Obama slammed by Weiner


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
Cincinnati, OH
From Politico...

U.S. offered to back U.N. Israel rebuke [UPDATED] - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Rep. Anthony Weiner, a New York Democrat, signals that pro-Israel Democrats aren't going to be on board with this:

This is too clever by half. Instead of doing the correct and principled thing and vetoing an inappropriate and wrong resolution, they now have opened the door to more and more anti-Israeli efforts coming to the floor of the U.N. The correct venue for discussions about settlements and the other aspects of a peace plan is at the negotiating table. Period.

And if any of you "children" think I only picked this story so I could put up that goofy thread title you need to grow up, also you would be right. :tongue:
It's about time Weiner spoke up.. Where the hell is the senior senator from NY on this???
So why do so many Jews back Obama? I need somebody to explain that to me. (Please.)

Because they are human and have their own opinions. Many American Jews disagree with some of the Israeli policies.

I know I do and I am a Canadian/Israeli Jew who lives five months of the year in Israel. Many in Israel disagree with policies as well, but they realize what is against them.

The American Jews, not so much. That's the real difference. The Jews in Israel have to live through these issues. So do the Arabs both in Israel and the territories.

Despite American Jews' positive outlook on Obama and Israel-U.S. relations, their expectations for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is less optimistic with 72 percent of respondent saying their view on an improvement in the situation has remain unchanged since the previous year.

The majority of those polled agreed that the goal of Arabs is the "destruction of the state of Israel," with 80 percent believing peace cannot be achieved with a Hamas-led Palestinian government.

On the subject of Iran, American Jews are almost equally divided for and against the way the Obama administration is handling the issue of a nuclear Iran with 62 percent of respondents saying they would support Israel taking military action against Iran.

Poll: Most U.S. Jews approve of Obama's approach to Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
From Politico...

U.S. offered to back U.N. Israel rebuke [UPDATED] - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Rep. Anthony Weiner, a New York Democrat, signals that pro-Israel Democrats aren't going to be on board with this:

This is too clever by half. Instead of doing the correct and principled thing and vetoing an inappropriate and wrong resolution, they now have opened the door to more and more anti-Israeli efforts coming to the floor of the U.N. The correct venue for discussions about settlements and the other aspects of a peace plan is at the negotiating table. Period.

And if any of you "children" think I only picked this story so I could put up that goofy thread title you need to grow up, also you would be right. :tongue:

Where was Weiner in '08???

1. " IF Obama is Elected will Israel not be one of our Closest allies any longer? Will the Radical Middle East Countries feel like they can "Push Israel into the sea"? And will Obama Let them as President of the United States if elected?

If you think they do not have influence and if you think Obama does not share their values then you are sadly mistaken, Obama attended a Racist Church with Rev.Wright and Rev. Wright Married Michelle and Barack Obama, that Church gave Louis Farrakhan a known Racist Muslim its Highest Award! Once again Obama attended that Church for over 20 Years and if you think him and his wife do not share the same views as Jesse Jackson, Rev.Wright and Louis Farrakhan then you are just not opening your eyes and seeing who they really are and what they truly value."

IF Obama is Elected will Israel not be one of our Closest allies any longer? Will the Radical Middle East Countries feel like they can "Push Israel into the sea"? And will Obama Let them as President of the United States if elected?

2. "... the message that the Rev. Jesse Jackson conveyed to participants in the first World Policy Forum, held at this French lakeside resort last week.

He promised "fundamental changes" in US foreign policy - saying America must "heal wounds" it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the "arrogance of the Bush administration."

The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end.

Jackson believes that, although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House."

I'm runnin' out of 'I told ya' so's'

So, does this mean that those of us on the right are much smarter than those on the left?

Yeah, pretty much.

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