Obama thinks an Iran regime change would prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon...NYT says..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Mr. Obama repeats a seemingly simple vow:
On his watch, the United States will do whatever it takes to “prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

Mr. Netanyahu uses a different measure, saying Iran must be stopped from getting the “capability” that would allow it to become a “threshold nuclear state.”

In his speech to a joint meeting of Congress on Tuesday, Mr. Netanyahu took that argument to the next level, contending that any accord that leaves Iran’s nuclear infrastructure in place
“doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb, it paves Iran’s path to the bomb.”

Here is why Netanyanhu believes Obama's strategy is a failure... Look at North Korea.

To bolster his case, Mr. Netanyahu invoked one of the great failures of American counterproliferation efforts: The diplomatic attempt under two presidents, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, to talk North Korea into restrictions to keep the regime from producing nuclear weapons.
The North Koreans agreed to disable some of their facilities,
but, when things went sour with the Obama administration, they rebuilt.

Why Obama wants the deal...he hopes the regime will change.....

Mr. Obama’s approach is based in part on a bet that time remains on America’s side.
Eventually, the administration’s thinking goes, the clerical government in Iran will fall or be eased from power, and a more progressive leadership will determine that Iran does not need a weapon.

But that puts an implicit gamble at the heart of the accord: that the long-awaited change will occur within 15 years, when the deal would expire and Iran would be free to build 180,000 advanced centrifuges that the supreme leader spoke about last summer.
(If Iran had that many machines to enrich uranium — a big if — it would have the capacity to make a bomb’s worth of uranium every week or so.)
All the Messiah wants is the deal, in two years he will be out of there and the next presidents issue. 15 years, really, only if you are able to validate and verify compliance, and that in itself is a pipe dream.
Just when you think Obama couldn't be any dumber... well, he never fails to deliver.
If you could get a regime change in Iran maybe that would stop Iran from trying to get nukes and that's a big maybe. The bigger issue what are the odds you could get a new regime in Iran less radical than the current one? My guess not good.

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