Obama Repeats History


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Has President Obama studied history?
The Munich Agreement was negotiated at a conference held in Munich, Germany among the major powers of Europe without the presence of Czechoslovakia. It was an act of appeasement. The agreement was signed in the early hours of 30 September 1938 (but dated 29 September). The purpose of the conference was to discuss the future of Czechoslovakia in the face of territorial demands made by German dictator Adolf Hitler. The agreement, signed by Germany, France, Britain, and Italy permitted German annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland.

Munich Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MOSCOW, March 2 (RIA Novosti) - Washington has told Moscow that Russian help in resolving Iran's nuclear program would make its missile shield plans for Europe unnecessary, a Russian daily said on Monday, citing White House sources.
Iran's controversial nuclear program was cited by the U.S. as one of the reasons behind its plans to deploy a missile base in Poland and radar in the Czech Republic. The missile shield has been strongly opposed by Russia, which views it as a threat to its national security.

RIA Novosti - Russia - Obama 'ready to drop shield plans for Russian help on Iran'

“The war in Georgia … IS RUSSIA’S PUBLIC RETURN TO GREAT POWER STATUS,” Stratfor founder Dr. George Friedman wrote last August. “This is not something that just explains why Russia invaded Georgia. That war was a warning to America, Europe and NATO against further encroachment into the Russian periphery. It was a warning to former Soviet satellite states that their national security swings on a Russian hinge, and that they had better avoid slipping into bed with America and Europe. The same goes for the Ukraine/Europe gas crisis, the furious debate between America and Russia over the slated U.S. ballistic missile installations in Poland and the Czech Republic, and the decision to establish military bases in Abkhazia on the Black Sea.
Don't expect the liberal leftist Obama crowd to respect history.
They are here to make history instead of learning from it.
I fear that we the American people will be the ones that learn.
I've often wondered if anyone other than myself has noticed the many similarities between the German socialist democrats of the mid 1930's and Obama's brand of socialism. We may have very well crossed the threshold from Democracy into totalitarianism.
Better damn well hope he and those around him fail.
Don't expect the liberal leftist Obama crowd to respect history.
They are here to make history instead of learning from it.
I fear that we the American people will be the ones that learn.
I've often wondered if anyone other than myself has noticed the many similarities between the German socialist democrats of the mid 1930's and Obama's brand of socialism. We may have very well crossed the threshold from Democracy into totalitarianism.
Better damn well hope he and those around him fail.

Right on, brother.

The Democrat majority on this board is only concerned with domestic policy. Sad.
Has President Obama studied history?
The Munich Agreement was negotiated at a conference held in Munich, Germany among the major powers of Europe without the presence of Czechoslovakia. It was an act of appeasement. The agreement was signed in the early hours of 30 September 1938 (but dated 29 September). The purpose of the conference was to discuss the future of Czechoslovakia in the face of territorial demands made by German dictator Adolf Hitler. The agreement, signed by Germany, France, Britain, and Italy permitted German annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland.

Munich Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MOSCOW, March 2 (RIA Novosti) - Washington has told Moscow that Russian help in resolving Iran's nuclear program would make its missile shield plans for Europe unnecessary, a Russian daily said on Monday, citing White House sources.
Iran's controversial nuclear program was cited by the U.S. as one of the reasons behind its plans to deploy a missile base in Poland and radar in the Czech Republic. The missile shield has been strongly opposed by Russia, which views it as a threat to its national security.

RIA Novosti - Russia - Obama 'ready to drop shield plans for Russian help on Iran'

“The war in Georgia … IS RUSSIA’S PUBLIC RETURN TO GREAT POWER STATUS,” Stratfor founder Dr. George Friedman wrote last August. “This is not something that just explains why Russia invaded Georgia. That war was a warning to America, Europe and NATO against further encroachment into the Russian periphery. It was a warning to former Soviet satellite states that their national security swings on a Russian hinge, and that they had better avoid slipping into bed with America and Europe. The same goes for the Ukraine/Europe gas crisis, the furious debate between America and Russia over the slated U.S. ballistic missile installations in Poland and the Czech Republic, and the decision to establish military bases in Abkhazia on the Black Sea.

FYI, speaking as someone of Czech heritage, and knowing what I do about the Sudentenland, Czechoslovokia should NOT have been given that land in the first place.

That said, the way that Czechoslokia was treated, when it was given back was equally foolish.
Has President Obama studied history?
The Munich Agreement was negotiated at a conference held in Munich, Germany among the major powers of Europe without the presence of Czechoslovakia. It was an act of appeasement. The agreement was signed in the early hours of 30 September 1938 (but dated 29 September). The purpose of the conference was to discuss the future of Czechoslovakia in the face of territorial demands made by German dictator Adolf Hitler. The agreement, signed by Germany, France, Britain, and Italy permitted German annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland.

Munich Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MOSCOW, March 2 (RIA Novosti) - Washington has told Moscow that Russian help in resolving Iran's nuclear program would make its missile shield plans for Europe unnecessary, a Russian daily said on Monday, citing White House sources.
Iran's controversial nuclear program was cited by the U.S. as one of the reasons behind its plans to deploy a missile base in Poland and radar in the Czech Republic. The missile shield has been strongly opposed by Russia, which views it as a threat to its national security.

RIA Novosti - Russia - Obama 'ready to drop shield plans for Russian help on Iran'

“The war in Georgia … IS RUSSIA’S PUBLIC RETURN TO GREAT POWER STATUS,” Stratfor founder Dr. George Friedman wrote last August. “This is not something that just explains why Russia invaded Georgia. That war was a warning to America, Europe and NATO against further encroachment into the Russian periphery. It was a warning to former Soviet satellite states that their national security swings on a Russian hinge, and that they had better avoid slipping into bed with America and Europe. The same goes for the Ukraine/Europe gas crisis, the furious debate between America and Russia over the slated U.S. ballistic missile installations in Poland and the Czech Republic, and the decision to establish military bases in Abkhazia on the Black Sea.

FYI, speaking as someone of Czech heritage, and knowing what I do about the Sudentenland, Czechoslovokia should NOT have been given that land in the first place.

That said, the way that Czechoslokia was treated, when it was given back was equally foolish.

The question here is not whether or not the Sudetenland was populated by German-speakers, but what the motivation of Russia is, and whether we are conceding too much prior to Start II.
I have the sense that the Russians, and the Germans are beyond our leaders in machinations.
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Like we don't know what Russia is thinking.

Was Obama asleep when they attacked Georgia?
Poland, sticks their neck out and Obama answers with this. Shameful, dangerous, and ignorant President.

Obama is moving pretty fast on this stuff.
It will come crashing down on him. He thinks for some reason he's immune to failure, but he isn't, and I haven't seen one thing he's done that isn't going to have disastrous consequences for the country.

He won't be elected a second term. He'll be lucky if he doesn't get booted during his first. And he's going to be in a pitiful condition when Congress becomes Republican in roughly two years.
I wonder what else he has done to date that we don't know about yet!
Of course the OP has moved from calling Obama hitler to saying he'll just appease like Hitler.

Honestly, PC if you truly believe that Russia will be our biggest threat in the future then you need to get your head examined.
Don't expect the liberal leftist Obama crowd to respect history.
They are here to make history instead of learning from it.
I fear that we the American people will be the ones that learn.
I've often wondered if anyone other than myself has noticed the many similarities between the German socialist democrats of the mid 1930's and Obama's brand of socialism. We may have very well crossed the threshold from Democracy into totalitarianism.
Better damn well hope he and those around him fail.

Right on, brother.

The Democrat majority on this board is only concerned with domestic policy. Sad.

Did you see this post I made this morning?

Of course the OP has moved from calling Obama hitler to saying he'll just appease like Hitler.

Honestly, PC if you truly believe that Russia will be our biggest threat in the future then you need to get your head examined.

Hey, didn't I tell you to go back to being Hall Monitor? Do you want to go back to detention?
Hey, didn't I tell you to go back to being Hall Monitor? Do you want to go back to detention?

I pity you PC for the fact you have to try and lamely attack my age instead of a valid response. Are you that jealous that you're old now? :eusa_eh:
Of course the OP has moved from calling Obama hitler to saying he'll just appease like Hitler.

Honestly, PC if you truly believe that Russia will be our biggest threat in the future then you need to get your head examined.

Hmmm...denying schools funding so poor children don't get the same education, printing stickers to show what "projects" he's funding, bragging about changing the face of America to suit himself....

Who is Obama sounding like...



http://www.patana.ac.th/Students/History/archive/mao propaganda.jpg
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Poland has been betrayed over and over during the centuries, BO is just the latest example.

Of what value is the word of Russia about anything?

To BO, it's worth throwing away solid allies who believe in the USA.

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