Obama'a Legacy: All That Racial Healing


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
In this thread, I am going to periodically post examples of all the Racial Healing that Obama promised us.

Exhibit 1: Eric Sheppard's “memorandum ultimatum” and threat to kill all white people.

Warning: Offensive speech, language

Memorandum Ultimatum

Let me Clear the Air and Set the Record Straight once and For All on Questions Inquiries Suggestions and otherwise in regards to this Entire Ordeal. We Will Determine who Is Truly Guilty and Who is Truly Innocent Throughout the Course of this Literary Revelation. Many still question the possibility of my surrendering to the people who call themselves "authorities". To Give you a Simple Answer, No! I will Not Turn Myself Over to Any White Man and I will Ensure this With my Own Will to Self-Defend and To Annihilate those Who Come After Me.


In direct address to my People I say to You this: Love Your Fellow Revolutionary Afrikans, Hate the Wicked Oppressive European. Act in Righteousness and Deliver Complete Compensatory, Expedited and Immediate Justice at All Times unto This Empire.

In the Words of My Ancestor El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) as He stated in his Autobiography:

"...the collective white man had acted like a devil in every contact he had with the world’s collective non-white man.” 

In the Words of Our Fallen General Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad:

"We give them 24 hours to get out of town by sundown. I say, if they don’t get out of town, we kill the white men, we kill the white women, we kill the white children, we kill the white babies, we kill the blind whites, we kill the crippled whites, we kill the crazy whites, we kill the faggots, we kill the lesbians, I say god dammit we kill 'em all.
If they are white kill ‘em all. Why kill the women? Why kill the babies? They are just innocent blue-eyed babies? Because god dammit they are going to grow up one day to rule your babies. Kill them now. Why kill the white women? I say kill the white women because the women are the military manufacturing center. And every nine months they lay down on their backs and reinforcement rolls out from between their legs, so shut down the military manufacturing center by killing the white woman.”
Why kill the old crackkkas? The old crippled crackkkas. How in the hell you think they got old? They got old oppressing and killing black people.
Kill ‘em all. Kill the faggot. I said after you’ve killed them all...... I say then you go to the goddamn grave, and dig ‘em up, and then kill ‘em a-god-damn gain because they didn’t die hard enough!" 

In the Words of my Brotha Sara Suten Seti, "[Our] Mission is to Slay the Children of this [White] Beast One by Goddamn One!" 


-The Koven (Eric "EJ" Sheppard)

Authorities still hunting for Sheppard - Local News - Mobile
Is the OP feeling left out and wanting to be included in the USMB Racist Hall of Shame too?

All his TWO CLEARLY JUSTIFIED elections served to do in that genre was to make the "haters" come "out of the closet", and start screaming the 'N" word again!!!...But they changed it to "mooslam", "commie", and "Kenyan" to not SEEM to be too bigoted..!!!
It's almost amusing when they refer to the POTUS as :"barack HUSSEIN obama":afro::2up::beer:
Yes yes yes, democrats and president Obama are so "racist" that he attracts: Blacks, whites, jews, latinos, gays, women, Muslims, Asians, Indians, immigrants, catholics....virtually every non-southern demographics group that there is voted for Obama.

In the south people are conditioned to hate Obama and the dems. So we never expected Obama to get the southerners, the evangelicals, the pro-lifer religious folks and so on. Other than the southern whites, every other minority group is with Obama.

Oh my, how "racist" he is, isn't it?
Obama has repeatedly poured gasoline on fires of Racialism...and the current explosions are the result.

Where is All The Healing that he promised?
So the OP wants to blame Obama because the retarded rightwing went full blown racist when he came to power?

But I am not in the least surprised. They never take accountability for their nefarious deeds and instead blame others for "making" them expose their inner racist feelings.
Obama has repeatedly poured gasoline on fires of Racialism...and the current explosions are the result.

Where is All The Healing that he promised?

That is not the first I've heard of Obama-haters claiming "Obama made racists racists!". Racists blaming Obama for their own racism? LOL! It's like rapists blaming the victim for committing the rape. Hahahahahahahaha.
a whine thread in the Politics sub-forum? These always turn out real well :doubt:

in before the lock.
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More Obama Racial Healing: Whites excluded from Ryerson University event:

“She asked them if they had been marginalized or racialized, and when they both responded ‘no,’ that’s when she said the meeting was only for those who felt they had been,” said Anne McNeilly, an associate professor at the Ryerson School of Journalism.

Ms. Knope and Mr. Hewitt, who are both visibly white, had been attempting to attend the gathering as part of a assignment by Ms. McNeilly to sit in on a public meeting.

“It seemed really ironic to me that the meeting was about racialization and they were prohibiting certain people from entering,” said Ms. Knope in comments to the Ryersonian.

The Wednesday event, held in a small meeting room at the Ryerson Student’s Centre, was advertised as “a space to voice concerns and barriers affecting students of colour.”

The Racialised Student’s Collective is a part of the Ryerson Students’ Union and states that it “opposes all forms of racism” and aims for “an anti-racist environment” on campus.

Posters for the event said it was geared at “racialized students” — a term that generally refers to non-white minorities such as blacks, Indo-Canadians and Aboriginals.

However, the posters did not explicitly indicate that white students were not welcome to attend....

White students barred from meeting at Ryerson University because they were not racialized
Yet more racial healing in the Age of Obama:

A reporter was harassed at a “Movement for Black Lives” rally at Cleveland State University after an announcement to the crowd that “this is a peoples of African descent space. If you are not of African descent please go to the outside of the circle immediately.”

That according to a video circulating which shows reporter Brandon Blackwell, who is not of African descent, quickly retreat to the back of the gathering amidst cheers from activists surrounding him, seemingly in support of the banishment.

The video, recorded by Blackwell himself on Sunday, was posted on Cleveland.com, and captured the events that occurred on the steps of a Cleveland State University building while the university’s crest loomed above.

Reached for comment Tuesday by The College Fix, Blackwell stated via email: “I respectfully decline to comment. I’ll let the video speak for itself.”...

Reporter expelled from public university Black Lives event for not being of African descent - The College Fix

Movement for Black Lives supporters react to NEOMG reporter - Video cleveland.com
Obama has repeatedly poured gasoline on fires of Racialism...and the current explosions are the result.

Where is All The Healing that he promised?

You are full of shit...lol.

You.Are.A.Moron...who buttsniffs Obama.

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