on beds for goats. :lol::lol: Even Obama isn't THAT stupid.

Oh wait.....

Yea..... I see your point.
honestly, this is what the right crows about yet we have trillions spent in Iraq. It just reeks of irresponsibility and smugness.

Its common sense the Govt wastes money, in many areas. Would it not be logical to worry about the high cost waste Bi-products first? not goat beds..... ya feel me.

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