Obama jumps the shark

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
All of us who are old enough to have watched Happy Days know exactly the moment we realized the show was officially dead.

One day the rest of you will sit down with your grandchildren and tell them the exact moment you realized that Obama had finally managed to kill his presidency.

The White House suggested Tuesday the mission in Libya is one of regime change, despite emphatic statements from President Obama and military brass that the goal is not to remove Moammar Gadhafi from power. According to a White House readout of a Monday night call between Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the two leaders "underscored their shared commitment to the goal of helping provide the Libyan people an opportunity to transform their country, by installing a democratic system that respects the people’s will."
White House: Helping install 'a democratic system' is goal in Libya - TheHill.com

I know it is really petty of me, but I would love to actually witness what happens when rdean reads about this. I have wanted to see a head explode ever since I first saw Scanners.

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All of us who are old enough to have watched Happy Days know exactly the moment we realized the show was officially dead.


One day the rest of you will sit down with your grandchildren and tell them the exact moment you realized that Obama had finally managed to kill his presidency.

The White House suggested Tuesday the mission in Libya is one of regime change, despite emphatic statements from President Obama and military brass that the goal is not to remove Moammar Gadhafi from power. According to a White House readout of a Monday night call between Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the two leaders "underscored their shared commitment to the goal of helping provide the Libyan people an opportunity to transform their country, by installing a democratic system that respects the people’s will."
White House: Helping install 'a democratic system' is goal in Libya - TheHill.com

I know it is really petty of me, but I would love to actually witness what happens when rdean reads about this. I have wanted to see a head explode ever since I first saw Scanners.


First? Thanks for that little trip down amnesia lane...I saw it when it aired, and yeah...the show was too far gone...too full of itself.

Second? Obama is sending mixed messages. (Especially in light of what he's said in the past regarding Bush, and others...), And third? He's got alot of explaining to do to the Congress on both sides of the aisle.
All of us who are old enough to have watched Happy Days know exactly the moment we realized the show was officially dead.


One day the rest of you will sit down with your grandchildren and tell them the exact moment you realized that Obama had finally managed to kill his presidency.

The White House suggested Tuesday the mission in Libya is one of regime change, despite emphatic statements from President Obama and military brass that the goal is not to remove Moammar Gadhafi from power. According to a White House readout of a Monday night call between Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the two leaders "underscored their shared commitment to the goal of helping provide the Libyan people an opportunity to transform their country, by installing a democratic system that respects the people’s will."
White House: Helping install 'a democratic system' is goal in Libya - TheHill.com

I know it is really petty of me, but I would love to actually witness what happens when rdean reads about this. I have wanted to see a head explode ever since I first saw Scanners.


Thanks for reminding me just how aweful that show became.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gnMXwR4ook&feature=player_embedded]Obama sees danger to hoist or impose "West Universal Values" onto others [/ame]
Way to try to pass off the 'jump the shark' joke as your own. :thup:

Not his intent. (And why do you think that was the intent...only the feeble-minded would take it as such)...It's an apt way now of describing certain circumstances that has made it into the American lexicon and the term has been used for years.

Thank you for your non-point.
Saying someone needs to go doesn't mean that he should be removed by WAR.

Many dictators should go, but that doesn't mean that the govt will change as far as their thinking. Kadafi needs to go because of what he is doing to his own people, and the world should make that happen. DON"T YOU AGREE?
Saying someone needs to go doesn't mean that he should be removed by WAR.

Many dictators should go, but that doesn't mean that the govt will change as far as their thinking. Kadafi needs to go because of what he is doing to his own people, and the world should make that happen. DON"T YOU AGREE?

Yes I absolutely agree. But what is funny is Saddam killed 25 Million of his own people in 25 years and the same liberals now defending this action, did not give a damn about the humanitarian reasons for toppling Saddam.

Now, tell me this, if the goal is to get Qaddafi out. How the hell do we do that with air power alone? Especially if we say were not going to target him?

I don't know man, while I support the idea of what we are doing, I have some questions about the end game, and how were going to get to it.
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Saying someone needs to go doesn't mean that he should be removed by WAR.

Many dictators should go, but that doesn't mean that the govt will change as far as their thinking. Kadafi needs to go because of what he is doing to his own people, and the world should make that happen. DON"T YOU AGREE?

How do you propose to remove him? Sending him candy?
The Obama Administration has demonstrated that it is indeed amateur hour in Washington. They are sending mixed signals left and right.
To actually Jump The Shark, Obama would first have had to be as cool as The Fonz in the first place.

He wasn't. It was all just styrofoam pillars and MSM leg tingles.
There is a more important objective than "regime change." If that were the ultimate goal, Kadaffi would already be dead. For whatever reason (the higher objective) we are taking noticeable measures to keep him alive.
LOL, I knew what jump the shark means and I knew it referred to a Happy Days episode, but I never saw caused the phrase. I know now. Bad writing plagues every generation.

All of us who are old enough to have watched Happy Days know exactly the moment we realized the show was officially dead.


One day the rest of you will sit down with your grandchildren and tell them the exact moment you realized that Obama had finally managed to kill his presidency.

The White House suggested Tuesday the mission in Libya is one of regime change, despite emphatic statements from President Obama and military brass that the goal is not to remove Moammar Gadhafi from power. According to a White House readout of a Monday night call between Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the two leaders "underscored their shared commitment to the goal of helping provide the Libyan people an opportunity to transform their country, by installing a democratic system that respects the people’s will."
White House: Helping install 'a democratic system' is goal in Libya - TheHill.com

I know it is really petty of me, but I would love to actually witness what happens when rdean reads about this. I have wanted to see a head explode ever since I first saw Scanners.

Way to try to pass off the 'jump the shark' joke as your own. :thup:
It's an apt way now of describing certain circumstances that has made it into the American lexicon and the term has been used for years.

Thank you for your non-point.

Actually, that was my point.

Thanks for getting it. :thup:

No it wasn't. You stated your intent. I called *YOU* on it...You accused the poster as claiming it was his own.

Way to try to pass off the 'jump the shark' joke as your own. :thup:
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