Obama One Term President

And how does that work with a Democrat holding the veto stamp? Ironically, the success of the 90's came about because Clinton and a Republican congress worked together. What a concept.

That only happened after Clinton lost the Senate, and Congress, and he came back towards the center, Maggie. No denying that, I'm wondering if barry will be as smart, but right now he is too far left for the majority of Americans, and there is no denying that, either. What a concept that would be for obama....

Still, though, there was not the anger between the parties that Obama has to put up with. Clinton and Gingrich always had a good working relationship, even calling each other at 3AM with an idea to toss around. (Of course for the sake of saving face for their respective constituents, they didn't exactly show that affection in public.) There was also still solid camaraderie among the lawmakers who would often debate loudly on the respective floors, only to be found huddled over drinks and cigars after the gavel fell which is where the compromises were made. Unfortunately, along came the sex scandal, and Republicans saw their way in, many breaking all ties they had with Clinton for political expediency.

It comes down to politics, Maggie. When Bush became president, there was no love from the left from day one, I get it. Politics has become polarizing over the last 10 years. It's going to take a special person to get away from the mindset that has been engrained into our politics.
2012 election, too far off to predict. My guess would be that with all the money they're printng, Obama and the Fed are going to have their hands full fending off inflation. And once gasoline again returns to over $4.00 a gallon, the Democrats will pay the same price as the Republicans did with their inflationary policies.
The Mice Have Had Their Say, Now Maggie The Cat Will Speak...

I don't know how much attention spam you Libs have, probably not much more than an infant, but here goes with lesson two....

Democrats and consequently the Democrat Party are both evil. When we had NO Federal Government Jefferson (Democrat Party founder) was against a large Federal Government. Make sense?

Then when the Federal Government is bloated beyond imagining, and beyond sanity, guess what? Yes, Democrats, wouldn't you know it, want an even larger and larger Federal Government. You see, they always want what is BAD for America. Make sense? If you are a Demoncrat it sure does.

Now they, due to the laws of life, get about half of the votes in this country consistently. It is beyond me how they get any, but evil is ingrained in mankind and they are the device of choice for organizing it, so they do win elections.

For the last 80 years since 1932, they have, plus Democrat Wilson, been trying to spend America to death. The total government tax take, local, state and federal is now over 60% of the entire GDP. That means all of us and everything else must live on about 40% of our total GDP. These parasites are drinking our blood. Keeping in mind that the entire governmental structures of this country have never in 200 years ever produced one loaf of bread, one pair of shoes, one car, or anything of value whatsoever.

Due to their power Democrats are able to coax, induce, and bully Republicans into going along with them quite often. Evil has it attractions and its power. So, you get Reagan letting Democrats spend like crazy in a deal where they would allow him to build up the military, and the economy, in order to destroy the USSR. The price they exacted was skyrocketing domestic welfare-state spending. He and Tip O'Neil made a deal on that. OK? In order to save the nation and the world from communism, Reagan had to agree to this spending spree by Democrats.

Bush one, and two, ditto. In order for them to get Democrat support for fighting terrorism and safeguarding the nation, and the economy they had to barter away a vast domestic spending sprees, consisting of hundreds of programs, including free Prescription Drugs for old people.

These are the facts of life, and we must deal with them as best we can. Every bad thing Republicans have done has been forced on them by Democrats through extortion and blackmail, and that is the truth. Check it out.

What's truly funny about your rant is that you apparently think that Sarah Palin is the answer to all that "evil" done by Washington politicians, including Republicans who simply kowed to liberal demands. (That's funny all by itself...)

Unfortunately for you and others who think she's God's Gift to [whatever], when she puts on her politician's hat, she ain't no conservative after all.

Sarah Palin's Alaskonomics - TIME

Alaska residents each get a yearly check for about $2,000 from oil revenues, plus an additional $1,200 pushed through by Palin last year to take advantage of rising oil prices. Any sympathy the governor of Alaska expresses for folks in the lower 48 who are suffering from high gas prices or can't afford to heat their homes is strictly crocodile tears.

So Palin thinks it's Ok for the oil companies to gouge Americans in the lower 48 states, as long as she can return a windfall profits tax to Alaskans only. Now I know what she means by Alaska First. Furthermore:

As if it couldn't support itself, Alaska also ranks No. 1, year after year, in money it sucks in from Washington. In 2005 (the most recent figures), according to the Tax Foundation, Alaska ranked 18th in federal taxes paid per resident ($5,434) but first in federal spending received per resident ($13,950). Its ratio of federal spending received to federal taxes paid ranks third among the 50 states, and in the absolute amount it receives from Washington over and above the amount it sends to Washington, Alaska ranks No. 1.

And her love of earmarks is right up there, too:

Palin's Embrace of Earmarks - Washington Post Investigations

Sarah Is Always Right

There is no pleasing the "Pick at Palin" Pinkos :evil: . If she is Conservative she is bad, if she is Liberal she is bad. She can't win against that kind of onslaught.

Fact is, Democrats are scared Sh**less of her, but everything they do and say against her makes her stronger, for if God is for her, who can be against her.

She did her job as mayor of a city, and governor of Alaska superbly, witness the 80 plus % approval rating she had, and has.

She is the penultimate mother grizzly bear, and she takes care of her cubs. When she was governor she took care of Alaska ONLY, and when she is President, which she will be, she will take care of America ONLY. She can only do one job at a time.

Sure, earmarks are bad, but as long as they are legal ANY legislator that does not beg, borrow and steal to get them for his, or her, state is derelict in their duty.

I oppose earmarks, but were I in Congress, or a governor, I would get all I could for MY state. That would be my job until the rules are changed, you play by the rules, or you are an idiot.
The Mice Have Had Their Say, Now Maggie The Cat Will Speak...

I don't know how much attention spam you Libs have, probably not much more than an infant, but here goes with lesson two....

Democrats and consequently the Democrat Party are both evil. When we had NO Federal Government Jefferson (Democrat Party founder) was against a large Federal Government. Make sense?

Then when the Federal Government is bloated beyond imagining, and beyond sanity, guess what? Yes, Democrats, wouldn't you know it, want an even larger and larger Federal Government. You see, they always want what is BAD for America. Make sense? If you are a Demoncrat it sure does.

Now they, due to the laws of life, get about half of the votes in this country consistently. It is beyond me how they get any, but evil is ingrained in mankind and they are the device of choice for organizing it, so they do win elections.

For the last 80 years since 1932, they have, plus Democrat Wilson, been trying to spend America to death. The total government tax take, local, state and federal is now over 60% of the entire GDP. That means all of us and everything else must live on about 40% of our total GDP. These parasites are drinking our blood. Keeping in mind that the entire governmental structures of this country have never in 200 years ever produced one loaf of bread, one pair of shoes, one car, or anything of value whatsoever.

Due to their power Democrats are able to coax, induce, and bully Republicans into going along with them quite often. Evil has it attractions and its power. So, you get Reagan letting Democrats spend like crazy in a deal where they would allow him to build up the military, and the economy, in order to destroy the USSR. The price they exacted was skyrocketing domestic welfare-state spending. He and Tip O'Neil made a deal on that. OK? In order to save the nation and the world from communism, Reagan had to agree to this spending spree by Democrats.

Bush one, and two, ditto. In order for them to get Democrat support for fighting terrorism and safeguarding the nation, and the economy they had to barter away a vast domestic spending sprees, consisting of hundreds of programs, including free Prescription Drugs for old people.

These are the facts of life, and we must deal with them as best we can. Every bad thing Republicans have done has been forced on them by Democrats through extortion and blackmail, and that is the truth. Check it out.

What's truly funny about your rant is that you apparently think that Sarah Palin is the answer to all that "evil" done by Washington politicians, including Republicans who simply kowed to liberal demands. (That's funny all by itself...)

Unfortunately for you and others who think she's God's Gift to [whatever], when she puts on her politician's hat, she ain't no conservative after all.

Sarah Palin's Alaskonomics - TIME

Alaska residents each get a yearly check for about $2,000 from oil revenues, plus an additional $1,200 pushed through by Palin last year to take advantage of rising oil prices. Any sympathy the governor of Alaska expresses for folks in the lower 48 who are suffering from high gas prices or can't afford to heat their homes is strictly crocodile tears.

So Palin thinks it's Ok for the oil companies to gouge Americans in the lower 48 states, as long as she can return a windfall profits tax to Alaskans only. Now I know what she means by Alaska First. Furthermore:

As if it couldn't support itself, Alaska also ranks No. 1, year after year, in money it sucks in from Washington. In 2005 (the most recent figures), according to the Tax Foundation, Alaska ranked 18th in federal taxes paid per resident ($5,434) but first in federal spending received per resident ($13,950). Its ratio of federal spending received to federal taxes paid ranks third among the 50 states, and in the absolute amount it receives from Washington over and above the amount it sends to Washington, Alaska ranks No. 1.

And her love of earmarks is right up there, too:

Palin's Embrace of Earmarks - Washington Post Investigations

Sarah Is Always Right

There is no pleasing the "Pick at Palin" Pinkos :evil: . If she is Conservative she is bad, if she is Liberal she is bad. She can't win against that kind of onslaught.

Fact is, Democrats are scared Sh**less of her, but everything they do and say against her makes her stronger, for if God is for her, who can be against her.

She did her job as mayor of a city, and governor of Alaska superbly, witness the 80 plus % approval rating she had, and has.

She is the penultimate mother grizzly bear, and she takes care of her cubs. When she was governor she took care of Alaska ONLY, and when she is President, which she will be, she will take care of America ONLY. She can only do one job at a time.

Sure, earmarks are bad, but as long as they are legal ANY legislator that does not beg, borrow and steal to get them for his, or her, state is derelict in their duty.

I oppose earmarks, but were I in Congress, or a governor, I would get all I could for MY state. That would be my job until the rules are changed, you play by the rules, or you are an idiot.

You know what? Even if Sara Palin was the most brilliant and fair politician out there, I couldn't stand listening to her piercing voice for four years straight. Can anyone imagine her sitting down with heads of state and sounding like an adult instead of a teenager on steroids ranting about her BFF competition?
What's truly funny about your rant is that you apparently think that Sarah Palin is the answer to all that "evil" done by Washington politicians, including Republicans who simply kowed to liberal demands. (That's funny all by itself...)

Unfortunately for you and others who think she's God's Gift to [whatever], when she puts on her politician's hat, she ain't no conservative after all.

Sarah Palin's Alaskonomics - TIME

Alaska residents each get a yearly check for about $2,000 from oil revenues, plus an additional $1,200 pushed through by Palin last year to take advantage of rising oil prices. Any sympathy the governor of Alaska expresses for folks in the lower 48 who are suffering from high gas prices or can't afford to heat their homes is strictly crocodile tears.

So Palin thinks it's Ok for the oil companies to gouge Americans in the lower 48 states, as long as she can return a windfall profits tax to Alaskans only. Now I know what she means by Alaska First. Furthermore:

As if it couldn't support itself, Alaska also ranks No. 1, year after year, in money it sucks in from Washington. In 2005 (the most recent figures), according to the Tax Foundation, Alaska ranked 18th in federal taxes paid per resident ($5,434) but first in federal spending received per resident ($13,950). Its ratio of federal spending received to federal taxes paid ranks third among the 50 states, and in the absolute amount it receives from Washington over and above the amount it sends to Washington, Alaska ranks No. 1.

And her love of earmarks is right up there, too:

Palin's Embrace of Earmarks - Washington Post Investigations

Sarah Is Always Right

There is no pleasing the "Pick at Palin" Pinkos :evil: . If she is Conservative she is bad, if she is Liberal she is bad. She can't win against that kind of onslaught.

Fact is, Democrats are scared Sh**less of her, but everything they do and say against her makes her stronger, for if God is for her, who can be against her.

She did her job as mayor of a city, and governor of Alaska superbly, witness the 80 plus % approval rating she had, and has.

She is the penultimate mother grizzly bear, and she takes care of her cubs. When she was governor she took care of Alaska ONLY, and when she is President, which she will be, she will take care of America ONLY. She can only do one job at a time.

Sure, earmarks are bad, but as long as they are legal ANY legislator that does not beg, borrow and steal to get them for his, or her, state is derelict in their duty.

I oppose earmarks, but were I in Congress, or a governor, I would get all I could for MY state. That would be my job until the rules are changed, you play by the rules, or you are an idiot.

You know what? Even if Sara Palin was the most brilliant and fair politician out there, I couldn't stand listening to her piercing voice for four years straight. Can anyone imagine her sitting down with heads of state and sounding like an adult instead of a teenager on steroids ranting about her BFF competition?


Look, Wake-Up! By your words, you are taking a juvenile animalistic approach yourself, and sadly, you don't even know it.

When you attack people based on their looks, their voice, their race, their gender, their age, their culture, their language, and so forth, and all of these are the same, you are nothing but a vicious, unreasoning, illogical, uncivilized BIGOT :evil: . Admit it.

Now, I'm honest, so I can see those unpleasant tendencies even in my perfect self, but it is really sad that you can't see yourself and your own faults.

To say what you said about her is like me saying, "Even if Obama was the greatest thing for America and the world that had come down the pike that I just couldn't stand his Black skin, his big ears, his Curious George look, his use of teleprompters, his lack of religion, his two ugly kids, his ugly Portuguese dog, his Hippie White mother, his Black father and so forth. Saying such would mark me as a BIGOT, and yet you do the same sort of thing to Sarah, you along and most all the BIGOT Democrats.

You have the nerve to say you would not support her because YOU don't like the tone of her voice. Well, to those who love her, her voice is like the sweetest thing in the world, and wake up, that is human nature.

Finally, I think lurking deep below your disdain for her high voice is a hatred for women in general. Are you sure you are not one of those women haters who pretend they are not?
You don't understand leftywinger......the Senate, and the Congress, and the presidency of one party doesn't work, it's not working with the current administration either. I don't want the Senate, Congress and presidency of either party to be one, I want the checks and balances to work, and it only works when BOTH parties have SOME power in policy making.
Maybe now you will understand

Been there done that..

We ended up with a Republican Congress that hired a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton within months of assuming office and they kept the investigations going for seven years.

To show how well they wanted to work together, the Republicans even trumped up impeachment proceedings.

I would give the GOP six weeks after assuming Congressional control to trump up some investigation against Obama

Like I said......been there, done that...don't want to repeat the same mistake

I really do feel sorry for you, leftwinger. If Clinton hadn't LIED to a Grand Jury, perhaps impeachment would have been a moot subject.
When Clinton lost control of the House, that is when he started making progress as a leader of this great nation. You can deny that all you want, but the truth is the truth, and you can keep your pathetic "been there done that" crap, because it's BS and you know it.
You have no response except to come up with your partisan bullshit, dude.
Also Clinton tried to rape and sexually assault women.
i guarantee obama gets two terms

As long as the republicans can get control of the Senate, or Congress, we will survive the barry era.

We tried allowing the Republicans to control the House and Senate......it didn't work

actually it worked great for the country. Unemployment was at a record low.

This is what happened when there was a republican president and a republican congress.

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
2000 4.0 4.1 4.0 3.8 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.1 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9
2001 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.3 4.5 4.6 4.9 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.7
2002 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.9 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.9 6.0
2003 5.8 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.0 5.8 5.7
2004 5.7 5.6 5.8 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.5 5.4 5.4
2005 5.3 5.4 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.0 5.0 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.9
2006 4.7 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.4

This is what happened when there was a republican president and democrat congress
2007 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.4 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.7 5.0
2008 5.0 4.8 5.1 5.0 5.4 5.5 5.8 6.1 6.2 6.6 6.9 7.4

This is what happened when there was a democrat president and a democrat congress

2009 7.7 8.2 8.6 8.9 9.4 9.5 9.4 9.7 9.8 10.1 10.0 10.0
2010 9.7 9.7 9.7

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtih-rOXXPw]YouTube - 80's This Is Your Brain On Drugs PSA[/ame]
One problem.....

Have you seen the stiffs the GOP has available to run against him?
Have you seen the economy in the last year?

Obama landslide in 2012

Yeah Palin is, as always, lookin' good... and the economy is a DISASTER... with a multi-trillion dollar HC boondoggle just put in place to assure that the same thing that the left just did to the Mortgage, real-estate and building industry happens to the HC industry.

We really need to establish an election night suicide-watch for this clown... preferably with video...
One problem.....

Have you seen the stiffs the GOP has available to run against him?
Have you seen the economy in the last year?

Obama landslide in 2012

Yeah Palin is, as always, lookin' good... and the economy is a DISASTER... with a multi-trillion dollar HC boondoggle just put in place to assure that the same thing that the left just did to the Mortgage, real-estate and building industry happens to the HC industry.

We really need to establish an election night suicide-watch for this clown... preferably with video...

Palin is an automatic WIN for Obama and any other Democrats running in 2012....if you guys pick her, she is POISON

By all means go for it
You don't understand leftywinger......the Senate, and the Congress, and the presidency of one party doesn't work, it's not working with the current administration either. I don't want the Senate, Congress and presidency of either party to be one, I want the checks and balances to work, and it only works when BOTH parties have SOME power in policy making.
Maybe now you will understand

Been there done that..

We ended up with a Republican Congress that hired a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton within months of assuming office and they kept the investigations going for seven years.

To show how well they wanted to work together, the Republicans even trumped up impeachment proceedings.

I would give the GOP six weeks after assuming Congressional control to trump up some investigation against Obama

Like I said......been there, done that...don't want to repeat the same mistake

I really do feel sorry for you, leftwinger. If Clinton hadn't LIED to a Grand Jury, perhaps impeachment would have been a moot subject.
When Clinton lost control of the House, that is when he started making progress as a leader of this great nation. You can deny that all you want, but the truth is the truth, and you can keep your pathetic "been there done that" crap, because it's BS and you know it.
You have no response except to come up with your partisan bullshit, dude.

GOP answer to not being in power was to trump up bogus investigations on Whitewater and a Blowjob. They tied up the country for years with endless BS investigations.

Same thing they will do if they ever get power again
Why would anyone listen to advice from his enemy that wants to kill him? When Democrats give us Republicans advice, the smart thing for us to do is to do the exact opposite.

You Lefties say we would be foolish to nominate Sarah, well, that means the best thing for us to do is to nominate her, which is exactly what we are going to do.

If you think she would be such a disaster for us you should be encouraging us to nominate her, right? So, get off her case and encourage us to self-destruct. LOL :lol:
Why would anyone listen to advice from his enemy that wants to kill him? When Democrats give us Republicans advice, the smart thing for us to do is to do the exact opposite.

You Lefties say we would be foolish to nominate Sarah, well, that means the best thing for us to do is to nominate her, which is exactly what we are going to do.

If you think she would be such a disaster for us you should be encouraging us to nominate her, right? So, get off her case and encourage us to self-destruct. LOL :lol:

Please nominate half governor Palin.

Been there done that..

We ended up with a Republican Congress that hired a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton within months of assuming office and they kept the investigations going for seven years.

To show how well they wanted to work together, the Republicans even trumped up impeachment proceedings.

I would give the GOP six weeks after assuming Congressional control to trump up some investigation against Obama

Like I said......been there, done that...don't want to repeat the same mistake

I really do feel sorry for you, leftwinger. If Clinton hadn't LIED to a Grand Jury, perhaps impeachment would have been a moot subject.
When Clinton lost control of the House, that is when he started making progress as a leader of this great nation. You can deny that all you want, but the truth is the truth, and you can keep your pathetic "been there done that" crap, because it's BS and you know it.
You have no response except to come up with your partisan bullshit, dude.

GOP answer to not being in power was to trump up bogus investigations on Whitewater and a Blowjob. They tied up the country for years with endless BS investigations.

Same thing they will do if they ever get power again

Partisan BS response from you, and you know it leftwinger. Clinton in his second term did get policies passed with the republicans.....try and deny that leftwinger.
Why would anyone listen to advice from his enemy that wants to kill him? When Democrats give us Republicans advice, the smart thing for us to do is to do the exact opposite.

You Lefties say we would be foolish to nominate Sarah, well, that means the best thing for us to do is to nominate her, which is exactly what we are going to do.

If you think she would be such a disaster for us you should be encouraging us to nominate her, right? So, get off her case and encourage us to self-destruct. LOL :lol:

Please nominate half governor Palin.


Why would anyone listen to advice from his enemy that wants to kill him? When Democrats give us Republicans advice, the smart thing for us to do is to do the exact opposite.

You Lefties say we would be foolish to nominate Sarah, well, that means the best thing for us to do is to nominate her, which is exactly what we are going to do.

If you think she would be such a disaster for us you should be encouraging us to nominate her, right? So, get off her case and encourage us to self-destruct. LOL :lol:

:clap2: you spoke like a true partisan hack. If the democrats say "save the country", you should say "to hell with the country, as you d rather have it die than recover under democratic rule". Good luck with the elections: let s do the experience thingy again next presidential election, ok?

Who to pick?

1) Famous and succesfull TV- & media clown aka hockey mom aka mouse hunter aka failed governor (governor who quited on her people) aka "failed VP pick" aka extremist tea-party clown aka failed "conservative" mother (pregnant 16 year old doughter) aka ... .

2) Or mr successful community organizer (During his three years as the DCP's director, its staff grew from one to thirteen and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000) aka successful law scholar (president of the Harvard Law Review + graduating with a Juris Doctor: J.D.) aka professor at the University of Chicago (teached constitutional law) aka mr President.

Hmm, hard to choose ... mr succesfull? Or mss loser? :lol:
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Why would anyone listen to advice from his enemy that wants to kill him? When Democrats give us Republicans advice, the smart thing for us to do is to do the exact opposite.

You Lefties say we would be foolish to nominate Sarah, well, that means the best thing for us to do is to nominate her, which is exactly what we are going to do.

If you think she would be such a disaster for us you should be encouraging us to nominate her, right? So, get off her case and encourage us to self-destruct. LOL :lol:

Please nominate half governor Palin.

Finally something we agree upon.

She would beat the shit out of the communist Kenyan.
Birds of Prey...:evil:

When you birds (vultures) attack Sarah, we all know we are on the right track in nominating her, and we will. The very fact of your vitriol spewing at her and her family is proof of your fear of her. You lie when you say you don't fear her.

No one bothers attacking something they do not fear. You trash are quaking in your boots that she is going to take away your perverted sex lives and your perverted life styles, and your perverted values. Well, go ahead and quake and tremble, for she will do just that, if Jesus doesn't come and get all of you before that.

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Why would anyone listen to advice from his enemy that wants to kill him? When Democrats give us Republicans advice, the smart thing for us to do is to do the exact opposite.

You Lefties say we would be foolish to nominate Sarah, well, that means the best thing for us to do is to nominate her, which is exactly what we are going to do.

If you think she would be such a disaster for us you should be encouraging us to nominate her, right? So, get off her case and encourage us to self-destruct. LOL :lol:

:clap2: you spoke like a true partisan hack. If the democrats say "save the country", you should say "to hell with the country, as you d rather have it die than recover under democratic rule". Good luck with the elections: let s do the experience thingy again next presidential election, ok?

Who to pick?

1) Famous and succesfull TV- & media clown aka hockey mom aka mouse hunter aka failed governor (governor who quited on her people) aka "failed VP pick" aka extremist tea-party clown aka failed "conservative" mother (pregnant 16 year old doughter) aka ... .

2) Or mr successful community organizer (During his three years as the DCP's director, its staff grew from one to thirteen and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000) aka successful law scholar (president of the Harvard Law Review + graduating with a Juris Doctor: J.D.) aka professor at the University of Chicago (teached constitutional law) aka mr President.

Hmm, hard to chose ... mr succesfull? Or mss loser? :lol:

I'll go with door number three.....thank you.
Our nation can't afford "mr. successful"
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