Obama Has Jane Fonda Moment Wanting To Sell U.S. Arms To Hanoi In A Slap To Angry Vietnam Veterans

Times change...

... that was then...

... this is now...

... how else ya gonna contain China?

China goes forward with their plan to control the South China Sea region...

China plans base station for rescue operations in South China Sea
May 23, 2016 - A Chinese government bureau is planning a base station for an advanced rescue ship in the disputed Spratly Islands, state media reported on Monday, as China continues its push to develop civilian and military infrastructure in the contentious region.
The ship, which would carry drones and underwater robots, is set to be deployed in the second half of the year, said Chen Xingguang, political commissar of the ship, which is under the South China Sea Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, according to the official China Daily. The civilian bureau has 31 ships and four helicopters conducting rescue missions in the South China Sea, and officials from the department told the China Daily they work with the military on such efforts. Officials said the rescue ship base station would enable rescue forces to aid fishing boats in trouble, and shorten the distance they need to travel.

It is unclear on which island the ship will be based, but China has carried out land reclamation and construction on several islands in the Spratly Archipelago, parts of which are also claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan. China claims most of the South China Sea, through which $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year. Washington has accused Beijing of militarizing the South China Sea after creating artificial islands, while Beijing, in turn, has criticized increased U.S. naval patrols and exercises in Asia.


Chinese dredging vessels are purportedly seen in the waters around Mischief Reef in the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea in this still image from video taken by a P-8A Poseidon surveillance aircraft provided by the United States Navy​

China has said it plans to continue building civilian facilities in the region to benefit itself and other countries, as well as "necessary military facilities". Analysts say an airstrip China is building on Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratlys could be used for both civilian and military jets. In a separate article, the China Daily said Beijing has build two lighthouses and four beacons on the disputed Paracel Islands and has set up four base stations for radio communications and civilian cellphone networks, providing "complete coverage of the area". The official People's Liberation Army Daily said on its microblog that China's South China Sea fleet carried out military drills to boost combat capability in the western Pacific on Saturday, without specifying exactly which area.

China plans base station for rescue operations in South China Sea
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The war has been over for 40 years. Get the fuck over it.

Those of us who fought will never GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

You need to accept that ... because we ain't going away.

Sure you are. You're all old now and nobody lives forever
You are very disrespectful to the men that served in that war as you just displayed with that comment. How shameful. It reflects on your parents too.
The war has been over for 40 years. Get the fuck over it.

Those of us who fought will never GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

You need to accept that ... because we ain't going away.

Sure you are. You're all old now and nobody lives forever
You are very disrespectful to the men that served in that war as you just displayed with that comment. How shameful. It reflects on your parents too.
people like that dont even realize what pieces of crap they are.
They have no right to even live in this country if they are going to show such ignorance to those that fought for the freedoms they take for granted.
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans

STFU liar before the secret service pays you a visit. FYI asshole the Vietnam war ended in 1975 that was 41 years ago you lying turd.

WW2 ended in 1945 and were selling arms to Germany in the 60's.
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans

STFU liar before the secret service pays you a visit. FYI asshole the Vietnam war ended in 1975 that was 41 years ago you lying turd.

WW2 ended in 1945 and were selling arms to Germany in the 60's.
What did he lie about it the post you quoted, and why would the secret service spend any energy visiting him for it. Nothing he wrote is a lie.
This is just another in-your-face to Americans and our military as well as the stand of REAL Americans against communism. And it's another example why the founders did not want a non-natural born citizen as president due to the fact of not having sole allegiance to America.

Obama weighs selling U.S. arms to Hanoi in bitter irony for Vietnam veterans

STFU liar before the secret service pays you a visit. FYI asshole the Vietnam war ended in 1975 that was 41 years ago you lying turd.

WW2 ended in 1945 and were selling arms to Germany in the 60's.
What did he lie about it the post you quoted, and why would the secret service spend any energy visiting him for it. Nothing he wrote is a lie.

The whole fucking thing is dishonest and you are an asshole who deserves AIDS. Please die a slow and agonizing death. You deserve it. I'm praying you will.
so you have nothing except your anger over your presidents ignorance?
considering how drunk you seem to be from your posts, I hope you dont have to walk to the mailbox for the welfare check today, you could fall and get hurt.
'Veterans', meaning all Americans from the epoch, because we all suffered from that horrible excursion into immorality and national degradation (just like Iraq), were and are 'dishonored' by policies that serve very limited agendas that culminate in being inhuman and anti-life.
The real question, what is their need for weapons? What is their intent? Why this push by the left to grow the military weapons industry?
The war has been over for 40 years. Get the fuck over it.

Those of us who fought will never GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

You need to accept that ... because we ain't going away.

Sure you are. You're all old now and nobody lives forever
You are very disrespectful to the men that served in that war as you just displayed with that comment. How shameful. It reflects on your parents too.
people like that dont even realize what pieces of crap they are.
They have no right to even live in this country if they are going to show such ignorance to those that fought for the freedoms they take for granted.

What freedoms were Americans fighting for in the Vietnam War? Certainly not ours

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