ObamaCare 101 Questions


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
1. Is it Health Care Reform or Health Insurance Reform?

2. Is it regulation or a tax?

3. Will it save $2,500 or 2,500%?
5. Has any one person actually read the entire bill?

6. Does the public want it?
9. Who should decide whether or not an individual purchases a product or service from a company, the individual or a government bureaucrat?
10. What should a hospital do with someone that gets brought in without insurance?
11. Who should be forced to work for free to provide care for patients?
12. How can the government provide free health care for millions of people without forcing others to pay for it or work for free to provide it?
Reimbursing doctors at rates far below their standard ones is a form of forcing someone to work for free.

Taxing away 50% of a person's income to support others is forcing him to work for free for half the year.

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