Obama was the Seperator/Deporter In Chief. Media never covered it.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Uninformed Liberals believe Donald Trump created the policy of border separations and the Media of course does everything it can to present the "tragedy at the border" as the policy of the evil Racist Trump.

Obama deported and separated immigrant families like no other President in history but his Media as always turned the cameras away from the border because the TRUTH made Obama look bad. This deliberate deception by the Media is intentionally dividing the country and distracting us from much more important issues. In fact one could argue this may be the LEAST important issue facing us and the world. They are well cared for, and re-united with their parents (if they aren't smugglers) often within a day. BFD! As the quote goes, it's never good to go full retard and that is what is happening with border separations. Read this for an OBJECTIVE comparison between Obama and Trump on this issue.
Trump Escalates Family Separation Featured In Obama's Deportation Machine
Uninformed Liberals believe Donald Trump created the policy of border separations and the Media of course does everything it can to present the "tragedy at the border" as the policy of the evil Racist Trump.

Obama deported and separated immigrant families like no other President in history but his Media as always turned the cameras away from the border because the TRUTH made Obama look bad. This deliberate deception by the Media is intentionally dividing the country and distracting us from much more important issues. In fact one could argue this may be the LEAST important issue facing us and the world. They are well cared for, and re-united with their parents (if they aren't smugglers) often within a day. BFD! As the quote goes, it's never good to go full retard and that is what is happening with border separations. Read this for an OBJECTIVE comparison between Obama and Trump on this issue.
Trump Escalates Family Separation Featured In Obama's Deportation Machine
The media regularly reported deportations, which we rubbed in your deformed conservative face; and Obama did NOT have a policy of blanketly separating familes with a zero tolerance policy the way the villain you voted for has done.

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