OBAMACARE: 32 Million New Patients, 46% less MDs

OBAMACARE: 32 Million New Patients, 46% less M.D.s


It just says when Obama care kicks in, 40 +% will leave practice. So what is the big deal about rationing? This is a capitalist system, correct? Someone will step up and take these quitters place. No problem. The world is full of physicians ready and willing to fill the slot.
High deductible plans such as those won't meet the mandates, because they would not cover any preventative care.

You mean someone else would pay for them to carry insurance they did not want to?

You mean like Rand Pauls proposed $2000 deductable for medicare?

Everyone should have an option for a high deductible plan.

Meidcare does. Just get the basic Medicare and that is what you have.
You have to get supplemental plans for medicines and covering more than 80%
You mean like Rand Pauls proposed $2000 deductable for medicare?

Everyone should have an option for a high deductible plan.

Meidcare does. Just get the basic Medicare and that is what you have.
You have to get supplemental plans for medicines and covering more than 80%

Supplemental plans are being pushed over a cliff by Obamacare, which is also cutting Medicare to pay for itself.

So it's already beingn dismantled.
OBAMACARE: 32 Million New Patients, 46% less M.D.s


It just says when Obama care kicks in, 40 +% will leave practice. So what is the big deal about rationing? This is a capitalist system, correct? Someone will step up and take these quitters place. No problem. The world is full of physicians ready and willing to fill the slot.

You are in denial of the facts. This Nation Has a serious shortage of new Doctors to replace old ones already. Yet you think We have Millions just waiting to step up and take their place. You think that adding 32 Million new customers to a system already short on supply will have no effect. You think Doctors will just appear out of thin air to replace the ones going out.

Going to school to be a doctor is an extreme hard, long and expensive thing to do, and less people than we need have been doing it for years.

Wake up man.
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OBAMACARE: 32 Million New Patients, 46% less M.D.s


It just says when Obama care kicks in, 40 +% will leave practice. So what is the big deal about rationing? This is a capitalist system, correct? Someone will step up and take these quitters place. No problem. The world is full of physicians ready and willing to fill the slot.

You are in denial of the facts. This Nation Has a serious shortage of new Doctors to replace old ones already.

By some calculations a 30% surplus. Hell, you worried, end the ME war. Its full of doctors.
Medicine: Surplus Doctors - TIME

Yet you think We have Millions just waiting to step up and take their place. You think that adding 32 Million new customers to a system already short on supply will have no effect. You think Doctors will just appear out of thin air to replace the ones going out.

Speaking of effect, patients do better with less doctors. Shock!! :eek:

Going to school to be a doctor is an extreme hard, long and expensive thing to do, and less people than we need have been doing it for years. Wake up man.

Pleanty of doctors dude. The world is full of them, graduating every year like clock work. Now if you want more doctors to turn you drip, I suggest you start helping all these starving children and juvenile deliquents and highschool students you abandon each year. Otherwise, your next doctor may speak Mombo from the Congo........:lol::lol:
Dude, that Time Magazine link was from a story from 1932. Check out the medical school prices:

How to prevent this surplus? Some medical schools have increased their fees. Johns Hopkins charges $610 tuition a year. Nine others charge $500 or more. Only six charge less than $100. Fifteen schools will not give a medical degree until the graduate has put in a year as intern, in many cases without salary. Especially hard are U. S. examining boards on graduates of foreign medical schools.
It just says when Obama care kicks in, 40 +% will leave practice. So what is the big deal about rationing? This is a capitalist system, correct? Someone will step up and take these quitters place. No problem. The world is full of physicians ready and willing to fill the slot.

You are in denial of the facts. This Nation Has a serious shortage of new Doctors to replace old ones already.

By some calculations a 30% surplus. Hell, you worried, end the ME war. Its full of doctors.
Medicine: Surplus Doctors - TIME

Yet you think We have Millions just waiting to step up and take their place. You think that adding 32 Million new customers to a system already short on supply will have no effect. You think Doctors will just appear out of thin air to replace the ones going out.

Speaking of effect, patients do better with less doctors. Shock!! :eek:

Going to school to be a doctor is an extreme hard, long and expensive thing to do, and less people than we need have been doing it for years. Wake up man.

Pleanty of doctors dude. The world is full of them, graduating every year like clock work. Now if you want more doctors to turn you drip, I suggest you start helping all these starving children and juvenile deliquents and highschool students you abandon each year. Otherwise, your next doctor may speak Mombo from the Congo........:lol::lol:

The U.S. medical system hasn't been a capitalist one in years... and now this. Hence the problems.
Nope, no problem, and, soggy and friends, you are all going to help pay for it.
OBAMACARE: 32 Million New Patients, 46% less M.D.s


It just says when Obama care kicks in, 40 +% will leave practice. So what is the big deal about rationing? This is a capitalist system, correct? Someone will step up and take these quitters place. No problem. The world is full of physicians ready and willing to fill the slot.


It is understandable if you think Affirmative Actioned PH.Ds speicializing in LIBERAL Sociology and Shit like MULTI-CULTURISM or DIVERSITY can be easily replaced with ditchdiggers and the like......

But, you are in La La Land if you think that the qualifications for MDs are so insignificant as can be as easily replaced as anything ridiculous as ditchdiggers, etc....?????

Idiotic statements like that prove that you are a certified fool.
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Going to school to be a doctor is an extreme hard, long and expensive thing to do, and less people than we need have been doing it for years. Wake up man.

Pleanty of doctors dude. The world is full of them, graduating every year like clock work. :

You are dead wrong on the facts. America is and has been in the grips of a shortage of Doctors for some time.
FACT TWO: Given the data, there is a projection that there will be 46% less MDs. True or False ?
False. Look, if you want to flip out hardcore about completely subjective opinions about how health MIGHT be in the future, be my guest. But we're not losing half our doctors. There is absolutely no evidence to support such a ridiculous claim. Medical schools are still packed every year, and increasing their capacity. You can complain about cost or how hard it is, but this country is increasing the number of MDs created each year.

Hacks are Harvard lawyers whose only connection to health care are providers and carriers they have sued.
Sound like someone is a little jealous they didn't quite get the education they wanted. :lol:
FACT TWO: Given the data, there is a projection that there will be 46% less MDs. True or False ?
False. Look, if you want to flip out hardcore about completely subjective opinions about how health MIGHT be in the future, be my guest. But we're not losing half our doctors. There is absolutely no evidence to support such a ridiculous claim. Medical schools are still packed every year, and increasing their capacity. You can complain about cost or how hard it is, but this country is increasing the number of MDs created each year.

Hacks are Harvard lawyers whose only connection to health care are providers and carriers they have sued.
Sound like someone is a little jealous they didn't quite get the education they wanted. :lol:

Even if you may be correct in admitting MDs with lesser qualifications to satisfy the projected shortages of the more qualified MDs.......that number will just BARELY equal the number leaving the Medical Practice. ONE WOULD STILL FACE THE NECESSITY OF THE ADDITIONAL NUMBER OF MDs NECESSARY TO TAKE CARE OF THE ADDITIONAL 32 MILLION NEW PATIENTS.......PLUS THE ADDITIONAL QUALIFIED NURSES AND ADDITIONAL HOSPITAL FACILITIES........for the same DOLLAR EXPENDITURE !!!

You prove the point that discussion with fools is a waste of time.

Fortunately, not every person in this forum is an idiot.
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FACT TWO: Given the data, there is a projection that there will be 46% less MDs. True or False ?
False. Look, if you want to flip out hardcore about completely subjective opinions about how health MIGHT be in the future, be my guest. But we're not losing half our doctors. There is absolutely no evidence to support such a ridiculous claim. Medical schools are still packed every year, and increasing their capacity. You can complain about cost or how hard it is, but this country is increasing the number of MDs created each year.

Hacks are Harvard lawyers whose only connection to health care are providers and carriers they have sued.
Sound like someone is a little jealous they didn't quite get the education they wanted. :lol:

What good is that if you have Medicare or Medicaid and fewer doctors will take you as a patient?
FACT TWO: Given the data, there is a projection that there will be 46% less MDs. True or False ?
False. Look, if you want to flip out hardcore about completely subjective opinions about how health MIGHT be in the future, be my guest. But we're not losing half our doctors. There is absolutely no evidence to support such a ridiculous claim. Medical schools are still packed every year, and increasing their capacity. You can complain about cost or how hard it is, but this country is increasing the number of MDs created each year.

Hacks are Harvard lawyers whose only connection to health care are providers and carriers they have sued.
Sound like someone is a little jealous they didn't quite get the education they wanted. :lol:

I'm producing something, unlike the dunces who surround the dunce in the White House.
Even if you may be correct in admitting MDs with lesser qualifications to satisfy the projected shortages of the more qualified MDs
You have this bad habit of making poor assumptions and then using these imaginary ideas as the foundation for subsequent "logic". Standardized exam scores of rising MDs are INCREASING, not decreasing. Once again: there is no data that supports what you're saying. The country is not producing less qualified individuals.

.......that number will just BARELY equal the number leaving the Medical Practice.
No, it won't equal the number you made up. Because it doesn't exist. Half of doctors are not leaving the profession. These is no evidence that supports this as well.

Two more fabricated ideas: First being that 32M more insured people means that there will be 32M more patients, and second being that the dollar expenditure will be the same.

So let's recap so far: you make things up based on incorrect assumptions, and I show your fabricated statistics to be completely incorrect. As I said before: feel free to flip out about your opinion regarding care quality in the future. Just don't make things up in the process.
Strangely enough, the US has one of the highest patient/dr ratio in the developed countries.

Cuba 170
Belarus 220
Belgium 220
Greece 230
Russia 230
Georgia 240
Italy 240
Turkmenistan 240
Ukraine 240
Lithuania 250
Uruguay 270
Bulgaria 280
Iceland 280
Kazakhstan 280
Switzerland 280
Portugal 290
France 300
Germany 300
Hungary 300
South Korea 300
Spain 300
Denmark 310
Sweden 310
Finland 320
Netherlands 320
Norway 320
Argentina 330
Latvia 330
Ireland 360
Uzbekistan 360
Mongolia 380
United States 390

Bested by Cuba, the former Soviets and the Socialists.

Who'da thunk?
Cuba 170
Belarus 220
Belgium 220
Greece 230
Russia 230
Georgia 240
Italy 240
Turkmenistan 240
Ukraine 240
Lithuania 250
Uruguay 270
Bulgaria 280
Iceland 280
Kazakhstan 280
Switzerland 280
Portugal 290

Would you leave the US and see a doctor in any of those countries?

I mean, if you cut it off at 300?
Would you leave the US and see a doctor in any of those countries?

I mean, if you cut it off at 300?

Do I get to forego the 3500 plus deductibles and toss in dental, eyewear, prosthetics and durable medical?

Hell yes. Especially Cuba. Tech knows no national boundaries, in case you haven't noticed.
So why would you expect them to understand that adding 32 Million new customers, with out doing anything to address a shortage of Doctors and resources might lead to some hard decisions and people not getting the best care they could have?

Yeah, not a thing.

Anyway, did you actually watch the video in the OP? There were several very serious, very wrong assertions about the role of comparative effectiveness research and the responsibilities of the Office of the National Coordinator for HIT. Do you think presenting those fantasies to a group of voters is defensible?

You think you're giong to get 20 somethings to like up like sheep and pay five figures a year for something they don't want.

20-somethings can satisfy the mandate by buying only catastrophic coverage, they don't have to buy comprehensive coverage (even though many of them would be heavily subsidized if they chose to do so).


No matter how you will try to OBFUSCATE and DISTORT the INCONTROVERTIBLE FACTS with BULLSHIT, your MATH won't be able to overcome the following THREE TRUE OR FALSE QUESTIONS:

FACT ONE: Obamacare will incur 32 Million ADDITIONAL more currently non-paying patients. True or False ?

FACT TWO: Given the data, there is a projection that there will be 46% less MDs. True or False ?

FACT THREE: Even without the projection, with 32 million ADDITIONAL currently none paying patients and the SAME number of MDs there WILL be prodigious rationing ? True or False ?

No matter how you try to DELUGE these THREE FACTS with OBAMARRHOIDAL BULLSHIT your BULLSHIT can't overcome the OBVIOUS MATH.
Ridiculous! There are 255 million people with health insurance. Adding 32 million increases the load on the healthcare system by 12%. Are you telling me our healthcare system can not handle a 12% increase? Couple that with the fact that our healthcare system will expand to cover additional patients and many of these people are getting healthcare that is written off by the providers. You're joisting with windmills.

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