Obama Votes


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Barack Obama is tired being identified as a narcissist on the level of Hannibal Lecter. So as Obama cast his vote today, he did something unusual; he made a point of announcing that he placed his country ahead of himself, and voted for Mitt Romney. Obama remarked "hey, Romney is just the better man for the job, and I want what's best for America."
Barack Obama is tired being identified as a narcissist on the level of Hannibal Lecter. So as Obama cast his vote today, he did something unusual; he made a point of announcing that he placed his country ahead of himself, and voted for Mitt Romney. Obama remarked "hey, Romney is just the better man for the job, and I want what's best for America."

Hey, wait a minute. I thought Slick was the first president to early vote, and then he voted again today?

I guess he is a devout follower of Dickie Daley ~ "vote early and vote often".

he made a point of announcing that he placed his country ahead of himself, and voted for Mitt Romney.

There is a Mitt Romney running in Kenya? lol

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