Obama versus Jesus: Black Christians Must Decide


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Obama versus Jesus: Black Christians Must Decide

By Lloyd Marcus

A poll claims that Romney will receive zero percent of the black vote. Well, if the poll proves correct, it means that a vast majority of black voters are ignorant of the truth...or else they're racist.

Black Christians who vote for Obama knowing his crimes against Christianity and biblical principles have chosen to worship the idol of racial loyalty over their discipleship to Jesus Christ. Pure and simple.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." -Exodus 20:3

Incredibly, some blacks have completely forsaken their Christianity for Obama. A fellow PK (preacher's kid) said her parents recently changed their stance on same-sex marriage in support of their black president. I find this remarkable.

Though I disagree, I have been sympathetic and understanding with black seniors who have suffered dearly, with hearts still bearing scars of racial injustice.

A year or so ago, I hosted the first Black Conservative Press Conference at the National Press Club in D.C. Several prominent black conservatives from numerous black conservative groups/organizations spoke. My brother brought my 84-year-old black dad from Baltimore. That evening, Dad said, "Everything I heard today is true. But, because of racism I suffered in my youth, I can not turn against Obama."

At that time, I respectfully gave my hero, my preacher dad, a pass. Some may criticize me, saying, Lloyd, either you stand for conservatism or you do not. While you may have a valid point, it is in my DNA to respect my parents. How do you respectfully tell your usually character-driven parent that his decision to support Obama, no matter what, is rooted in racism and a refusal to forgive?

But now that Obama has been exposed as the most anti-Christian president in U.S. history, senior black Christians must no longer be given a pass for supporting this man.


Read more: Articles: Obama versus Jesus: Black Christians Must Decide
How do you respectfully tell your usually character-driven parent that his decision to support Obama, no matter what, is rooted in racism and a refusal to forgive?

By writing a national article discussing it? Im not sure that's the best way to do that. He is correct though.
Blacks, if you believe in family and jesus you may want to come over to the republican party. We will treat you as human beings instead of another vote.

We want you to advance and to become wealthy with the opportunity this country once stood for. Not used as a power drive for a bunch of dividing democrats that wish to make everything about race and hatred.

We stand for smaller government, more freedoms, ect.
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A fellow PK (preacher's kid) said her parents recently changed their stance on same-sex marriage in support of their black president.

But what about the blacks that opposed Obama's flip flop? That story is undoubtedly going unreported.
that has to be the most retarded article I have ever read, wow, 2 minutes of my life stolen!

who the fuck does this guy think he is? trying to justify his view on Obama. what a hack.

I understand if someone does not support Obama. I do not understand this vile and insane talking point that Obama is some how anti Christianity. Some of you really need to take a good long look at your self. this article is complete crap.
that has to be the most retarded article I have ever read, wow, 2 minutes of my life stolen!

who the fuck does this guy think he is? trying to justify his view on Obama. what a hack.

I understand if someone does not support Obama. I do not understand this vile and insane talking point that Obama is some how anti Christianity. Some of you really need to take a good long look at your self. this article is complete crap.

You don't understand it b/c you don't want to see it. Christianity was never anything more than a prop for Obama. It's why he hasn't bothered to go to church since he's been in the WH. It's why he didn't look for a Christian denomination based on peace and love when he was using it as a prop. And it's why he is more than willing to sell out the value of marriage.
Loyd Marcus needs to learn from his parents, they are obviously smarter than he is.
that has to be the most retarded article I have ever read, wow, 2 minutes of my life stolen!

who the fuck does this guy think he is? trying to justify his view on Obama. what a hack.

I understand if someone does not support Obama. I do not understand this vile and insane talking point that Obama is some how anti Christianity. Some of you really need to take a good long look at your self. this article is complete crap.

You don't understand it b/c you don't want to see it. Christianity was never anything more than a prop for Obama. It's why he hasn't bothered to go to church since he's been in the WH. It's why he didn't look for a Christian denomination based on peace and love when he was using it as a prop. And it's why he is more than willing to sell out the value of marriage.

Easter a year and a half ago he went to a different BLT church in the Wash. DC area
that has to be the most retarded article I have ever read, wow, 2 minutes of my life stolen!

who the fuck does this guy think he is? trying to justify his view on Obama. what a hack.

I understand if someone does not support Obama. I do not understand this vile and insane talking point that Obama is some how anti Christianity. Some of you really need to take a good long look at your self. this article is complete crap.

You don't understand it b/c you don't want to see it. Christianity was never anything more than a prop for Obama. It's why he hasn't bothered to go to church since he's been in the WH. It's why he didn't look for a Christian denomination based on peace and love when he was using it as a prop. And it's why he is more than willing to sell out the value of marriage.

Easter a year and a half ago he went to a different BLT church in the Wash. DC area

I think you're confusing that with the BLT Steak House in DC.

BLT Steak DC Restaurant - Washington, DC | OpenTable
African American pastor calls for blacks to end “slavish devotion to the Democrat Party”


Glenn started the radio show this morning with audio from African American preacher E.W. Jackson who filmed a video where he makes a strong call for blacks to end their “slavish devotion to the Democrat Party.”

TheBlaze reports:

“They have insulted us, used us, and manipulated us. They have saturated the black community with ridiculous lies,” he said, speaking directly to the black community. ”They think we are stupid and that these lies will hold us captive while they violate everything we believe as Christians.”

Jackson went into detail in the video, taking aim at the “unholy alliance” that he sees between Democrats, faux-civil rights leaders and Planned Parenthood.

“The Democratic Party has created an unholy alliance between certain so-called civil rights leaders and Planned Parenthood, which has killed unborn black babies by the tens of millions,” he proclaimed.

On the morality front, Jackson took issue with the party’s internal debate over “God” being dropped from its platform and derided the notion that homosexuality should be equated “with being black.“ He called the later tenet of the Democratic Party an ”outrageous lie.”

“We as Christians ought to know better. Shame on us for allowing ourselves to be sold to the highest bidder,” Jackson continued, telling his fellow black pastors that they, too, would need to make a decision between supporting Democrats and embracing Jesus.


African American pastor calls for blacks to end

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Mormons believe that God re-established the early Christian Church as found in the New Testament through the agency of Joseph Smith. In particular, Mormons believe that angels such as Peter, James, John, and John the Baptist appeared to Joseph Smith and others and bestowed various Priesthood authorities on them. Mormons thus believe that their Church is the "only true and living church" because divine authority was restored to it through Smith. In addition, Mormons believe that Smith and his legitimate successors are modern prophets, seers, and revelators who receive revelation from God to guide His Church. They maintain that other religions have a portion of the truth and are guided by the Light of Christ.

Mormons believe that, in the beginning, all people existed as spirits or "intelligences," independent of God. In this state, God came among the intelligences and offered a plan whereby they could progress and "have a privilege to advance like himself." The spirits were free to accept or reject this plan, and a third of them, led by Satan rejected it. The rest accepted the plan, coming to earth and receiving bodies with an understanding that they would experience sin and suffering.

Mormons believe in the Old and New Testaments, and the LDS Church uses the King James Bible as its official scriptural text of the Bible. While Mormons believe in the general accuracy of the modern day text of the Bible, they also believe that it is incomplete and contains errors. In Mormon theology, many of these lost truths are restored in the Book of Mormon, which Mormons hold to be divine scripture and equal in authority to the Bible.

Obama versus Jesus: Black Christians Must Decide

The thread implies that Mormons are true Christians - presumably conservatives consider a group that believes that Peter, James, John, and John the Baptist appeared to Joseph Smith in North America during the early 19thC and that The Book of Mormon makes corrections and restores lost truths to an incomplete Bible, are in the Christian mainstream.
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Obama versus Jesus: Black Christians Must Decide

By Lloyd Marcus

A poll claims that Romney will receive zero percent of the black vote. Well, if the poll proves correct, it means that a vast majority of black voters are ignorant of the truth...or else they're racist.

Black Christians who vote for Obama knowing his crimes against Christianity and biblical principles have chosen to worship the idol of racial loyalty over their discipleship to Jesus Christ. Pure and simple.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." -Exodus 20:3

Incredibly, some blacks have completely forsaken their Christianity for Obama. A fellow PK (preacher's kid) said her parents recently changed their stance on same-sex marriage in support of their black president. I find this remarkable.

Though I disagree, I have been sympathetic and understanding with black seniors who have suffered dearly, with hearts still bearing scars of racial injustice.

A year or so ago, I hosted the first Black Conservative Press Conference at the National Press Club in D.C. Several prominent black conservatives from numerous black conservative groups/organizations spoke. My brother brought my 84-year-old black dad from Baltimore. That evening, Dad said, "Everything I heard today is true. But, because of racism I suffered in my youth, I can not turn against Obama."

At that time, I respectfully gave my hero, my preacher dad, a pass. Some may criticize me, saying, Lloyd, either you stand for conservatism or you do not. While you may have a valid point, it is in my DNA to respect my parents. How do you respectfully tell your usually character-driven parent that his decision to support Obama, no matter what, is rooted in racism and a refusal to forgive?

But now that Obama has been exposed as the most anti-Christian president in U.S. history, senior black Christians must no longer be given a pass for supporting this man.


Read more: Articles: Obama versus Jesus: Black Christians Must Decide

Fuck Jesus, I'm voting for Obama.

Obama versus Jesus: Black Christians Must Decide

By Lloyd Marcus

A poll claims that Romney will receive zero percent of the black vote. Well, if the poll proves correct, it means that a vast majority of black voters are ignorant of the truth...or else they're racist.

Black Christians who vote for Obama knowing his crimes against Christianity and biblical principles have chosen to worship the idol of racial loyalty over their discipleship to Jesus Christ. Pure and simple.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." -Exodus 20:3

Incredibly, some blacks have completely forsaken their Christianity for Obama. A fellow PK (preacher's kid) said her parents recently changed their stance on same-sex marriage in support of their black president. I find this remarkable.

Though I disagree, I have been sympathetic and understanding with black seniors who have suffered dearly, with hearts still bearing scars of racial injustice.

A year or so ago, I hosted the first Black Conservative Press Conference at the National Press Club in D.C. Several prominent black conservatives from numerous black conservative groups/organizations spoke. My brother brought my 84-year-old black dad from Baltimore. That evening, Dad said, "Everything I heard today is true. But, because of racism I suffered in my youth, I can not turn against Obama."

At that time, I respectfully gave my hero, my preacher dad, a pass. Some may criticize me, saying, Lloyd, either you stand for conservatism or you do not. While you may have a valid point, it is in my DNA to respect my parents. How do you respectfully tell your usually character-driven parent that his decision to support Obama, no matter what, is rooted in racism and a refusal to forgive?

But now that Obama has been exposed as the most anti-Christian president in U.S. history, senior black Christians must no longer be given a pass for supporting this man.


Read more: Articles: Obama versus Jesus: Black Christians Must Decide

Fuck Jesus, I'm voting for Obama.

Fuck obongo, I'M voting for America...
Mormons believe that God re-established the early Christian Church as found in the New Testament through the agency of Joseph Smith. In particular, Mormons believe that angels such as Peter, James, John, and John the Baptist appeared to Joseph Smith and others and bestowed various Priesthood authorities on them. Mormons thus believe that their Church is the "only true and living church" because divine authority was restored to it through Smith. In addition, Mormons believe that Smith and his legitimate successors are modern prophets, seers, and revelators who receive revelation from God to guide His Church. They maintain that other religions have a portion of the truth and are guided by the Light of Christ.

Mormons believe that, in the beginning, all people existed as spirits or "intelligences," independent of God. In this state, God came among the intelligences and offered a plan whereby they could progress and "have a privilege to advance like himself." The spirits were free to accept or reject this plan, and a third of them, led by Satan rejected it. The rest accepted the plan, coming to earth and receiving bodies with an understanding that they would experience sin and suffering.

Mormons believe in the Old and New Testaments, and the LDS Church uses the King James Bible as its official scriptural text of the Bible. While Mormons believe in the general accuracy of the modern day text of the Bible, they also believe that it is incomplete and contains errors. In Mormon theology, many of these lost truths are restored in the Book of Mormon, which Mormons hold to be divine scripture and equal in authority to the Bible.

Mormonism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mitt Romney has the right to believe in any religion he wishes but I contend that Mormons are no more Christian than Muslims.

While both rescognize the existance of Jesus Christ, both base their faith on Mohammed (The Koran) and Joseph Smith (The Book of Mormon).

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