Obama Forced To Visit New Orleans Because Romney Is Already There To Help


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Romney preparing for presidency as he shows up Obama with visit to storm-ravaged Louisiana

Romney is showing Obama what a president should be doing. He's already in New Orleans helping with cleanup after massive flooding. But the President isn't. He all of the sudden had to change his plans and go down there this coming Monday.

President Barack Obama was today forced to announce he will fly to storm-hit Louisiana on Monday – hours after Mitt Romney beat him to the punch by deciding to head there this afternoon.

After it emerged that Obama was still taking time to fit in a campaign stop in Cleveland, Ohio, before checking out how clean-up operations are proceeding in the Bayou state, the Obama campaign abruptly cancelled that event, though he will still hold a rally in Toledo, Ohio before heading south.

But the Republican presidential candidate touched down in the Hurricane ravaged state this afternoon - a full three days before Obama - touring the flooded areas around Lafitte and showing his support for local residents. Mitt Romney heads to storm-hit Louisiana as President Obama hits the campaign trail | Mail Online
Actually, you're a liar. Obama's trip was planned as soon as it became clear that Louisiana would be hit. Romney did it on the cuff, after the convention, while Obama was with our troops, celebrating an end to the Iraq war. Funny that Romney didn't even mention our troops once during his speech.

So aside from telling people to dial 211 for government relief, what help did Romney give?
Uh, idiot rw's, telling a homeless woman to to go home and dial 911 is NOT helping.

But hey, let's be fair ... Mitt probably thought she has a lot of homes and a telephone in each one.

Face it folx, Mitt has ore positions than the Kama Sutra and all of them benefit the 1% but leave the rest of us homeless.
Did Romney give that poor woman some scuba gear to go back to her submerged home and call 211 for government help?
Romney shook hands with National Guardsmen outside the U.S. Post Office and talked with a local resident, Jodie Chiarello, 42, who lost her home in Isaac’s flooding.

“He just told me to, um, there’s assistance out there,” Chiarello said of her conversation with Romney. “He said, go home and call 211.” That’s a public service number offered in many states.

Mitt Romney tells woman who lost her home in Hurricane Isaac to call 211 | Tea Baggers Of America

The Associated Press: Romney starts fall campaign visiting storm victims

Romney preparing for presidency as he shows up Obama with visit to storm-ravaged Louisiana

Romney is showing Obama what a president should be doing. He's already in New Orleans helping with cleanup after massive flooding. But the President isn't. He all of the sudden had to change his plans and go down there this coming Monday.

President Barack Obama was today forced to announce he will fly to storm-hit Louisiana on Monday – hours after Mitt Romney beat him to the punch by deciding to head there this afternoon.

After it emerged that Obama was still taking time to fit in a campaign stop in Cleveland, Ohio, before checking out how clean-up operations are proceeding in the Bayou state, the Obama campaign abruptly cancelled that event, though he will still hold a rally in Toledo, Ohio before heading south.

But the Republican presidential candidate touched down in the Hurricane ravaged state this afternoon - a full three days before Obama - touring the flooded areas around Lafitte and showing his support for local residents. Mitt Romney heads to storm-hit Louisiana as President Obama hits the campaign trail | Mail Online
Why do you guys do this every time?
Stop being a partisan hack.

Tell me again how the networks are racist because they gave each convention equal time?

Romney preparing for presidency as he shows up Obama with visit to storm-ravaged Louisiana

Romney is showing Obama what a president should be doing. He's already in New Orleans helping with cleanup after massive flooding. But the President isn't. He all of the sudden had to change his plans and go down there this coming Monday.

President Barack Obama was today forced to announce he will fly to storm-hit Louisiana on Monday – hours after Mitt Romney beat him to the punch by deciding to head there this afternoon.

After it emerged that Obama was still taking time to fit in a campaign stop in Cleveland, Ohio, before checking out how clean-up operations are proceeding in the Bayou state, the Obama campaign abruptly cancelled that event, though he will still hold a rally in Toledo, Ohio before heading south.

But the Republican presidential candidate touched down in the Hurricane ravaged state this afternoon - a full three days before Obama - touring the flooded areas around Lafitte and showing his support for local residents. Mitt Romney heads to storm-hit Louisiana as President Obama hits the campaign trail | Mail Online
Why do you guys do this every time?
Stop being a partisan hack.

Tell me again how the networks are racist because they gave each convention equal time?

Oh, the DNC is already over with?

We'll see if they give them equal time.

It is a fact that Obama has gotten plenty of unequal time at NBC.

Romney preparing for presidency as he shows up Obama with visit to storm-ravaged Louisiana

Romney is showing Obama what a president should be doing. He's already in New Orleans helping with cleanup after massive flooding. But the President isn't. He all of the sudden had to change his plans and go down there this coming Monday.
Why do you guys do this every time?
Stop being a partisan hack.

Tell me again how the networks are racist because they gave each convention equal time?

Oh, the DNC is already over with?

We'll see if they give them equal time.

It is a fact that Obama has gotten plenty of unequal time at NBC.

I already provided you with a link that stated each convention gets three hours.

Romney preparing for presidency as he shows up Obama with visit to storm-ravaged Louisiana

Romney is showing Obama what a president should be doing. He's already in New Orleans helping with cleanup after massive flooding. But the President isn't. He all of the sudden had to change his plans and go down there this coming Monday.

President Barack Obama was today forced to announce he will fly to storm-hit Louisiana on Monday – hours after Mitt Romney beat him to the punch by deciding to head there this afternoon.

After it emerged that Obama was still taking time to fit in a campaign stop in Cleveland, Ohio, before checking out how clean-up operations are proceeding in the Bayou state, the Obama campaign abruptly cancelled that event, though he will still hold a rally in Toledo, Ohio before heading south.

But the Republican presidential candidate touched down in the Hurricane ravaged state this afternoon - a full three days before Obama - touring the flooded areas around Lafitte and showing his support for local residents. Mitt Romney heads to storm-hit Louisiana as President Obama hits the campaign trail | Mail Online

Why does he roll up his shirtsleeves, when he never does any work?
It's hilarious watching Romney trying to be a man of the people. Simply hilarious...

He professes to be a devout religious man, a former Mormon Bishop - yet I've never met an Atheist who lies as much as he does. Never!

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