Obama over Romney 47 to 42?


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
Apparently, despite the best efforts of the rightwingnuts, the president still appears to be in good shape for 2012. And while I am not much on the predictive value of a poll taken two years before an election, I think it's time to start responding to the losers who keep talking about how they've already somehow destroyed him politically.

my favorite is the numbers versus palin in bold...

when you put a Republican name into the equation, the numbers change -- in favor of Obama. The president leads former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 47 to 40 percent. Sen. John Thune of South Dakota trails by 20 points, 47 to 27 percent.

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The president leads former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin 55 to 33 percent. NBC says that 22 percent spread is "an indication that the former Republican vice presidential nominee remains a polarizing figure who actually wins support for Mr. Obama."

The survey finds that nearly three-quarters of Americans personally like the president, even if they don't agree with his stands on the issues.

Obama in Good Shape for 2012 Despite Current Woes, Poll Finds
I never understood how so called conservatives could support Romney. I never would even consider voting for him until he admits what an enormous fuck up the Assachusetts health care system became under his watch. He won't do that and I probably still wouldn't vote for him if he did.
I never understood how so called conservatives could support Romney. I never would even consider voting for him until he admits what an enormous fuck up the Assachusetts health care system became under his watch. He won't do that and I probably still wouldn't vote for him if he did.

He did the right thing for the people of his state. Other states should do likewise. The federal government should not be forcing healthcare onto the entire population. It's a state issue.
I never understood how so called conservatives could support Romney. I never would even consider voting for him until he admits what an enormous fuck up the Assachusetts health care system became under his watch. He won't do that and I probably still wouldn't vote for him if he did.

So if it's Obama v Romney in '12, you will... What, stay home?
I never understood how so called conservatives could support Romney. I never would even consider voting for him until he admits what an enormous fuck up the Assachusetts health care system became under his watch. He won't do that and I probably still wouldn't vote for him if he did.

He did the right thing for the people of his state. Other states should do likewise. The federal government should not be forcing healthcare onto the entire population. It's a state issue.

And the "right" thing resulted in premiums in Assachusetts rising 30% faster than the rest of the country. and nearly put the state's 3 biggest non profit insurance providers out of business. Yeah real good for the state.

No government at any level should be forcing people to buy health insurance.
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What about Jimmy Carter vs Romney?

There's just as much chance of that being the ballot as there is Obama.
I never understood how so called conservatives could support Romney. I never would even consider voting for him until he admits what an enormous fuck up the Assachusetts health care system became under his watch. He won't do that and I probably still wouldn't vote for him if he did.

So if it's Obama v Romney in '12, you will... What, stay home?

I'll probably vote third party as I usually do.
Apparently, despite the best efforts of the rightwingnuts, the president still appears to be in good shape for 2012. And while I am not much on the predictive value of a poll taken two years before an election, I think it's time to start responding to the losers who keep talking about how they've already somehow destroyed him politically.

my favorite is the numbers versus palin in bold...

when you put a Republican name into the equation, the numbers change -- in favor of Obama. The president leads former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 47 to 40 percent. Sen. John Thune of South Dakota trails by 20 points, 47 to 27 percent.

Related Stories
A Third of Democrats Say Obama Compromised Too Much on the Tax Deal
Obama Urges Passage of Tax-Cut Deal, Pledges to Work with Business Community
The president leads former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin 55 to 33 percent. NBC says that 22 percent spread is "an indication that the former Republican vice presidential nominee remains a polarizing figure who actually wins support for Mr. Obama."

The survey finds that nearly three-quarters of Americans personally like the president, even if they don't agree with his stands on the issues.

Obama in Good Shape for 2012 Despite Current Woes, Poll Finds

It will be impossible to destroy him politically when the liberal controlled media twists the truth and the casual left wing population doesn't bother to spend the time to see what this
administration does.

The left will just put their trust in the MSNBC crowd that pushes out the WH talking points and once again they will get caught up in the catchy phrases that the media consultants come up with.

It's scary when people who voted for Obama were given quotes from President Bush,Sarah Palin,John McCain,Rush Limbaugh and others on the right,and they were told President Obama had said it....They totally agreed with those comments...they had no idea
that others had made those statements.These are the people who have the power to vote
for our leaders. :(
I never understood how so called conservatives could support Romney. I never would even consider voting for him until he admits what an enormous fuck up the Assachusetts health care system became under his watch. He won't do that and I probably still wouldn't vote for him if he did.

He did the right thing for the people of his state. Other states should do likewise. The federal government should not be forcing healthcare onto the entire population. It's a state issue.

I disagree that it's a state issue because the economics of it make it necessary for the feds to interject. But I do agree that we'd be better off if people did what was right for their constituents (which is what they're supposed to do) and not grandstand and try to create dissent.

Someone needs to tell the half governor there's no such thing as "pro america parts of the country"
I never understood how so called conservatives could support Romney. I never would even consider voting for him until he admits what an enormous fuck up the Assachusetts health care system became under his watch. He won't do that and I probably still wouldn't vote for him if he did.

i'm not sure why real conservatives wouldn't support romney. he's smart economically and he stays out of people's personal business.

i figure that's exactly what 'conservatives' should be doing.

unlike the reactionaries and right wing religious activists who like to call themselves 'conservative'.
Apparently, despite the best efforts of the rightwingnuts, the president still appears to be in good shape for 2012. And while I am not much on the predictive value of a poll taken two years before an election, I think it's time to start responding to the losers who keep talking about how they've already somehow destroyed him politically.

my favorite is the numbers versus palin in bold...

when you put a Republican name into the equation, the numbers change -- in favor of Obama. The president leads former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 47 to 40 percent. Sen. John Thune of South Dakota trails by 20 points, 47 to 27 percent.

Related Stories
A Third of Democrats Say Obama Compromised Too Much on the Tax Deal
Obama Urges Passage of Tax-Cut Deal, Pledges to Work with Business Community
The president leads former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin 55 to 33 percent. NBC says that 22 percent spread is "an indication that the former Republican vice presidential nominee remains a polarizing figure who actually wins support for Mr. Obama."

The survey finds that nearly three-quarters of Americans personally like the president, even if they don't agree with his stands on the issues.

Obama in Good Shape for 2012 Despite Current Woes, Poll Finds
What policies of Obamas do you find so appealing
I never understood how so called conservatives could support Romney. I never would even consider voting for him until he admits what an enormous fuck up the Assachusetts health care system became under his watch. He won't do that and I probably still wouldn't vote for him if he did.

i'm not sure why real conservatives wouldn't support romney. he's smart economically and he stays out of people's personal business.

i figure that's exactly what 'conservatives' should be doing.

unlike the reactionaries and right wing religious activists who like to call themselves 'conservative'.
I don't support Romney... don't like him at all. I think he's just another career politician that has a life time membership in the good ole boys club. He's a run of the mill Washington insider. Just the kind of politician in my opinion that needs to go.

Frankly, as a conservative, I have no idea who I'll vote for in 2012. It's too early. But I can tell you one thing... IT WON'T BE OBAMA! Might as well be voting for GEORGE SOROS.
The poll is flawed because Soros told Obama a he's a one-termer, so the Dems will run someone other than Obama in 2012
from the same poll

On the political front, Mr. Obama faces a mixed picture as he considers his re-election. Only 42% said they would probably vote for the president if he ran again; 39% said they would probably vote for a Republican.

Poll Finds Support for Obama's Move to Center - WSJ.com

Which reflects my point.

Obama has zero chance of being reelected.

JFK has a better chance.


He won't even run. Now I'll give the ANTI birthers some fodder here, but the whole birth certificate issue will come up again, and there will be states, like Arizona, that will say, "we want to see a real birth certificate, not some bull shit posted online that proves nothing before we put you on our states ballot." Mark my words. It will happen, and obama knows it. My guess is he won't even want to revisit that issue. He'll bow out of the 2012 elections to avoid it. He had major money and power covering his ass in '08. He won't next time.
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He won't even run. Now I'll give the ANTI birthers some fodder here, but the whole birth certificate issue will come up again, and there will be states, like Arizona, that will say, "we want to see the real thing, not some bull shit posted online that proves nothing." Mark my words. It will happen, and obama knows it. My guess is he won't even want to revisit that issue. He'll bow out of the 2012 elections to avoid it. He had major money and power covering his ass in '08. He won't next time.

I agree. I don't know if he is smart enough to bow out himself, but I see almost no chance of him winning the Democratic nomination. Hillary is their best bet, but it doesn't really matter who they run. The 2012 election will be a more a vote against the Dems than a vote for another candidate.
Where he to be foolish enough to run again, Obama would lose a vast majority of our 57 states.

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