Obama, the best POTUS the Oil Companies ever had


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Just think of it. The average price for a gallon of gas back on Bushes last day was 1.84 a gallon according to Consumer Reports.

Average gas prices--January 26, 2009

Today it is 4 bucks over the majority of the country. In California, that bastion of insanity on the Left Coast the average price is 4.61 per gallon.

Gas prices soar on refinery, pipeline woes - SFGate

Yeppers, Obama is an oil mans wet dream....too bad the little people get screwed over so that Obama's buddies can make bazillions of dollars.
i remember when people blamed bush for the high gas but under obama its as the kids say "allll gooooooood"
Make up your mind. Either Obama hates rich people and is trying to destroy them, or he's in their pockets and doing favors for them.
Just think of it. The average price for a gallon of gas back on Bushes last day was 1.84 a gallon according to Consumer Reports.

Average gas prices--January 26, 2009

Today it is 4 bucks over the majority of the country. In California, that bastion of insanity on the Left Coast the average price is 4.61 per gallon.

Gas prices soar on refinery, pipeline woes - SFGate

Yeppers, Obama is an oil mans wet dream....too bad the little people get screwed over so that Obama's buddies can make bazillions of dollars.



Just a fun FYI.....

Do you know who's a lawyer for BP? Jamie Gorelick.:D Everyone's fave Mistress of Disaster.
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I love finding data like this and the libs can't complain about the source:D

But the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics pointed out, "Tallying contributions by employees in the industry and their families...Exxon, Chevron and BP have all contributed more money to Obama than to McCain."

After his election, Obama followed in Bush's footsteps, appointing another former Chevron director, Gen. James Jones, as his national security adviser. In 2008, Chevron paid Jones $290,000 for serving on its board for seven months--from May until December.

hehehehe and the source is.....

The ties that bind Democrats and Big Oil | SocialistWorker.org
The economy was shrinking and shedding 7 or 800 thousand jobs a month at the end of Bush's presidency.

Less demand for fuel. Lower prices.
Make up your mind. Either Obama hates rich people and is trying to destroy them, or he's in their pockets and doing favors for them.

I go for option 3: he's a fucking retard that doesn't understand basic economic theory.
Make up your mind. Either Obama hates rich people and is trying to destroy them, or he's in their pockets and doing favors for them.

I go for option 3: he's a fucking retard that doesn't understand basic economic theory.

In other words: Making shit up because it sounds good for your politics.

Yeah. Sure. Because your two options were the only viable world views. Nice box you live in.
The economy was shrinking and shedding 7 or 800 thousand jobs a month at the end of Bush's presidency.

Less demand for fuel. Lower prices.


Make up your mind. Either Obama hates rich people and is trying to destroy them, or he's in their pockets and doing favors for them.

Oh, he's clearly in the pocket of the right rich people. You're just too enamored of him to really think about that. The middle class has been screwed silly by this POTUS. In Bushes time they spent an averag of around 27 bucks a week on gasoline. Now they spend an average of 60 bucks.

Calculated out over 52 weeks that's an additional 1,716 dollars that Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmo can't spend on their kids or themselves because Obama has decided that his buddies in the oil companies need more cash. And that's just the direct fuel costs. EVERYTHING is more expensive now because of the high cost of fuel.

Sure doesn't jibe with teh Big O's self proclaimed concern for the middle class. He's fucked them at every turn and you're too numb to realise it.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, inthemiddle of nowhere.
The OP is a bit tonge-in-cheek, me thinks. Gasoline prices are high which of course is primarily due to the high price of crude. But this industry would much rather see stability in the markets, not wild prices swings. It wasn't that long ago that crude was selling for a measly $10.

And there are a plethora of issues besides price that make or break oil and natural gas businesses. Businesses, by the way, that are Independents- not major integrated companies. These Independents drill 95% of the oil and gas wells in the U.S.

Still in Obama's yet to be approved budget are at a minimum $40 billion in oil and gas industry taxes. Federal lands are under lock and key, the east and west outer continental shelfs are way off limits, the eastern Gulf of Mexico may never ever see the first drill bit, the EPA is running rampant with new regulations, the Endangered Species Act is tying up projects, Hydraulic Fracturing is being unnecessarily Federalized... and on and on.

Obama is no "Best POTUS" for this industry- not by a long shot.
Screw that weasily bastard.
The OP is a bit tonge-in-cheek, me thinks. Gasoline prices are high which of course is primarily due to the high price of crude. But this industry would much rather see stability in the markets, not wild prices swings. It wasn't that long ago that crude was selling for a measly $10.

And there are a plethora of issues besides price that make or break oil and natural gas businesses. Businesses, by the way, that are Independents- not major integrated companies. These Independents drill 95% of the oil and gas wells in the U.S.

Still in Obama's yet to be approved budget are at a minimum $40 billion in oil and gas industry taxes. Federal lands are under lock and key, the east and west outer continental shelfs are way off limits, the eastern Gulf of Mexico may never ever see the first drill bit, the EPA is running rampant with new regulations, the Endangered Species Act is tying up projects, Hydraulic Fracturing is being unnecessarily Federalized... and on and on.

Obama is no "Best POTUS" for this industry- not by a long shot.
Screw that weasily bastard.

All those taxes get passed on to the consumer. The oil companies suffer not one bit because of the increased taxes. Obama's policies of clamping down on domestic production have raised the prices of a barrel of oil far beyond the actual demand price based on consumption. The speculators are making good money on it and the oil companies too are making huge profits thanks to his policies.

You're in the oil business but I was too, many many years ago when that barrel of oil was indeed 10-12 bucks. How many years has that been now?
Oh, he's clearly in the pocket of the right rich people. You're just too enamored of him to really think about that.

I'm not "enamored" with Obama in the slightest. I'm just tired of contradictory bullshit, it's getting ridiculous. Obama is simultaneously the most genius conspirator and most incompetent person to ever live. All at the same time he's working tirelessly to destry the country, and spending 6 1/2 days a week on vacation. Without distinction he has not only made the biggest power grabs in our history, he's also been the most impotent President in history. He both hates the rich with his class warfare and is trying to destroy them, and he is in favor of the rich at the expense of the little man.
Oh, he's clearly in the pocket of the right rich people. You're just too enamored of him to really think about that.

I'm not "enamored" with Obama in the slightest. I'm just tired of contradictory bullshit, it's getting ridiculous. Obama is simultaneously the most genius conspirator and most incompetent person to ever live. All at the same time he's working tirelessly to destry the country, and spending 6 1/2 days a week on vacation. Without distinction he has not only made the biggest power grabs in our history, he's also been the most impotent President in history. He both hates the rich with his class warfare and is trying to destroy them, and he is in favor of the rich at the expense of the little man.

I am never contradictory. I have made none of those claims. Try again.
The OP is a bit tonge-in-cheek, me thinks. Gasoline prices are high which of course is primarily due to the high price of crude. But this industry would much rather see stability in the markets, not wild prices swings. It wasn't that long ago that crude was selling for a measly $10.

And there are a plethora of issues besides price that make or break oil and natural gas businesses. Businesses, by the way, that are Independents- not major integrated companies. These Independents drill 95% of the oil and gas wells in the U.S.

Still in Obama's yet to be approved budget are at a minimum $40 billion in oil and gas industry taxes. Federal lands are under lock and key, the east and west outer continental shelfs are way off limits, the eastern Gulf of Mexico may never ever see the first drill bit, the EPA is running rampant with new regulations, the Endangered Species Act is tying up projects, Hydraulic Fracturing is being unnecessarily Federalized... and on and on.

Obama is no "Best POTUS" for this industry- not by a long shot.
Screw that weasily bastard.

All those taxes get passed on to the consumer. The oil companies suffer not one bit because of the increased taxes. Obama's policies of clamping down on domestic production have raised the prices of a barrel of oil far beyond the actual demand price based on consumption. The speculators are making good money on it and the oil companies too are making huge profits thanks to his policies.

You're in the oil business but I was too, many many years ago when that barrel of oil was indeed 10-12 bucks. How many years has that been now?

You've been out of the loop too long then, because you obviously know nothing of what I'm writing about.
But his statement that gas prices "have doubled under the president" is misleading. The average current gas price is $3.78, slightly more than twice the average gas price the week that the president took office in January. But that figure - an average of $1.85 on January 19, 2009, according to Consumer Reports -- was exceptionally low due to the economic crisis, when prices fell as a result of low demand. According to the American Automobile Association, the average national gas price was just 16 cents lower than it is now -- $3.62 -- on October 1, 2008.

Fact-checking the first presidential debate
The OP is a bit tonge-in-cheek, me thinks. Gasoline prices are high which of course is primarily due to the high price of crude. But this industry would much rather see stability in the markets, not wild prices swings. It wasn't that long ago that crude was selling for a measly $10.

And there are a plethora of issues besides price that make or break oil and natural gas businesses. Businesses, by the way, that are Independents- not major integrated companies. These Independents drill 95% of the oil and gas wells in the U.S.

Still in Obama's yet to be approved budget are at a minimum $40 billion in oil and gas industry taxes. Federal lands are under lock and key, the east and west outer continental shelfs are way off limits, the eastern Gulf of Mexico may never ever see the first drill bit, the EPA is running rampant with new regulations, the Endangered Species Act is tying up projects, Hydraulic Fracturing is being unnecessarily Federalized... and on and on.

Obama is no "Best POTUS" for this industry- not by a long shot.
Screw that weasily bastard.

All those taxes get passed on to the consumer. The oil companies suffer not one bit because of the increased taxes. Obama's policies of clamping down on domestic production have raised the prices of a barrel of oil far beyond the actual demand price based on consumption. The speculators are making good money on it and the oil companies too are making huge profits thanks to his policies.

You're in the oil business but I was too, many many years ago when that barrel of oil was indeed 10-12 bucks. How many years has that been now?

You've been out of the loop too long then, because you obviously know nothing of what I'm writing about.

No, I know what you're talking about. The small wildcaters and independants are definately getting screwed over. The big multi nationals though, are doing quite well.

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