Obama Makes Wealthy Pay, Their Fair Share..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Mostly for his re-election campaign.....:eusa_whistle:

but alas, Democrats aren't expected to acknowledge the hypocrisy..


Despite the recent public lashing President Obama gave millionaires and billionaires, in private, Team Obama is once again diving into the pockets of the super rich to fund its campaign.

With the 2012 campaign barely under way, Obama has already raised some $35 million from the biggest donors -- so-called 'bundlers' who collect money by the truckload from the wealthy elite.

"A bundler is someone who collects checks from other people," said Susan Estrich, a former Democratic campaign manager. "They may be people who work for him, who hired him as a consultant or in many cases, want to do business with them."

Some of the high-profile bundlers Obama signed up this year include former New Jersey Governor and Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine, Vogue editor Anna Wintour, Dreamworks’ studio head Jeffery Katzenberg, and David Cohen of Comcast, the new owner of NBC-Universal.

Wall Street, including the hedge fund managers blasted by Obama, gave the president's 2012 campaign $7 million, followed by lawyers at $6 million and businesses at $4 million.

"We're going to see a different mixture of fundraisers and bundlers this time," said Bob Stern with Los Angeles-based Center on Governmental Studies. "In 2008, it was about ideology. It was people who were committed to Obama the person. What we see now are the Wall Street types, business types -- people who want something from government."

That's not to say Obama's 2008 bundlers didn't want something. Obama rewarded half of his top money men plum government appointments. Matthew Barzun, who raised $500,000, was named Ambassador to Sweden. Bill Eacho, who bundled a similar amount, received the Ambassadorship to Austria.

Obama Looks to 'Bundlers' for 2012 Re-Election Campaign - FoxNews.com
Obama isn't opposed to the wealthy, hes opposed to the wealthy/corporations that have no desire to join his Klan of corporate fascists that submit to the government as long as they're allowed to have a monopoly on whatever it is they do - e.g General Electric, labor unions (which all vote progressive) etc.
Obama isn't opposed to the wealthy, hes opposed to the wealthy/corporations that have no desire to join his Klan of corporate fascists that submit to the government as long as they're allowed to have a monopoly on whatever it is they do - e.g General Electric, labor unions (which all vote progressive) etc.

It's fairly obvious Obama enjoys the lavish lifestyle and his millions in the bank...

He surely feels the pain of the common American....:lmao:
Obama isn't opposed to the wealthy, hes opposed to the wealthy/corporations that have no desire to join his Klan of corporate fascists that submit to the government as long as they're allowed to have a monopoly on whatever it is they do - e.g General Electric, labor unions (which all vote progressive) etc.

It's fairly obvious Obama enjoys the lavish lifestyle and his millions in the bank...

He surely feels the pain of the common American....:lmao:

Obama knows his policies are horrible which is why he's creating two worlds. One of which his organized supporters (unions, poor, those who work for certain corporations) are pretty much exempt from his policies and another world where those who oppose him are forced to live with the horrors of having to subsidize his support base.

What hes doing is redistributing wealth from those he hates which is the non-union middle class and up private sector..... Hes taxing the fuck out of them and giving the money right to his unions via stimulus plans and bailouts.

The only people that got anything from the government via all of Obamas spending were the unions - thats it and thats all.
Granny says, "Dat's right - Obama gonna make dem rich folks dat own companies pay fer all dem American jobs dey been outsourcin'...
Obama to seek a new tax rate for wealthy
18 Sept.`11 WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama is expected to seek a new base tax rate for the wealthy to ensure that millionaires pay at least at the same percentage as middle income taxpayers.
A White House official said the proposal would be included in the president's proposal for long term deficit reduction that he will announce Monday. The official spoke anonymously because the plan has not been officially announced. Obama is going to call it the "Buffett Rule" for Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor who has complained that rich people like him pay a smaller share of their income in federal taxes than middle-class taxpayers. Buffett wrote in a New York Times op-ed piece last month that he and his rich friends "have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress."

The measure would be in addition to $447 billion in new tax revenue that Obama is seeking to pay for his short-term spending and tax cutting plan to jump start the economy. House Speaker John Boehner said Thursday he would oppose tax increases to reduce the deficit. Boehner has urged Congress' deficit "supercommittee" to lay the groundwork for a broad overhaul of the U.S. tax code. The panel has almost unlimited authority to recommend changes in federal spending and taxes and is working against a deadline of Nov. 23.

Boehner said the panel has "only one option, spending cuts and entitlement reforms," a reference to government benefit programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Any broad compromise that clears the bipartisan committee is almost certain to require Democratic agreement to savings from programs such as Social Security and Medicare, along with Republican acquiescence to additional revenues, although any such trade-offs are rarely discussed openly until the last possible moment in negotiations. Obama's new tax proposal was first reported by the New York Times.


See also:

Obama to lay out debt reduction plan
September 18, 2011: President Obama is expected to lay out his preferred options for debt reduction on Monday.
President Obama's debt reduction plan is set to land Monday in the laps of the 12 members of the Congress' bipartisan debt committee. In recent weeks the president has said his plan would offer specific proposals that can achieve savings "more ambitious" than the committee's $1.5 trillion target. He said it would be "balanced," involving both spending cuts and tax increases. And he promised it would "stabilize debt in the long run." But those phrases offer wide berth for interpretation.

"Ambitious is in the eye of the beholder," said longtime budget expert Stan Collender. "[Is it] ambitious because you use the word 'Medicare' twice in your proposal? Or is it ambitious because you call for savings over eight years instead of 10?" What seems a sure bet, though, is that Obama's plan won't satisfy everyone. Democrats will want him to go light on entitlements, especially since many felt the president caved too easily in failed debt negotiations with Republicans this summer. And they'll want to see tax increases on high-income earners.

The GOP wants to hold the line against any revenue increases and instead lean solely on spending cuts. And serious fiscal experts, meanwhile, know that meaningfully and credibly reducing the debt will require crossing everyone's lines in the sand.

What "ambitious" may mean: Back in April, Obama released a debt reduction framework that would save $4 trillion over 12 years. That's the minimum amount fiscal experts say is needed to stabilize debt as a percentage of the economy over a decade. What most observers expect is that his plan on Monday will top the debt committee's $1.5 trillion, but by how much isn't clear. "Three trillion would be tremendous," said Maya MacGuineas, president of the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

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better than ghost companies donating to Romney, and Obama did not use federal matching funds, thus saving taxpayer money
Mostly for his re-election campaign.....:eusa_whistle:

but alas, Democrats aren't expected to acknowledge the hypocrisy..


Despite the recent public lashing President Obama gave millionaires and billionaires, in private, Team Obama is once again diving into the pockets of the super rich to fund its campaign.

With the 2012 campaign barely under way, Obama has already raised some $35 million from the biggest donors -- so-called 'bundlers' who collect money by the truckload from the wealthy elite.

"A bundler is someone who collects checks from other people," said Susan Estrich, a former Democratic campaign manager. "They may be people who work for him, who hired him as a consultant or in many cases, want to do business with them."

Some of the high-profile bundlers Obama signed up this year include former New Jersey Governor and Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine, Vogue editor Anna Wintour, Dreamworks’ studio head Jeffery Katzenberg, and David Cohen of Comcast, the new owner of NBC-Universal.

Wall Street, including the hedge fund managers blasted by Obama, gave the president's 2012 campaign $7 million, followed by lawyers at $6 million and businesses at $4 million.

"We're going to see a different mixture of fundraisers and bundlers this time," said Bob Stern with Los Angeles-based Center on Governmental Studies. "In 2008, it was about ideology. It was people who were committed to Obama the person. What we see now are the Wall Street types, business types -- people who want something from government."

That's not to say Obama's 2008 bundlers didn't want something. Obama rewarded half of his top money men plum government appointments. Matthew Barzun, who raised $500,000, was named Ambassador to Sweden. Bill Eacho, who bundled a similar amount, received the Ambassadorship to Austria.

Obama Looks to 'Bundlers' for 2012 Re-Election Campaign - FoxNews.com


How many democrats are racing to the front of the line?
Mostly for his re-election campaign.....:eusa_whistle:

but alas, Democrats aren't expected to acknowledge the hypocrisy..


Despite the recent public lashing President Obama gave millionaires and billionaires, in private, Team Obama is once again diving into the pockets of the super rich to fund its campaign.

With the 2012 campaign barely under way, Obama has already raised some $35 million from the biggest donors -- so-called 'bundlers' who collect money by the truckload from the wealthy elite.

"A bundler is someone who collects checks from other people," said Susan Estrich, a former Democratic campaign manager. "They may be people who work for him, who hired him as a consultant or in many cases, want to do business with them."

Some of the high-profile bundlers Obama signed up this year include former New Jersey Governor and Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine, Vogue editor Anna Wintour, Dreamworks’ studio head Jeffery Katzenberg, and David Cohen of Comcast, the new owner of NBC-Universal.

Wall Street, including the hedge fund managers blasted by Obama, gave the president's 2012 campaign $7 million, followed by lawyers at $6 million and businesses at $4 million.

"We're going to see a different mixture of fundraisers and bundlers this time," said Bob Stern with Los Angeles-based Center on Governmental Studies. "In 2008, it was about ideology. It was people who were committed to Obama the person. What we see now are the Wall Street types, business types -- people who want something from government."

That's not to say Obama's 2008 bundlers didn't want something. Obama rewarded half of his top money men plum government appointments. Matthew Barzun, who raised $500,000, was named Ambassador to Sweden. Bill Eacho, who bundled a similar amount, received the Ambassadorship to Austria.

Obama Looks to 'Bundlers' for 2012 Re-Election Campaign - FoxNews.com

You mean like the bundler that got all this money for the Obama campaign in 2008--then Obama bypassed all standards and procedures to give this company Solynta 535 MILLION taxpayer dollars--(after being warned through e-mails) that this company would be bankrupt in Sept. 2010. Can we say Obama's "political payback" at a 1/2 BILLION dollar cost to the American taxpayer--:clap2:


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