*Obama Keeps Gas Prices Down The Best He Can?: Fucking Fail*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But the President has to be the *Biggest DuocheBag* in American Politics Of *ALL TIME*!!!!
2. He has thrown away more money down the *Green Toilet*!!!
3. I can not stand a *Liar* and I really can't stand a *POLITICAL LIAR*!!!!!!
4. This Douchebag is claiming he is actually doing something to keep gas prices in check, which is a *BOLD FACED LIE*!!!!!!
5. *EPA REGULATIONS* special blends for gas, not opening up the *National Reserve* to flood the oil market so to force the price of oil down, putting heat on the greasy arabs who have the oil, make them buckle to lowering the price of crude.
6. Its *Duochebaggery* to suggest you are actually doing something that will work to lower gas prices, so *STFU* you *FUCKING LIAR*!!!
7. READ LINK HERE:president-obama-strikes-back-at-gop-critics-on-gas-prices

"President Barack Obama is hitting back at Republican criticism of his energy policies and his role in controlling gasoline prices.

Obama used his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday to underscore his administration’s work to develop alternative energy sources and increase fuel efficiency.

“I’m going to keep doing everything I can to help you save money on gas, both right now and in the future,” Obama said. “I hope politicians from both sides of the aisle join me.”

He accused Republicans of a “bumper sticker” approach to solving the nation’s energy problems.

It’s a familiar theme —Obama stuck many of the same chords during two out-of-town trips this week and during a White House news conference on Wednesday.

“We can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices — not when we consume 20 percent of the world’s oil,” Obama said in the address, recorded during a visit Friday to a Virginia jet engine component plant.

In the Republican weekly address, North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple accused the Obama administration of blocking projects and technology that would allow greater energy production. He singled out the Keystone XL pipeline project, which Obama deferred.

“We cannot effectively market our crude oil domestically without a large north-south pipeline,” Dalrymple said. “North Dakota oil producers were scheduled to feed the Keystone pipeline with 100,000 barrels of crude oil per day.”

Obama said there was'nt’t enough time to properly study the project ahead of the deadline forced upon him by Republican congressional lawmakers. On Thursday, the Democratic-controlled Senate blocked another Republican bid to speed approval of the pipeline, which would stretch from Canada to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast."

8. He's a *DOUCHE BAG*!!!!:badgrin:
9. What more can be said, you can't reject this logic, we are a oil based economy and we need the price lower than what it is, say 2.25 a gal. would be right.
10. It would of been different, but he has opened his *Douchbaggery Mouth*:badgrin:

*Obama Keeps Gas Prices Down The Best He Can?: Fucking Fail*


Yeah.....you're wrong....as usual.​

Last edited:
February 29, 2012

"Although those billions of dollars come from the pockets of the 99 percent, the profits stay at the top. The richest 20 percent in this country get half of all market income, with the top one percent getting 21 percent of the profits."

Sorry bout that,

1. But the President has to be the *Biggest DuocheBag* in American Politics Of *ALL TIME*!!!!
2. He has thrown away more money down the *Green Toilet*!!!
3. I can not stand a *Liar* and I really can't stand a *POLITICAL LIAR*!!!!!!
4. This Douchebag is claiming he is actually doing something to keep gas prices in check, which is a *BOLD FACED LIE*!!!!!!
5. *EPA REGULATIONS* special blends for gas, not opening up the *National Reserve* to flood the oil market so to force the price of oil down, putting heat on the greasy arabs who have the oil, make them buckle to lowering the price of crude.
6. Its *Duochebaggery* to suggest you are actually doing something that will work to lower gas prices, so *STFU* you *FUCKING LIAR*!!!
7. READ LINK HERE:president-obama-strikes-back-at-gop-critics-on-gas-prices

"President Barack Obama is hitting back at Republican criticism of his energy policies and his role in controlling gasoline prices.

Obama used his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday to underscore his administration’s work to develop alternative energy sources and increase fuel efficiency.

“I’m going to keep doing everything I can to help you save money on gas, both right now and in the future,” Obama said. “I hope politicians from both sides of the aisle join me.”

He accused Republicans of a “bumper sticker” approach to solving the nation’s energy problems.

It’s a familiar theme —Obama stuck many of the same chords during two out-of-town trips this week and during a White House news conference on Wednesday.

“We can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices — not when we consume 20 percent of the world’s oil,” Obama said in the address, recorded during a visit Friday to a Virginia jet engine component plant.

In the Republican weekly address, North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple accused the Obama administration of blocking projects and technology that would allow greater energy production. He singled out the Keystone XL pipeline project, which Obama deferred.

“We cannot effectively market our crude oil domestically without a large north-south pipeline,” Dalrymple said. “North Dakota oil producers were scheduled to feed the Keystone pipeline with 100,000 barrels of crude oil per day.”

Obama said there was'nt’t enough time to properly study the project ahead of the deadline forced upon him by Republican congressional lawmakers. On Thursday, the Democratic-controlled Senate blocked another Republican bid to speed approval of the pipeline, which would stretch from Canada to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast."

8. He's a *DOUCHE BAG*!!!!:badgrin:
9. What more can be said, you can't reject this logic, we are a oil based economy and we need the price lower than what it is, say 2.25 a gal. would be right.
10. It would of been different, but he has opened his *Douchbaggery Mouth*:badgrin:


You hit the nail on the head.

Democrats lying douche bags. Any excuse to funnel money to friends.
Sorry bout that,

1. But the President has to be the *Biggest DuocheBag* in American Politics Of *ALL TIME*!!!!
2. He has thrown away more money down the *Green Toilet*!!!
3. I can not stand a *Liar* and I really can't stand a *POLITICAL LIAR*!!!!!!
4. This Douchebag is claiming he is actually doing something to keep gas prices in check, which is a *BOLD FACED LIE*!!!!!!
5. *EPA REGULATIONS* special blends for gas, not opening up the *National Reserve* to flood the oil market so to force the price of oil down, putting heat on the greasy arabs who have the oil, make them buckle to lowering the price of crude.
6. Its *Duochebaggery* to suggest you are actually doing something that will work to lower gas prices, so *STFU* you *FUCKING LIAR*!!!
7. READ LINK HERE:president-obama-strikes-back-at-gop-critics-on-gas-prices

"President Barack Obama is hitting back at Republican criticism of his energy policies and his role in controlling gasoline prices.

Obama used his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday to underscore his administration’s work to develop alternative energy sources and increase fuel efficiency.

“I’m going to keep doing everything I can to help you save money on gas, both right now and in the future,” Obama said. “I hope politicians from both sides of the aisle join me.”

He accused Republicans of a “bumper sticker” approach to solving the nation’s energy problems.

It’s a familiar theme —Obama stuck many of the same chords during two out-of-town trips this week and during a White House news conference on Wednesday.

“We can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices — not when we consume 20 percent of the world’s oil,” Obama said in the address, recorded during a visit Friday to a Virginia jet engine component plant.

In the Republican weekly address, North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple accused the Obama administration of blocking projects and technology that would allow greater energy production. He singled out the Keystone XL pipeline project, which Obama deferred.

“We cannot effectively market our crude oil domestically without a large north-south pipeline,” Dalrymple said. “North Dakota oil producers were scheduled to feed the Keystone pipeline with 100,000 barrels of crude oil per day.”

Obama said there was'nt’t enough time to properly study the project ahead of the deadline forced upon him by Republican congressional lawmakers. On Thursday, the Democratic-controlled Senate blocked another Republican bid to speed approval of the pipeline, which would stretch from Canada to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast."

8. He's a *DOUCHE BAG*!!!!:badgrin:
9. What more can be said, you can't reject this logic, we are a oil based economy and we need the price lower than what it is, say 2.25 a gal. would be right.
10. It would of been different, but he has opened his *Douchbaggery Mouth*:badgrin:


You hit the nail on the head.

Democrats lying douche bags. Any excuse to funnel money to friends.

Same explanation for high gas prices under Bush?
Sorry bout that,

1. But the President has to be the *Biggest DuocheBag* in American Politics Of *ALL TIME*!!!!
2. He has thrown away more money down the *Green Toilet*!!!
3. I can not stand a *Liar* and I really can't stand a *POLITICAL LIAR*!!!!!!
4. This Douchebag is claiming he is actually doing something to keep gas prices in check, which is a *BOLD FACED LIE*!!!!!!
5. *EPA REGULATIONS* special blends for gas, not opening up the *National Reserve* to flood the oil market so to force the price of oil down, putting heat on the greasy arabs who have the oil, make them buckle to lowering the price of crude.
6. Its *Duochebaggery* to suggest you are actually doing something that will work to lower gas prices, so *STFU* you *FUCKING LIAR*!!!
7. READ LINK HERE:president-obama-strikes-back-at-gop-critics-on-gas-prices

"President Barack Obama is hitting back at Republican criticism of his energy policies and his role in controlling gasoline prices.

Obama used his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday to underscore his administration’s work to develop alternative energy sources and increase fuel efficiency.

“I’m going to keep doing everything I can to help you save money on gas, both right now and in the future,” Obama said. “I hope politicians from both sides of the aisle join me.”

He accused Republicans of a “bumper sticker” approach to solving the nation’s energy problems.

It’s a familiar theme —Obama stuck many of the same chords during two out-of-town trips this week and during a White House news conference on Wednesday.

“We can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices — not when we consume 20 percent of the world’s oil,” Obama said in the address, recorded during a visit Friday to a Virginia jet engine component plant.

In the Republican weekly address, North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple accused the Obama administration of blocking projects and technology that would allow greater energy production. He singled out the Keystone XL pipeline project, which Obama deferred.

“We cannot effectively market our crude oil domestically without a large north-south pipeline,” Dalrymple said. “North Dakota oil producers were scheduled to feed the Keystone pipeline with 100,000 barrels of crude oil per day.”

Obama said there was'nt’t enough time to properly study the project ahead of the deadline forced upon him by Republican congressional lawmakers. On Thursday, the Democratic-controlled Senate blocked another Republican bid to speed approval of the pipeline, which would stretch from Canada to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast."

8. He's a *DOUCHE BAG*!!!!:badgrin:
9. What more can be said, you can't reject this logic, we are a oil based economy and we need the price lower than what it is, say 2.25 a gal. would be right.
10. It would of been different, but he has opened his *Douchbaggery Mouth*:badgrin:


You hit the nail on the head.

Democrats lying douche bags. Any excuse to funnel money to friends.

Same explanation for high gas prices under Bush?

Oh did you want the history?

Here you go.


His Jackassery is all too obvious but unfortunately, not to everyone.
What is really pathetic is that too many people subscribe to his bullshit and devour it like manna.

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