Obama is losing The Average White Guy Vote


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
trouble in Obamaland...

RealClearPolitics - The Average White Guy Vote

Born in New Eagle and raised in Charleroi in Pennsylvania's Monongahela Valley, Guy comes from a long line of Democrats. "My grandfather worked at Corning Glass, my father worked in the mines, the steel mill and finally at Corning," he recalled. "The family always had union ties, and that usually meant a tie to the Democratic Party."

That's no longer true for him, however: "As my life started to improve financially, I realized that unions seemed to be damaging the economy and Democrat legislation always seemed to impact my wallet."

The problem for President Barack Obama and down-ticket Democrats on November's ballot is that average white guys aren't just found in West Virginia; they're in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and other states, too, and they can tip this fall's election.

Rudy Guy says Obama has lost his registered-Democrat wife's vote: "Cheryl and I pretty much see eye-to-eye on the Republican Party's legislation direction."

Some Democrats like to portray the GOP as a party of white, middle-class, married Christian men. Interestingly, the president, who ran as someone who would unite the nation, has disconnected with the next largest plurality in the electorate behind women - white guys, men who once were the backbone of the Democratic Party.

The loss of the average white guy is why you see President Obama devoting so much effort on trying to encourage the college-educated young to vote, said Mark Rozell, political-science professor at George Mason University. "He needs to offset substantial losses among predominantly white, non-college-educated men who are a big component of those left behind by the struggling economy," Rozell explained.

"It seems to me that Obama is intent on punishing anyone who is employed with a job over minimum wage," Guy said. "In the last three years, I've seen my spendable income drop, my cost for health-care insurance go up, and my benefits go down.

"Three years ago the question was, 'Are you better off now than when Bush took office?' Most of us weren't. But am I better off today than when Obama took office?"

His answer is simple: "No."
President Obama 2.0

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

President Obama 7.5 Governor Romney -4.0

RealClearPolitics - Obama & Romney: Favorable/Unfavorable

President Obama 253 Governor Romney 170

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Battle for White House

And Romney is in positive numbers only in Arizona and Misouri in the battleground states.

you know, I looked at each of those links...and I just don't see the average white guy statistic noted anywhere.
Did I miss it?
Obama is losing The Average White Guy Vote



January 13, 2008

"The recession-deniers were muzzled by a horrendous last two weeks of December, and the gloom-and-doomers are now out in force. Their key arguments:

* Plummeting housing will now drag down the rest of the economy.

*The "bad debt" problem is not just "sub-prime" folks who should never have have taken out mortgages in the first place. It includes credit card debt, "high quality" mortgages, car loans, and other leverage that have recently become a consumer way of life.

*Pressure on consumers is leading to a reduction in consumer spending (70% of economy), which, in turn, will lead to a reduction in spending by companies that sell stuff to consumers.

*The question now is not "will there be a recession?" but "how bad will it get?"

*The most optimistic forecasts in a NYT gloom-and-doom round-up are for three crappy quarters, regardless of what the Fed does. Less optimistic forecasts suggest that we are, well, screwed.

After blowing the last downturn, we've been worried this one since last summer (see below). We also suspect that, given the importance of housing to the economy and debt to consumer spending, the recession will be deeper and more prolonged than people think."​

I know for a fact that I'm worse off, much worse off now than when the "crash" happened.

4 more years of obama and I won't be able to afford to go to work.

And what specifically did Obama do to keep you down? Specifically. Because I've been told by plenty of your conservative buddies that only lazy people can't pull themself up by their bootstraps and make as much money as they want. So what's your excuse?
I know for a fact that I'm worse off, much worse off now than when the "crash" happened.

4 more years of obama and I won't be able to afford to go to work.

And what specifically did Obama do to keep you down? Specifically. Because I've been told by plenty of your conservative buddies that only lazy people can't pull themself up by their bootstraps and make as much money as they want. So what's your excuse?

cost of living went way up when he devalued the dollar with the vast amount of print and waste.

you're welcome
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I know for a fact that I'm worse off, much worse off now than when the "crash" happened.

4 more years of obama and I won't be able to afford to go to work.

And what specifically did Obama do to keep you down? Specifically. Because I've been told by plenty of your conservative buddies that only lazy people can't pull themself up by their bootstraps and make as much money as they want. So what's your excuse?

cost of living went way up when he devalued the dollar with the vast amount of print and waste.

you're welcome

How come the rest of the country is recovering, but you can't? Seems like laziness to me. But I was told that since you're poor or lower middle class, that's your own fault anyway.
I know for a fact that I'm worse off, much worse off now than when the "crash" happened.

4 more years of obama and I won't be able to afford to go to work.

Then you should find another line of work. Where I work, people in my craft routinely make 100K. But that line of work requires both physical strength and the ability to solve problems. Plus, you get very dirty. Perhaps you have a problem with one or more of those requirements?
Average white guys is but one of his problem areas.

A year from now he'll be finishing up his Habitat for Humanity internship and moving on to Bib Overalls 101, Intro to Power Saws, Nails and Nailing, Modern Ladder Tech, etc.
The American people now know Barack Obama, they see what he's capable of, they see he can't run on his record.

He despises the America that made us strong, gave us dreams and allowed even average Joes to own homes. He wants everyone on the government dole, he wants government to control every aspect of our lives, he and his administration know what's best for us, we're too dumb to understand.

He doesn't care about anyone except those that can pad his re-election campaign. He only wants your vote. If he gets 4 more years, as a lame duck he will do everything he can to devalue the American economy and fundamentally change America to his liking.

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