Obama - "I don't believe people should be able to own guns"

Gun violence is important, but of course not as important as votes.

U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Fails On U.S. Opposition After False NRA Gun Rights Threat

"One week after the Aurora, Colo., mass murder brought gun-control back to the forefront of political discourse, the Obama administration found itself faced with its first test on the issue -- and blinked.

An arms control treaty to regulate the $60 billion global business of illicit small arms trading that had worked its way through United Nations negotiating channels for several years came up at the final day of a U.N. global conference in New York on Friday. The U.S. joined Russia in objecting to a final version, with some diplomats and human rights advocates blaming the U.S. for the defeat."

The treaty seemed to have a good shot in 2009, when the Obama administration broke from the Bush administration's opposition and showed support.

A version of the pact presented to U.S. negotiators late Thursday appeared to satisfy their concerns, according to Amnesty International.

But early Friday, according to Amnesty, Thomas Countryman, the deputy secretary of state for international security and nonproliferation, told the negotiators that the U.S. needed more time to review the treaty.
Jon Lott was interviewed by Sean Hannity on his radio show last week.

I heard the interview.

The story is exactly as he said.

He could be lying, but I doubt it.

You accept it without proof. Why?

Why not......... It isnt like this is the first revelation about anti gun stances.

Add up the evidence and it becomes a very real possibility.

Has anyone gone to jail yet for fast and furious?

It doesnt take a leap of logic to find the statement believable from him.

Not that it would convince either camp anyway.......
I believe he would have said that.I also believe that Obama and most hard core lefties
believe that people should not be able to amass a large amount of wealth.
It would not surprise me if Libs would believe that a certain amount of wealth should be allowed
and once that limit is reached the rest should be handed over to government.
I think it drives the lefties out of their friggin mind that certain people have in their possession
vast amounts of wealth.
This settles it. We have a confirmed anti-american socialist in our WH. Plus he hates the constitution.

Gun rights advocate: Obama said people shouldn't be able to own guns - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

July 29, 2012

On Friday, gun rights advocate John Lott told radio talk show host Laura Ingraham that Barack Obama once told him that people should not be able to own guns.

According to Lott, Obama made the statement the first time the two met.

"He said to me, 'I don't believe people should be able to own guns,'" he recalled.

Lott said he offered to meet with him over lunch to discuss the issue.

"But he just wrinkled his face and turned around and walked away. And that was the end of our first conversation on that," he said.

Ingraham asked Lott to verify that Obama said "people," and not just "criminals."

Lott said Obama was "very clear" in his statement.

"He said, 'I don't believe people should be able to own guns,'" he reiterated.

Lott said that he had told the New York Times about the incident in 2008.

"But they never used it in their story on him with regard to his time in Chicago," he added.

Last May, Obama told gun control advocate Sarah Brady that he was working on gun control "under the radar."

“'I just want you to know that we are working on it,' Brady recalled the president telling them. 'We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar,'” the Washington Post reported.
Ron Paul doesn't believe in abortion. But he doesn't think the federal government has the right to regulate it either.

What he thinks about it is irrelevant, if he acts to remove the right then you have a problem.

If anything, it should upset the left more than the right that he's not acting on the supposed beliefs they voted for.
Sorry, as much as I have to be upset by from Obama, this ain't on my list. Not unless there is verifiable proof, not just some guy saying 'Obama once told me...'.
Lott lacks either authority (he doesn't have any connection to Obama, other than apparently having spoken with him) or objectivity (he is an activist in this area). More importantly, he has severely damaged his own credibility:

John Lott posed as his own student, a fictitious woman named Mary Rosh, in order to defend his research and his own reputation: The Mystery of Mary Rosh - Reason.com
This settles it. We have a confirmed anti-american socialist in our WH. Plus he hates the constitution.
Ron Paul doesn't believe in abortion. But he doesn't think the federal government has the right to regulate it either.

What he thinks about it is irrelevant, if he acts to remove the right then you have a problem.

If anything, it should upset the left more than the right that he's not acting on the supposed beliefs they voted for.
That would be logical.
This settles it. We have a confirmed anti-american socialist in our WH. Plus he hates the constitution.
Ron Paul doesn't believe in abortion. But he doesn't think the federal government has the right to regulate it either.

What he thinks about it is irrelevant, if he acts to remove the right then you have a problem.
The "right"? You mean "the right to other people's money"?
I mean the right to bear arms.
This settles it. We have a confirmed anti-american socialist in our WH. Plus he hates the constitution.

Gun rights advocate: Obama said people shouldn't be able to own guns - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

July 29, 2012

On Friday, gun rights advocate John Lott told radio talk show host Laura Ingraham that Barack Obama once told him that people should not be able to own guns.

According to Lott, Obama made the statement the first time the two met.

"He said to me, 'I don't believe people should be able to own guns,'" he recalled.

Lott said he offered to meet with him over lunch to discuss the issue.

"But he just wrinkled his face and turned around and walked away. And that was the end of our first conversation on that," he said.

Ingraham asked Lott to verify that Obama said "people," and not just "criminals."

Lott said Obama was "very clear" in his statement.

"He said, 'I don't believe people should be able to own guns,'" he reiterated.

Lott said that he had told the New York Times about the incident in 2008.

"But they never used it in their story on him with regard to his time in Chicago," he added.

Last May, Obama told gun control advocate Sarah Brady that he was working on gun control "under the radar."

“'I just want you to know that we are working on it,' Brady recalled the president telling them. 'We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar,'” the Washington Post reported.

"He said to me, 'I don't believe people should be able to own guns,'" he recalled.

Quoting someone else and saying Obama said it, a new con low?

Did you know Romney once said to me he plans on wiping his ass with the constitution if he gets into office? Its totally true bro!
This settles it. We have a confirmed anti-american socialist in our WH. Plus he hates the constitution.

Gun rights advocate: Obama said people shouldn't be able to own guns - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

July 29, 2012

On Friday, gun rights advocate John Lott told radio talk show host Laura Ingraham that Barack Obama once told him that people should not be able to own guns.

According to Lott, Obama made the statement the first time the two met.

"He said to me, 'I don't believe people should be able to own guns,'" he recalled.

Lott said he offered to meet with him over lunch to discuss the issue.

"But he just wrinkled his face and turned around and walked away. And that was the end of our first conversation on that," he said.

Ingraham asked Lott to verify that Obama said "people," and not just "criminals."

Lott said Obama was "very clear" in his statement.

"He said, 'I don't believe people should be able to own guns,'" he reiterated.

Lott said that he had told the New York Times about the incident in 2008.

"But they never used it in their story on him with regard to his time in Chicago," he added.

Last May, Obama told gun control advocate Sarah Brady that he was working on gun control "under the radar."

“'I just want you to know that we are working on it,' Brady recalled the president telling them. 'We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar,'” the Washington Post reported.

"He said to me, 'I don't believe people should be able to own guns,'" he recalled.

Quoting someone else and saying Obama said it, a new con low?

Did you know Romney once said to me he plans on wiping his ass with the constitution if he gets into office? Its totally true bro!

Then you have tons of evidence to demonstrate Obamas pro gun stance right?

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