Obamacare falling apart, democrats desperate

Eleven More ObamaCare Coops About To Go Under


This about the 5th or 6th website reporting this.

Federal officials have a secret list of eleven ObamaCare health insurance co-ops they fear are on the verge of failure, but they refuse to disclose them to the public or to Congress, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation has learned

Story w/links @ Political Pistachio: Eleven More ObamaCare Coops About To Go Under

This doesn't include stories about ACA enrollments being very far below projections when it was enacted.
dear, do you even read the articles you cite?

The study suggests that another reason could be the long wait-times within the Canadian health care system and suggests this as another possible reason for patients leaving. In a 2014 study by the Commonwealth Fund, a private American health care reform and international health policy organization, Canada had the second-worst overall ranking among the health care systems of 11 industrialized nations and ranked last in the wait-time category. Only the American health care system ranked worse overall.
dear, do you even read the articles you cite?

The study suggests that another reason could be the long wait-times within the Canadian health care system and suggests this as another possible reason for patients leaving. In a 2014 study by the Commonwealth Fund, a private American health care reform and international health policy organization, Canada had the second-worst overall ranking among the health care systems of 11 industrialized nations and ranked last in the wait-time category. Only the American health care system ranked worse overall.

So how did they come up with the U.S. ranking?
Did they only pole people living under over passes? Or was the pole done after the implementation of obamacare?
Thats why it should have been an opt in or out choice, for instance I have no right to health care.
I have right to earn health care though...
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Well, the position that the federal govt has no role in helping people obtain Healthcare is not politically tenable. The political landscape is forever changed by Obamacare. Aside from potentially bringing the govt to a shutdown, the 30 or so House gopers who would say differently are irrelevant.
Well, the position that the federal govt has no role in helping people obtain Healthcare is not politically tenable. The political landscape is forever changed by Obamacare. Aside from potentially bringing the govt to a shutdown, the 30 or so House gopers who would say differently are irrelevant.
The nation rejected Obamacare RESOUNDINGLY. They didn't want it, they hated it, and they still hate it and don't want it. They were sold out by liars and tyrants.
dear, do you even read the articles you cite?

The study suggests that another reason could be the long wait-times within the Canadian health care system and suggests this as another possible reason for patients leaving. In a 2014 study by the Commonwealth Fund, a private American health care reform and international health policy organization, Canada had the second-worst overall ranking among the health care systems of 11 industrialized nations and ranked last in the wait-time category. Only the American health care system ranked worse overall.

So how did they come up with the U.S. ranking?
Did they only pole people living under over passes? Or was the pole done after the implementation of obamacare?
don't know; it is not my citation.
speaking of Obamacare going under, hows that little defunding thing working out for all you RW's?

oh yeah .....
It is going exactly as I have been saying for years.


The outcome will be a catastrophe. ObamaCare will bankrupt the federal budget as well as most state budgets. Eventually, it will be so disastrous that the American people will cry out for single payer healthcare. Obama will be well into retirement at that point, laughing his ass off on the golf course. If I am wrong on this point, it will be that it will happen sooner than I expect.
We told you, libs and dems. But you passed the POS shit bill anyway

Obamacare Falls Short on Sign-Ups While Co-Op System Crumbles
Finish it. Democrats desperate.....................to stop Republicans from fucking over the middle class and the poor again and again and again and again and................................
The middle class is being destroyed by your friends rtard. We're the ones supporting you....
YOU are middle-class? Since when?
speaking of Obamacare going under, hows that little defunding thing working out for all you RW's?

oh yeah .....
We take comfort in the fact that the entitlement whores like you are getting progressively more shitty care.

people who BUY a policy through the ACA are entitlement whores>

better look up entitlement one of these days.
speaking of Obamacare going under, hows that little defunding thing working out for all you RW's?

oh yeah .....
We take comfort in the fact that the entitlement whores like you are getting progressively more shitty care.

people who BUY a policy through the ACA are entitlement whores>

better look up entitlement one of these days.

No one who can buy private insurance would ever buy obama insurance.
The National Post and the Fraser Institute, who did the studies, are both very Conservative organizations. The Fraser Institiute is opposed to the Canadian Health Care model, favouring US for profit healthcare. This study is done by asking doctors what percentage of their patients seek treatment outside of Canada. Its numbers are highly suspect.

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