Obama Hellcare and The AntiGunners...A Love Story


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
"Obama's new health care law is— according to Florida State Rep. Jason Brodeur — a thinly veiled effort to take away your guns or your insurance because you have a gun. As Brodeur explained his concerns to the Fort Myers News-Press: "What we don't want to do is have law-abiding firearm owners worried that the information is going to be recorded and then sent to their insurance company. If the overreaching federal government actually takes over health care, they're worried that Washington, D.C., is going to know whether or not they own a gun and so this is really just a privacy protection."

Let's look at some historical events which shows that the federal government can not be trusted with our rights.

Paper Money

The Founding Fathers opposed paper money, Article 1, Section 10.

Lincoln issued paper money.

The scumbags in the Supreme Court ruled that paper money was Constitutional because it was redeemable.

FDR separated the dollar from gold.

The scumbags in the Supreme Court ruled that paper money was Constitutional EVEN THOUGH IT wasn't redeemable.

To the untrained eye, it looks like the article you posted says:

There is also no evidence that Obama's new health care law is—as this law's sponsor, Rep. Jason Brodeur has claimed—a thinly veiled effort to take away your guns or your insurance because you have a gun. [...]

As PolitiFact Florida explains, however, the new health care law explicitly cannot be used to collect gun data or to raise insurance premiums of gun owners. There is no national firearms registry. Your doctor's notes about you are, and remain, confidential. So the only "privacy" issue here has nothing whatever to do with potential government incursions on your rights. It's all about gun owners' assertions that their gun ownership and storage habits are "private."
the crazy right wing ideas just never nave a end.
How can we ever solve our problems if these nutters are always making bat shit crazy crap up at ever turn?
To the untrained eye, it looks like the article you posted says:

There is also no evidence that Obama's new health care law is—as this law's sponsor, Rep. Jason Brodeur has claimed—a thinly veiled effort to take away your guns or your insurance because you have a gun. [...]

In post #2 I showed historical evidence that when a law is first announce it has noble intentions and then later the powers that be will twist it around to serve whatever agenda they really have.

the crazy right wing ideas just never nave a end.
How can we ever solve our problems if these nutters are always making bat shit crazy crap up at ever turn?

Let's look at some historical events which shows that the federal government can not be trusted with our rights. One more example of our disappearing rights series:

The 4th and 5th Amendment prevents the government from forcing individuals to disclose evidence that will incriminate them.

The scumbags in the Supreme Court so ruled .


The scumbags in the Supreme Court ruled that states could forcefully draw blood from individuals and the evidence could be used against them

Gun-rights group says health care bill could harm gun owners

Okay, says GOA, but guns could still be a target because of the emphasis on discouraging unhealthy behaviors. "The ObamaCare bill already contains language that will punish Americans who engage in unhealthy behavior by allowing insurers to charge them higher insurance premiums," the group said in its alert.

The memo accuses Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius — who would have significant influence over any new health care policy — of having a "well-established antipathy to the Second Amendment" because she vetoed concealed-carry gun legislation when she was governor of Kansas. "

American Academy of Pediatrics

Gun Safety: Keeping Children Safe

More than 44 million Americans own firearms. Of the 192 million firearms owned in the United States, 65 million are handguns. Research shows guns in homes are a serious risk to families.

A gun kept in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone known to the family than to kill someone in self-defense.
A gun kept in the home triples the risk of homicide.
The risk of suicide is 5 times more likely if a gun is kept in the home.

Advice to parents

The best way to keep your children safe from injury or death from guns is to NEVER have a gun in the home.

Do not purchase a gun, especially a handgun.
Remove all guns present in the home.

Talk to your children about the dangers of guns, and tell them to stay away from guns.
Find out if there are guns in the homes where your children play. If so, talk to the adults in the house about the dangers of guns to their families.

For those who know of the dangers of guns but still keep a gun in the home.

Always keep the gun unloaded and locked up.
Lock and store the bullets in a separate place.
Make sure to hide the keys to the locked boxes.

Let's look at some historical events which show that the federal government can not be trusted with our rights.

Drug Laws

Americans have a right to self medicate, USC 9th Amend

Congress enacted the Harrison narcotic Act of 1914.

The scumbags in the federal judiciary ruled that the act was Constitutional because its ONLY purpose was to impose a tax on the sale of narcotics.

20 years later

The scumbags in the federal judiciary ruled that the act was Constitutional even though it criminalized the sale, distribution and possession of narcotics. According to the "bulwark of liberty" the act includes cocaine even thought it is not a narcotic.

Gun-rights group says health care bill could harm gun owners

Okay, says GOA, but guns could still be a target because of the emphasis on discouraging unhealthy behaviors. "The ObamaCare bill already contains language that will punish Americans who engage in unhealthy behavior by allowing insurers to charge them higher insurance premiums," the group said in its alert.

The memo accuses Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius — who would have significant influence over any new health care policy — of having a "well-established antipathy to the Second Amendment" because she vetoed concealed-carry gun legislation when she was governor of Kansas. "


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