Obamacare fraud: Like no one saw that coming

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
The bad news on Obamacare just keeps rolling in. And this despite the fact that many provisions have been illegally delayed and changed by EO. In fact, we might wonder if Obamacare was ever even passed, given its implementation has resulted in something that looks nothing like Obamacare.
But here is a story about people committing fraud, which was predicted because the subsidies were available to anyone who self reported (i.e. lied) about their income and assets.

ASHINGTON (AP) — Undercover investigators using fake identities were able to secure taxpayer-subsidized health insurance under President Barack Obama's health care law.

The weak link in the system seemed to be call centers that handled applications for thousands of consumers unable to get through online.

The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office was to tell a House committee on Wednesday that its investigators were able to get subsidized health care under fake names in 11 out of 18 attempts.

The GAO is still paying premiums for the policies, even as the Obama administration attempts to verify phony documentation. Those additional checks appeared to need tightening; the GAO said parts of the fake documentation it submitted for two applications actually got verified.

The agency's findings are contained in testimony to be delivered at the House Ways and Means Committee hearing. An advance copy was provided to The Associated Press.

The GAO report will provide another line of attack for Republican lawmakers who have relentlessly tried to kill the 2010 Affordable Care Act. It raises questions about new sorts of flaws in the enrollment system for HealthCare.gov, which experienced major technical problems when it went live last fall. Ultimately, 8 million people managed to sign up for subsidized health care in federal and state exchanges that handled "Obamacare" enrollment.
more at the source

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