Obama OK’d $310 million in free legal advice to illegal immigrants

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
They will do ANYTHING to try to increase their ever decreasing low IQ base, even break Federal Law with abandonment!

Washington Examiner ^

The Obama administration approved $310 million in free legal advice to young illegal immigrants despite federal law barring charging taxpayers for helping immigrants avoid deportation, according to a new report.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute said that the funding was provided to a top legal defense group to help unaccompanied alien children under the age of 18 land with a sponsor in the U.S.

In 2015 and 2016, contracts reviewed by IRLI showed that several worth $310 million went to one nonprofit legal group, the Vera Institute of Justice. A top director has ties to liberal philanthropist George Soros.

At issue, said the group, is immigration law that bars using tax dollars to help illegal immigrants avoid deportation. In a report, IRLI said:

The Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 292, states that aliens in removal proceedings "shall have the privilege of being represented (at no expense to the government)." Immigrant special interest groups, sometimes on behalf of unaccompanied minors, have tried since 1996 to challenge this section, claiming it violates aliens’ rights. Federal courts have always rejected these claims.

The Obama administration handled waves of immigrants from Central America with some sympathy, especially when it involved minors and younger illegal immigrants. Many of the unaccompanied alien children were part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program granting a form of amnesty.

So-called UACs have been a hot button issue for years. In 2016, for example, hearings where held to probe reports of abuse and trafficking of the younger immigrants after being placed with sponsors, sometimes illegal immigrants themselves and others linked to sex rings.

“When the federal government pays for illegal alien minors to receive direct legal representation, it does more than flout the law,” said Dale L. Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of IRLI, in a statement.

He added, “These unauthorized payments have undoubtedly speeded-up UACs’ release from detention facilities to join their families, relatives, or fellow gang members — or help them reconnect with and pay ‘pandillas,’ the criminal cartels that make enormous profits from controlling human trafficking over the southern border. My guess is that average voters would not be pleased to know that such vast amounts of their tax dollars are being spent in aid of this giant criminal enterprise.”

Read the release here.
Well if Cruz and those with him get the funding for the wall we won't have to worry about how many billions illegals cost us.

With a wall they can't get it. With a wall we can boot the illegals that are here out and they won't be able to get back in.

Win, Win for the American taxpayer.
They will do ANYTHING to try to increase their ever decreasing low IQ base, even break Federal Law with abandonment!

Washington Examiner ^

The Obama administration approved $310 million in free legal advice to young illegal immigrants despite federal law barring charging taxpayers for helping immigrants avoid deportation, according to a new report.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute said that the funding was provided to a top legal defense group to help unaccompanied alien children under the age of 18 land with a sponsor in the U.S.

In 2015 and 2016, contracts reviewed by IRLI showed that several worth $310 million went to one nonprofit legal group, the Vera Institute of Justice. A top director has ties to liberal philanthropist George Soros.

At issue, said the group, is immigration law that bars using tax dollars to help illegal immigrants avoid deportation. In a report, IRLI said:

The Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 292, states that aliens in removal proceedings "shall have the privilege of being represented (at no expense to the government)." Immigrant special interest groups, sometimes on behalf of unaccompanied minors, have tried since 1996 to challenge this section, claiming it violates aliens’ rights. Federal courts have always rejected these claims.

The Obama administration handled waves of immigrants from Central America with some sympathy, especially when it involved minors and younger illegal immigrants. Many of the unaccompanied alien children were part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program granting a form of amnesty.

So-called UACs have been a hot button issue for years. In 2016, for example, hearings where held to probe reports of abuse and trafficking of the younger immigrants after being placed with sponsors, sometimes illegal immigrants themselves and others linked to sex rings.

“When the federal government pays for illegal alien minors to receive direct legal representation, it does more than flout the law,” said Dale L. Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of IRLI, in a statement.

He added, “These unauthorized payments have undoubtedly speeded-up UACs’ release from detention facilities to join their families, relatives, or fellow gang members — or help them reconnect with and pay ‘pandillas,’ the criminal cartels that make enormous profits from controlling human trafficking over the southern border. My guess is that average voters would not be pleased to know that such vast amounts of their tax dollars are being spent in aid of this giant criminal enterprise.”

Read the release here.
So? Trump gave $12 billion to our lazy farmers in exchange for nothing
They will do ANYTHING to try to increase their ever decreasing low IQ base, even break Federal Law with abandonment!

Washington Examiner ^

The Obama administration approved $310 million in free legal advice to young illegal immigrants despite federal law barring charging taxpayers for helping immigrants avoid deportation, according to a new report.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute said that the funding was provided to a top legal defense group to help unaccompanied alien children under the age of 18 land with a sponsor in the U.S.

In 2015 and 2016, contracts reviewed by IRLI showed that several worth $310 million went to one nonprofit legal group, the Vera Institute of Justice. A top director has ties to liberal philanthropist George Soros.

At issue, said the group, is immigration law that bars using tax dollars to help illegal immigrants avoid deportation. In a report, IRLI said:

The Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 292, states that aliens in removal proceedings "shall have the privilege of being represented (at no expense to the government)." Immigrant special interest groups, sometimes on behalf of unaccompanied minors, have tried since 1996 to challenge this section, claiming it violates aliens’ rights. Federal courts have always rejected these claims.

The Obama administration handled waves of immigrants from Central America with some sympathy, especially when it involved minors and younger illegal immigrants. Many of the unaccompanied alien children were part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program granting a form of amnesty.

So-called UACs have been a hot button issue for years. In 2016, for example, hearings where held to probe reports of abuse and trafficking of the younger immigrants after being placed with sponsors, sometimes illegal immigrants themselves and others linked to sex rings.

“When the federal government pays for illegal alien minors to receive direct legal representation, it does more than flout the law,” said Dale L. Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of IRLI, in a statement.

He added, “These unauthorized payments have undoubtedly speeded-up UACs’ release from detention facilities to join their families, relatives, or fellow gang members — or help them reconnect with and pay ‘pandillas,’ the criminal cartels that make enormous profits from controlling human trafficking over the southern border. My guess is that average voters would not be pleased to know that such vast amounts of their tax dollars are being spent in aid of this giant criminal enterprise.”

Read the release here.
So? Trump gave $12 billion to our lazy farmers in exchange for nothing
So? They were Americans not turds in this country illegally! Next?
Just like a libtard to bitch about American farmers getting taxpayer money but not a whimper when it’s given to illegals!
They will do ANYTHING to try to increase their ever decreasing low IQ base, even break Federal Law with abandonment!

Washington Examiner ^

The Obama administration approved $310 million in free legal advice to young illegal immigrants despite federal law barring charging taxpayers for helping immigrants avoid deportation, according to a new report.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute said that the funding was provided to a top legal defense group to help unaccompanied alien children under the age of 18 land with a sponsor in the U.S.

In 2015 and 2016, contracts reviewed by IRLI showed that several worth $310 million went to one nonprofit legal group, the Vera Institute of Justice. A top director has ties to liberal philanthropist George Soros.

At issue, said the group, is immigration law that bars using tax dollars to help illegal immigrants avoid deportation. In a report, IRLI said:

The Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 292, states that aliens in removal proceedings "shall have the privilege of being represented (at no expense to the government)." Immigrant special interest groups, sometimes on behalf of unaccompanied minors, have tried since 1996 to challenge this section, claiming it violates aliens’ rights. Federal courts have always rejected these claims.

The Obama administration handled waves of immigrants from Central America with some sympathy, especially when it involved minors and younger illegal immigrants. Many of the unaccompanied alien children were part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program granting a form of amnesty.

So-called UACs have been a hot button issue for years. In 2016, for example, hearings where held to probe reports of abuse and trafficking of the younger immigrants after being placed with sponsors, sometimes illegal immigrants themselves and others linked to sex rings.

“When the federal government pays for illegal alien minors to receive direct legal representation, it does more than flout the law,” said Dale L. Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of IRLI, in a statement.

He added, “These unauthorized payments have undoubtedly speeded-up UACs’ release from detention facilities to join their families, relatives, or fellow gang members — or help them reconnect with and pay ‘pandillas,’ the criminal cartels that make enormous profits from controlling human trafficking over the southern border. My guess is that average voters would not be pleased to know that such vast amounts of their tax dollars are being spent in aid of this giant criminal enterprise.”

Read the release here.

Here comes the boogeyman again!!! SOROS. YOUR commentary is batshit crazy. I feel more than confident that OBAMA knew how to legally appropriate the FUNDS and legally what entities they could go to. He had functional WH lawyers!

Now for the facts. ASYLUM SEEKERS CAN USE LEGAL AID. Legal Aid has been around for at least a century.

United States[edit]
Main article: Legal aid in the United States
A number of delivery models for legal aid have emerged. The Legal Services Corporation was authorized at the federal level to oversee these programs. In a "staff attorney" model, lawyers are employed by levels of government on salary solely to provide legal assistance to qualifying low-income clients, similar to staff doctors in a public hospital. In a "judicare" model, private lawyers and law firms are paid to handle cases from eligible clients alongside cases from fee-paying clients, much like doctors are paid to handle Medicare patients in the U.S.[35] The "community legal clinic" model comprises non-profit clinics serving a particular community through a broad range of legal services (e.g. representation, education, law reform) and provided by both lawyers and non-lawyers, similar to community health clinics.

Defendants under criminal prosecution who cannot afford to hire an attorney are not only guaranteed legal aid related to the charges, but they are guaranteed legal representation, either in the form of public defenders, or in absence of provisions for such or due to case overloads, a court-appointed attorney.
They will do ANYTHING to try to increase their ever decreasing low IQ base, even break Federal Law with abandonment!

Washington Examiner ^

The Obama administration approved $310 million in free legal advice to young illegal immigrants despite federal law barring charging taxpayers for helping immigrants avoid deportation, according to a new report.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute said that the funding was provided to a top legal defense group to help unaccompanied alien children under the age of 18 land with a sponsor in the U.S.

In 2015 and 2016, contracts reviewed by IRLI showed that several worth $310 million went to one nonprofit legal group, the Vera Institute of Justice. A top director has ties to liberal philanthropist George Soros.

At issue, said the group, is immigration law that bars using tax dollars to help illegal immigrants avoid deportation. In a report, IRLI said:

The Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 292, states that aliens in removal proceedings "shall have the privilege of being represented (at no expense to the government)." Immigrant special interest groups, sometimes on behalf of unaccompanied minors, have tried since 1996 to challenge this section, claiming it violates aliens’ rights. Federal courts have always rejected these claims.

The Obama administration handled waves of immigrants from Central America with some sympathy, especially when it involved minors and younger illegal immigrants. Many of the unaccompanied alien children were part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program granting a form of amnesty.

So-called UACs have been a hot button issue for years. In 2016, for example, hearings where held to probe reports of abuse and trafficking of the younger immigrants after being placed with sponsors, sometimes illegal immigrants themselves and others linked to sex rings.

“When the federal government pays for illegal alien minors to receive direct legal representation, it does more than flout the law,” said Dale L. Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of IRLI, in a statement.

He added, “These unauthorized payments have undoubtedly speeded-up UACs’ release from detention facilities to join their families, relatives, or fellow gang members — or help them reconnect with and pay ‘pandillas,’ the criminal cartels that make enormous profits from controlling human trafficking over the southern border. My guess is that average voters would not be pleased to know that such vast amounts of their tax dollars are being spent in aid of this giant criminal enterprise.”

Read the release here.
So? Trump gave $12 billion to our lazy farmers in exchange for nothing
this HELPS Americans/America --DUH
where as when you give it to low educated foreigners it does not
pretty simple/obvious

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