Obama Spokesm Worried O Too Professional For BitterClingers To Understand


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[He's probably right. When somebody writes that they were "Amazed at the media's readily apparent and seemingly non stop fellatio of Barack Obama" that goes right over our heads, but "Bumps in the road" we got that one. You betcha, we got that one!
"Let it be known that today was the day the oceans stopped rising and the planet began to heal" Cue: Crowd orgasm in unison right now. Begin throwing your underwear and other intimate garments onto the stage at this point]

"Because he's wicked smart or something

Via Beltway Confidential:

President Obama’s campaign spokeswoman said she’s concerned Obama will sound too “professorial” to resonate with the low-information voters tuning into the presidential campaign for the first time during this week’s debate.

“[W]hat the American [people] are looking for is not just a professorial list of facts or accomplishments or even goals,” Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki said yesterday as part of her ongoing, almost-comical attempt to lower expectations going into the debates. She then lamented that Obama “has a tendency to give longer, substantive answers.”

Psaki’s concern that Professor Obama will appear during the debates is understandable given that “he was the third-lowest-ranked lecturer” at the University of Chicago Law School in 1999."

Obama Campaign Spokeswoman Worried He Will Be Too “Professional” Sounding During Debates For Bitter Clingers To Understand… | Weasel Zippers
why did Clintons speech kick so much ass?

For those of use with a brain and a smidgen of critical thinking, they didn't.

But of course, then there's you... always ready to crawl under the desk at the mere mention of some fancy, vapid words.

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Maobama, a subtle blend of ignorance and arrogance, a nectar to be savored by the mindless Maobama-bot-zombie. And now a spokesman says his greatness is beyound the comprehension of the average American, give me a freaking break.
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[He's probably right. When somebody writes that they were "Amazed at the media's readily apparent and seemingly non stop fellatio of Barack Obama" that goes right over our heads, but "Bumps in the road" we got that one. You betcha, we got that one!
"Let it be known that today was the day the oceans stopped rising and the planet began to heal" Cue: Crowd orgasm in unison right now. Begin throwing your underwear and other intimate garments onto the stage at this point]

"Because he's wicked smart or something

Via Beltway Confidential:

President Obama’s campaign spokeswoman said she’s concerned Obama will sound too “professorial” to resonate with the low-information voters tuning into the presidential campaign for the first time during this week’s debate.

“[W]hat the American [people] are looking for is not just a professorial list of facts or accomplishments or even goals,” Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki said yesterday as part of her ongoing, almost-comical attempt to lower expectations going into the debates. She then lamented that Obama “has a tendency to give longer, substantive answers.”

Psaki’s concern that Professor Obama will appear during the debates is understandable given that “he was the third-lowest-ranked lecturer” at the University of Chicago Law School in 1999."

Obama Campaign Spokeswoman Worried He Will Be Too “Professional” Sounding During Debates For Bitter Clingers To Understand… | Weasel Zippers

"“has a tendency to give longer, substantive answers.”
So did:
Cuban President Fidel Castro said all he could not say at a summit of world leaders in a 4 hour and 16 minutes speech to an audience of fervent New York sympathizers on Friday night.

Hugo Chavez spoke for 8 hours on a television show,
Read more at Longest Speeches in History
'Professorial' would explain her worries, seeing as people tend to tune out long answers. That much is explained in the linked article and not the idiotic blog you linked. The blogger doesn't even know the difference between the words 'professional' and 'professorial'.. wow..

"low-information voter" was also the term coined by the writer to decribe what she quoted as people "tuning in for the first time".. basically she said he needs to keep it short and sweet.. not necessarily dumbed down unless you want to take it out of context and be an idiot.. but the quotes are right there..

people are really on a roll with these apeshit sources today..
What makes him stutter ?


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