Obama Justice Department to investigate NYPD for protecting New Yorkers from jihadist


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Even New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has been solicitous beyond belief to the Muslims in New York, defends the New York program, and maintains that no one's Constitutional rights were violated. The New York program kept under surveillance some members of the Muslim Students Association, which is a Muslim Brotherhood group. So Holder is essentially calling the NYPD on the carpet for protecting New Yorkers from the jihad.

"Justice Dept. to review NYPD over Muslim spying," from CBS News, February 28 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

WASHINGTON - Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress on Tuesday that, months after receiving complaints about the New York Police Department's surveillance of entire American Muslim neighborhoods, the Justice Department is beginning a review to decide whether to investigate civil rights violations.
Holder said that police seeking to monitor activities by citizens "should only do so when there is a basis to believe that something inappropriate is occurring or potentially could occur."

Holder responded under questioning by Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif., who as an infant was sent with his parents to a Japanese internment camp during World War II and has compared that policy to the NYPD's treatment of Muslims. The attorney general was on Capitol Hill to discuss the Justice Department's federal budget.

Obama Justice Department to investigate NYPD for protecting New Yorkers from jihadists - Jihad Watch
I'm sure Paulitician will be right in here defending the decision to investigate.
Chicago Police Head Raises Money for CAIR


The Islamist pressure campaign against major law enforcement agencies is bearing fruit. They have put the NYPD on the defensive, thanks to some help from deceitful articles in the New York Times. And now, Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy has even agreed to speak at a fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a group that the FBI has officially cut ties with over its links to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism broke the story that McCarthy met with officials from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), where he promised that the Chicago Police Department would not use the surveillance tactics that CAIR has lashed out at the NYPD for using. Outrageously, McCarthy even agreed to speak at a fundraiser for CAIR’s branch in Chicago. The event will honor Kifah Mustapha, an imam whose bid to become the Illinois State Police’s first Muslim chaplain was torpedoed when his links to Hamas came to light.

CAIR was labeled by the federal government as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation, a charity found to be a Hamas front used for fundraising. In 2007, the said that, “From its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists” and “the conspirators agreed to use deception to conceal from the American public their connections to terrorists.”

In 2009, the FBI stopped working with CAIR on outreach to the Muslim community. CAIR lost its fight to have its designation as an “unindicted co-conspirator” lifted and on July 1, 2009, District Court Judge Jorge Solis ruled that there was “ample evidence” tying CAIR to Hamas to justify the label.

This did not stop all law enforcement agencies from working with CAIR. In October 2010, the FBI field office in New Haven, Connecticut used the Muslim Coalition of Connecticut, led by a former CAIR spokesman, to train its personnel in “Islamophobia.” CAIR helped organize the event.

Yet, CAIR still is able to influence the media, politicians and agencies involved in counter-terrorism.

In 2007, the Los Angeles Police Department caved to CAIR’s pressure over its plans to use mapping to analyze the threat posed by different areas of the Muslim community. A spokeswoman said, “There was a clear message from the Muslim community that they were not comfortable with it. So we listened.” Today, Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca is among the most prominent defenders of CAIR and speaks at its fundraisers.

The pressure campaign against law enforcement, especially the NYPD, went into high gear in early 2011 after reports were published allegedly exposing the influence of “Islamophobes” on counter-terrorism training. By October, the FBI Director was ordering a cleansing of all “offensive content” from training materials with the help of unnamed outside organizations. The same orders were given at the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security.
Chicago Police Head Raises Money for CAIR | FrontPage Magazine

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