Obama; “it’s not amnesty.”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Path to citizenship, legalization, dream act, amnesty. What’s in a name if they all means the same end result. Pay a fine, pay back taxes, learn English and go the back of the line. Before what? None of these words have any real meaning. Most of them have been here for over 20 years and nothing have real meaning but they get to stay and that is really all that matters to them. Why bother to go through all the above when there is not a chance in hell it can be implemented successful and without horrendous cost to tax payers. Pay a fine? Most will be exempt because of hard ship claim. Pay back taxes? How the hell do you get that from them when there is not viable record of earning? Forget all the B.S. and go straight to amnesty because that is what the end results will be.

The American people who want enforcement and border secure before any kind of legalization is left holding the debt once again.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform is yet another joke on the American people who believed after the 1986 amnesty the border would be secure and our immigration laws would be enforced and there would not be another amnesty.

“A rose by any other name still smells the same.”

Just a bad matter of semantics.
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New citizens not exactly wild about amnesty for illegals...
New citizens have mixed feelings about amnesty for illegal immigrants
2/06/2013 — When Anton Kilpa raised his right hand and became an American citizen Wednesday, the Ukranian chemical engineer did so after five years of flipping burgers, cleaning chimneys and driving trucks while working his way through the complicated citizenship process.
He was still clutching his citizenship certificate and a tiny flag when he weighed in on one of the front-burner issues roiling his new country — immigration reform. Reform proposals include a path to citizenship for as many as 11 million immigrants who did not come to the United States legally as did Kilpa and the 17 other new citizens who took their citizenship oaths Wednesday at the federal courthouse in Grand Junction. "I am of two opinions. The first kind of finds me a little bit negative. I had to go through all the proper ways to do this," he said. "The second is that being a citizen makes me want something better for this country. If you look at this from the perspective of them (illegal immigrants) paying taxes and stuff and being able to get educations and buy real estate, it could be good for the country."

The upward of 7,000 immigrants who will become citizens in Colorado this year have good reason to feel ambivalent about the possibility of citizenship for those who came to the country illegally. As new citizen Sheri Andrews put it, "It's a very difficult thing for the people who come here legally. I have very mixed feelings because of that." After Andrews met and became engaged to an American businessman working in China, she had to wait a year to get a visa to join him in the United States. The couple had to hire an immigration attorney to help with a process they said was enormously complicated even though they had no complicating factors. When Andrews had her interview at the Chinese embassy, she had amassed about 30 pounds of paperwork that she had to haul to the embassy in a duffel bag.

To become a citizen, applicants must be in the country for a minimum of five years. That time can be shorter if they are married to a citizen. They have to prove that they are of good moral character; that they can speak, read, write and understand English; and that they are knowledgeable about American government and history. The test to prove the latter would be a challenge to most native-born Americans. They must also pay a $680 filing fee simply to begin the citizenship process. Some of those who became citizens Wednesday said they had to go through a series of visas over a period of many years. Those included work permits, student visas, special skill visas and hardship waivers to finally get to the point where they could stand before a federal magistrate and hear him declare, "This has not been and was not meant to be an easy journey."

For Brunella Gualerzi, it was a 23-year journey. She came from Italy on a student visa, switched to a work visa when she finished her education and eventually married an American before she was able to complete the citizenship process. She said she believes citizenship should be streamlined for those who earned it through the legal route as well as for those who might fall under amnesty provisions in reform measures. "The process is so hard. I think it's absurd," said Gualerzi, who is well known as the owner of the Il Bistro restaurant in Grand Junction. "It should be easier for people who offer a lot to this country."

Read more: New citizens have mixed feelings about amnesty for illegal immigrants - The Denver Post New citizens have mixed feelings about amnesty for illegal immigrants - The Denver Post
I agree its just name changing and thats exactly what Marco Rubio is doing changing names to make it more acceptable. Im totally against amnesty and not because im a racist or hate mexicans or anyone else. Im against it because it rewards people that broke the law and encourages more people to do the same. Thats exactly what happened when reagan gave 3 million amnesty.
I agree its just name changing and thats exactly what Marco Rubio is doing changing names to make it more acceptable. Im totally against amnesty and not because im a racist or hate mexicans or anyone else. Im against it because it rewards people that broke the law and encourages more people to do the same. Thats exactly what happened when reagan gave 3 million amnesty.

Marco Rubio is an anchor baby, and he should be ashamed of himself
Secure the borders...then we talk about what to do with the people that came here illegally.
First thing we do is stop calling them Immigrants.

Got that Libs.

Path to citizenship, legalization, dream act, amnesty. --- [snip] --- Pay a fine? Most will be exempt because of hard ship claim. Pay back taxes? How the hell do you get that from them when there is not viable record of earning? Forget all the B.S. and go straight to amnesty because that is what the end results will be.


Comprehensive Immigration Reform is yet another joke on the American people who believed after the [Reagan] 1986 amnesty the border would be secure and our immigration laws would be enforced and there would not be another amnesty.


Obama has a lot to answer for, no doubt; imitating Reagan's amnesty and bailout policies are likely going to be near the top of the list when the final score is published. In fairness, however, Obama admitted his respect for Reagan in 2008, and Bill Clinton's immigration, financial, and big government policies were also right out of the Reagan playbook.

Raise your hand if you know Reagan TRIPLED the national debt and hired more civilian government employees than any president before him except Roosevelt? Raise your hand if you cheered Reagan's bailout of the S&L industry at taxpayer expense?

And who among us wasn't thrilled the day Reagan gave amnesty to eight million foreigners driving down wages in America?

Yes, Obama, may be following a bad example.

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