Obama fears that the Republicans may not nominate Romney?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Obama fears that the Republicans may not nominate Romney?

If Republicans do not nominate Romney, Obama has a problem. His re-election is much more certain if he can run as a firm supporter of Massachusetts’ Romney care.

I’m supposing that Obama is soft peddling that point in the fear of spooking the Republican Party to nominating someone else.

After the Republican convention, we can expect Obama to mention his complete support for Massachusetts’s Romney care within every single speech he delivers.

The Democratic Party’s position will be that Romney is being overly modest of his health plan that Massachusetts’s voters are so satisfied with.
I expect Obama to proclaim that he would have preferred single payer universal Medicare coverage but Romney care which is the EXACT model for the federal health care act is working so well in Massachusetts that then voters will not give it up. We should adopt what’s working well in Massachusetts to similarly serve our entire nation.

Despite all of the money that Romney and his wealthy supporters throw into this 2012 presidential election, this year’s general election will be a joke.

Regarding the question of a penalty or tax upon those who can afford but refuse to purchase medical insurance:

(A) In Massachusetts this involves less than 1% of Massachusetts citizens.
(B) A minority, but a significant portion of the Supreme Court judges believed it is a penalty rather than a tax.
Does anyone actually believe that any but those already aligned against Obama are concerned because Obama happens to concur with four conservative Supreme Court judges?

Respectfully, Supposn
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and who exactly do you think is going to get the nomination when by law the delegates Romney won have to vote for him the first time?
and who exactly do you think is going to get the nomination when by law the delegates Romney won have to vote for him the first time?

Many Paulbots say he is going to get all the delegates and win the nomination at the convention,..
and who exactly do you think is going to get the nomination when by law the delegates Romney won have to vote for him the first time?

Many Paulbots say he is going to get all the delegates and win the nomination at the convention,..

Well, why I enjoy my conversation with alot of Paul supporters. Some are just downright insane.
and who exactly do you think is going to get the nomination when by law the delegates Romney won have to vote for him the first time?

Many Paulbots say he is going to get all the delegates and win the nomination at the convention,..

I am sorry Libertarians, but I have to say it

Many Paulbots are Kooks! They also believe we can talk to Al qaeda and Ahmadicjob is really a sane and reasonable guy that we can work with.
and who exactly do you think is going to get the nomination when by law the delegates Romney won have to vote for him the first time?

Avatar, that's the Republicans' dilemma. The people opposed to Romney care may are likely to vote for Romney regardless of their displeasure with the Affordable Healthcare Act.
But the Supreme Court's decision cloaks the act with legitimacy. I believe all of the money aligned against Obama, will not be able to sway too many independent voters. Romney and the Koch brothers will be unable to buy a presidential election based upon the healthcare act.

Respectfully, Supposn
Obama fears that the Republicans may not nominate Romney?

If Republicans do not nominate Romney, Obama has a problem. His re-election is much more certain if he can run as a firm supporter of Massachusetts’ Romney care.

I’m supposing that Obama is soft peddling that point in the fear of spooking the Republican Party to nominating someone else.

After the Republican convention, we can expect Obama to mention his complete support for Massachusetts’s Romney care within every single speech he delivers.

The Democratic Party’s position will be that Romney is being overly modest of his health plan that Massachusetts’s voters are so satisfied with.
I expect Obama to proclaim that he would have preferred single payer universal Medicare coverage but Romney care which is the EXACT model for the federal health care act is working so well in Massachusetts that then voters will not give it up. We should adopt what’s working well in Massachusetts to similarly serve our entire nation.

Despite all of the money that Romney and his wealthy supporters throw into this 2012 presidential election, this year’s general election will be a joke.

Regarding the question of a penalty or tax upon those who can afford but refuse to purchase medical insurance:

(A) In Massachusetts this involves less than 1% of Massachusetts citizens.
(B) A minority, but a significant portion of the Supreme Court judges believed it is a penalty rather than a tax.
Does anyone actually believe that any but those already aligned against Obama are concerned because Obama happens to concur with four conservative Supreme Court judges?

Respectfully, Supposn

wishful thinking, but it's one case where I wish he was right.

Once again it seems to appear the GOP has picked the Person most likely to lose to Obama. I mean jesus he can't even nail him on the Mandate because it was his Idea.

So many other Options we had, that would have been better, but oh well.

Don't matter anyways, Nothing will change regardless.
and who exactly do you think is going to get the nomination when by law the delegates Romney won have to vote for him the first time?

Avatar, that's the Republicans' dilemma. The people opposed to Romney care may are likely to vote for Romney regardless of their displeasure with the Affordable Healthcare Act.
But the Supreme Court's decision cloaks the act with legitimacy. I believe all of the money aligned against Obama, will not be able to sway too many independent voters. Romney and the Koch brothers will be unable to buy a presidential election based upon the healthcare act.

Respectfully, Supposn
and who exactly do you think is going to get the nomination when by law the delegates Romney won have to vote for him the first time?

Avatar, that's the Republicans' dilemma. The people opposed to Romney care may are likely to vote for Romney regardless of their displeasure with the Affordable Healthcare Act.
But the Supreme Court's decision cloaks the act with legitimacy. I believe all of the money aligned against Obama, will not be able to sway too many independent voters. Romney and the Koch brothers will be unable to buy a presidential election based upon the healthcare act.

Respectfully, Supposn

Which will mean, Obama and his Union Buddies will succeed in Buying the Presidency despite a very Poor Economy, an Unpopular but Legal Health Care law, and a bunch of New Taxes to go along with it.

Yay, so much better.

You people make me laugh, As long as it's your side raking in the Money and buying votes it's the greatest thing ever.

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