Obama is too friendly with tyrants


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Wow. I bet Obama supporters didn't see this attitude coming.

Obama is too friendly with tyrants
By Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When a billboard appeared outside a small Minnesota town early this year showing a picture of George W. Bush and the words "Miss me yet?" the irony was not lost on many in the Arab world. Most Americans may not miss Bush, but a growing number of people in the Middle East do. Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan remain unpopular in the region, but his ardent support for democracy was heartening to Arabs living under stalled autocracies. Reform activists in Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait and elsewhere felt empowered to press for greater freedoms during the Bush years. Unfortunately, Bush's strong support for democracy contrasts sharply with President Obama's retreat on this critical issue.

Wow. I bet Obama supporters didn't see this attitude coming.

Obama is too friendly with tyrants
By Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When a billboard appeared outside a small Minnesota town early this year showing a picture of George W. Bush and the words "Miss me yet?" the irony was not lost on many in the Arab world. Most Americans may not miss Bush, but a growing number of people in the Middle East do. Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan remain unpopular in the region, but his ardent support for democracy was heartening to Arabs living under stalled autocracies. Reform activists in Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait and elsewhere felt empowered to press for greater freedoms during the Bush years. Unfortunately, Bush's strong support for democracy contrasts sharply with President Obama's retreat on this critical issue.


Contrary to the promises of the left, with which major powers have there been demonstrable improvements in relations since the election of President Obama?

Outside of Venezuela, of course.
Wow. I bet Obama supporters didn't see this attitude coming.

Obama is too friendly with tyrants
By Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When a billboard appeared outside a small Minnesota town early this year showing a picture of George W. Bush and the words "Miss me yet?" the irony was not lost on many in the Arab world. Most Americans may not miss Bush, but a growing number of people in the Middle East do. Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan remain unpopular in the region, but his ardent support for democracy was heartening to Arabs living under stalled autocracies. Reform activists in Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait and elsewhere felt empowered to press for greater freedoms during the Bush years. Unfortunately, Bush's strong support for democracy contrasts sharply with President Obama's retreat on this critical issue.


He's trying his hardest to take our freedoms away, why would he fight for some Lebanese dude to get him his freedom?
Wow. I bet Obama supporters didn't see this attitude coming.

Obama is too friendly with tyrants
By Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When a billboard appeared outside a small Minnesota town early this year showing a picture of George W. Bush and the words "Miss me yet?" the irony was not lost on many in the Arab world. Most Americans may not miss Bush, but a growing number of people in the Middle East do. Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan remain unpopular in the region, but his ardent support for democracy was heartening to Arabs living under stalled autocracies. Reform activists in Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait and elsewhere felt empowered to press for greater freedoms during the Bush years. Unfortunately, Bush's strong support for democracy contrasts sharply with President Obama's retreat on this critical issue.


Contrary to the promises of the left, with which major powers have there been demonstrable improvements in relations since the election of President Obama?

Outside of Venezuela, of course.

Oh, Britain (prior to the BP disaster), France, Germany.....those are the major powers in Europe. Japan, Indonesia, China, the major powers in Asia. Canada.......the second major power in NA. There are no major powers in SA or Africa and there are none in the ME.
I for one think if a country wants a democratic form of government, they should stand up and take it. That's the problem in Iraq, we have tried to 'give' them a democracy. A democratic form of government is earned. It can't be bestowed from the outside at the point of a gun. I thought you wingnuts learned that from the Iraqi invasion! How quickly you forget.
Wow. I bet Obama supporters didn't see this attitude coming.

Obama is too friendly with tyrants
By Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When a billboard appeared outside a small Minnesota town early this year showing a picture of George W. Bush and the words "Miss me yet?" the irony was not lost on many in the Arab world. Most Americans may not miss Bush, but a growing number of people in the Middle East do. Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan remain unpopular in the region, but his ardent support for democracy was heartening to Arabs living under stalled autocracies. Reform activists in Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait and elsewhere felt empowered to press for greater freedoms during the Bush years. Unfortunately, Bush's strong support for democracy contrasts sharply with President Obama's retreat on this critical issue.


Contrary to the promises of the left, with which major powers have there been demonstrable improvements in relations since the election of President Obama?

Outside of Venezuela, of course.

Oh, Britain (prior to the BP disaster), France, Germany.....those are the major powers in Europe. Japan, Indonesia, China, the major powers in Asia. Canada.......the second major power in NA. There are no major powers in SA or Africa and there are none in the ME.

Iran IS a major power in the ME, much as we might hate that fact.
I for one think if a country wants a democratic form of government, they should stand up and take it. That's the problem in Iraq, we have tried to 'give' them a democracy. A democratic form of government is earned. It can't be bestowed from the outside at the point of a gun. I thought you wingnuts learned that from the Iraqi invasion! How quickly you forget.

But what do those peaceful people do when a government says "We generally agree with Mao, that power is taken by the point of a gun". That was an Obama admin who said that.

See, sometimes in history a better armed, better trained and more evil government will do things like genocide, slavery, torture, etc. All nations seem to experience that, and overcome that. Then, they must aid others to do so also. Thats sort of what that yellow flag with a snake is all about. Thats why tyrannical government is dangerous. Because it has the money, power, weapons, training, so the people can't just "earn" their freedoms back always, sometimes they need armed help from another nation.
Wow. I bet Obama supporters didn't see this attitude coming.

Obama is too friendly with tyrants
By Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When a billboard appeared outside a small Minnesota town early this year showing a picture of George W. Bush and the words "Miss me yet?" the irony was not lost on many in the Arab world. Most Americans may not miss Bush, but a growing number of people in the Middle East do. Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan remain unpopular in the region, but his ardent support for democracy was heartening to Arabs living under stalled autocracies. Reform activists in Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait and elsewhere felt empowered to press for greater freedoms during the Bush years. Unfortunately, Bush's strong support for democracy contrasts sharply with President Obama's retreat on this critical issue.


Contrary to the promises of the left, with which major powers have there been demonstrable improvements in relations since the election of President Obama?

Outside of Venezuela, of course.

Oh, Britain (prior to the BP disaster), France, Germany.....those are the major powers in Europe. Japan, Indonesia, China, the major powers in Asia. Canada.......the second major power in NA. There are no major powers in SA or Africa and there are none in the ME.

If you think there has been an improvement in U.S. relations with Britain, France or Germany since Obama took office then you should probably read a little more.

Is Sarkozy?s relationship with Obama as friendly as it looks ?

Obama and Merkel: The Trans-Atlantic Frenemies - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Hope and Change: British MPs say ?special relationship? with U.S. is dead | Washington Examiner
Contrary to the promises of the left, with which major powers have there been demonstrable improvements in relations since the election of President Obama?

Outside of Venezuela, of course.

Oh, Britain (prior to the BP disaster), France, Germany.....those are the major powers in Europe. Japan, Indonesia, China, the major powers in Asia. Canada.......the second major power in NA. There are no major powers in SA or Africa and there are none in the ME.

Iran IS a major power in the ME, much as we might hate that fact.

Well, Iran isn't a major power just yet. Oil for sure makes them strong. But they need some nukes to truly gain that status. Lucky for them, Obama is doing all he can to assist them in their quest.
I've notice that many democrats seem to not mind strong government and seem to think they are natural. I know most don't agree with what the actions those governments take but they don't make the connection that those strong governments is why they take brutal actions. Weak governments are less likely to infringe on people's freedom.
Wow. I bet Obama supporters didn't see this attitude coming.

Obama is too friendly with tyrants
By Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When a billboard appeared outside a small Minnesota town early this year showing a picture of George W. Bush and the words "Miss me yet?" the irony was not lost on many in the Arab world. Most Americans may not miss Bush, but a growing number of people in the Middle East do. Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan remain unpopular in the region, but his ardent support for democracy was heartening to Arabs living under stalled autocracies. Reform activists in Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait and elsewhere felt empowered to press for greater freedoms during the Bush years. Unfortunately, Bush's strong support for democracy contrasts sharply with President Obama's retreat on this critical issue.


He's trying his hardest to take our freedoms away, why would he fight for some Lebanese dude to get him his freedom?
Which Lebanese man, Issa?
Obama is too friendly with tyrants

I totally agree. Obama showed how politically naive he is by thinking he could deal with the Republicans as if they were logical, civil opponents whom you could trust.

It was only when he realized that the GOP cannot be treated like normal human beings that he became an effective President
Wow. I bet Obama supporters didn't see this attitude coming.

Obama is too friendly with tyrants
By Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When a billboard appeared outside a small Minnesota town early this year showing a picture of George W. Bush and the words "Miss me yet?" the irony was not lost on many in the Arab world. Most Americans may not miss Bush, but a growing number of people in the Middle East do. Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan remain unpopular in the region, but his ardent support for democracy was heartening to Arabs living under stalled autocracies.
Yeah.....that's what it was......ardent $upport for democracy.


(He always seemed to possess a degree of insight no-one-else noticed.... :rolleyes: )​


"It's very interesting when you think about it, the slaves who left here to go to America, because of their steadfast and their religion and their belief in freedom, helped change America." - Dakar, Senegal, July 8, 2003


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I've notice that many democrats seem to not mind strong government and seem to think they are natural. I know most don't agree with what the actions those governments take but they don't make the connection that those strong governments is why they take brutal actions. Weak governments are less likely to infringe on people's freedom.

Weak governments are less likely to infringe on people's freedom. And what freedoms are we talking about? The freedom to hold another in slavery? the freedom to spoil the environment? The freedom to outsource jobs?

Seems weak government is an ineffective government when it comes to ensuring the freedom to breathe, swim and fish. Ineffective when it comes to ensuring the freedom to earn a decent living and provide for your family.

But, a weak government should not have the power to divert tax dollars to a platinum plated military while its citizens face economic peril.

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