Obama Will Have More Time To Do The Things You Liberals Want If We Just Vote Him Out


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

It's pretty clear that Obama isn't the guy that's in charge. While everyone else in his administration is busy doing their jobs he's bouncing around being President "Eye Candy". I really don't think his followers care if he's working, they just love him. They think he's hot.

Clint Eastwood really was a genius when he made fun of an empty chair at the RNC because the chair was a metaphor of an entire presidency.


Obama at work​

This guy would rather just to go where people can show their affections for him. He doesn't like the job itself, he likes the adoration that goes with it. He's basically Paris Hilton. All glitz and no substance. Personally, I think he should leave office and let somebody do it that will actually work to get something done, because this walking poster-child for abortion is essentially just taking up space. Let him go on "The View" all he wants, it's all he's good at. He's been on there so many times already.


Howard Stern asked black voters once again in Harlem what they felt was reasons for their support for Obama. It didn't matter what the questions were, as long as Obama was attached to them they agreed with it. These folks didn't know if Paul Ryan was black or white, as long as Obama picked him for his running-mate they supported Paul Ryan. They didn't care if Obama was a Mormon, they just liked him. It was a pretty pathetic display of ignorance, but this is what we have to deal with. Voters that are so misinformed that all they know is Obama. That's it. I was expecting them to say they didn't even know if Obama was black or not. That's how dumb these people are. Mention Obama and their eyes light up like a 5 year old on Christmas morning. Obama is the shiny object these folks are distracted with. The world could be burning down around them but mention Obama and the world becomes a perfect place.

I think the best thing we could do is vote him out of office so these folks could get their daily dose of Obama. Right now he has to take time out of his busy schedule of fucking off to attend important fundraisers and boring stuff like intelligence briefings. Hillary is actually running the country (very poorly I might add) while Obama is running around being cute.

I'm getting tired of having to listen to him bloviate. I'm tired of his false platitudes and his shallowness. His speeches are too long and drawn out. When he talks it's like he feels we all have nothing better to do with our lives than be stuck there listening to him. Anyone who is interested in something that's authentic, something concrete, would be better served by having anyone other than this empty suit in the White House. I'm tired of watching this guy dance around the obvious on a daily basis. Give em what they want. Get this wimp out of there and let him start doing what he's good at. It sure as hell isn't being president.

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I guess we'll see if the PEOPLE hammer that final nail in our countries coffin in November
Monday I was in the doctor's office getting my hand tested for nerve damage.

The doc started talking about how worried he was that Obama was gonna be re-elected. He said it looks from the polls that he's gonna get 4 more years and there's nothing he can do about it.

I asked him why he didn't support Obama and he said he doesn't think the guy has our best interests at heart. He felt Obama had Obama's best interests in mind always.

He explained to me how he didn't know going in how expensive it was to get an education. How he had to buy his way into his practice. By the time he got done he was $250,000.00 in debt. He said he's been paying on a student loan to the tune of $3200.00 / mo., yet his dope smoking sister expects him to pay her light bill just because he has money. He studied in high school while she was out back getting baked. These are the folks that support Obama.

This seems to be a common theme everywhere. Everyone is worried about Obama winning the election. That is what it comes down to it's sad to say.
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Obama is a brand. This is what the executive branch has really come to, while the congressional branch turns ceremonial and th ecourt is there to essentially re-affirm the executives decisions.

It's marketing, people. You're not hiring a commander and chief. You're buying a marketed brand of thinking. That's why the Obama supporters are stricken with a severe case of cult of personality.
Obama is a brand. This is what the executive branch has really come to, while the congressional branch turns ceremonial and th ecourt is there to essentially re-affirm the executives decisions.

It's marketing, people. You're not hiring a commander and chief. You're buying a marketed brand of thinking. That's why the Obama supporters are stricken with a severe case of cult of personality.

Why would Hillary want to run for office?

She's basically POTUS in absentia while Barry is out playing footsie with Joy Bahar.
It has been said that the reason Obama isn't doing well with foreign leaders is because he is too cold and detached. He doesn't make friends on a personal level. He always thinks he's the only important person in the room. He doesn't form close bonds with anyone. Some admire him but it is never returned.

Like when he was talking about his composite GF in his book she said she loved him and his only response was "Thank You".

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