

Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

I would like to see right wing nut’s salary cut, retirement and healthcare benefits eliminated and wee how they feel.

I would like to see them stand in line at the welfare and unemployment office and told their benefits were ended. How would they pay of shelter, food and healthcare.

Sharron Angle need to crawl back into the cave she’s been living in. I want to ask her where the hell are those jobs she claim Obama is not creating that the unemployed should go out an get. Unemployment do not pay mortgages, buy food and pay for healthcare. And to say people would prefer this to a job is lunacy.

If right wing nuts want to be conservative, they need to stop funding the two unnecessary wars the free no one and keep on one safe and stop giving money to other countries like Israel and Mexico and stop giving tax breaks to the wealthy friends.

Is there a virus going around among the right wing nuts and village idiots that cause them to act crazy? Is it contagious? Is there a vaccination for it? Do they need to be quarantined? Is it fatal? Yes, it’s virus call Obamanitis. Rush, Beck, Bachman, FOXNEWS, O’Reilly, Sharron Angles, etc has it. Symptoms; what every Obama want to do, oppose it vigorously
Yes, it’s virus call Obamanitis. Rush, Beck, Bachman, FOXNEWS, O’Reilly, Sharron Angles, etc has it. Symptoms; what every Obama want to do, oppose it vigorously
.....And, it's KILLIN' JOHN BONER!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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