Obama Dumps Scientist Who Questioned Diversity

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
American Renaissance News: Professor Dumped From Oil Spill Team Over Writings

Jim Salter, Tampa Bay Online, May 19, 2010

A St. Louis scientist who was among a select group picked by the Obama administration to pursue a solution to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has been removed from the group because of writings on his website, the U.S. Energy Department confirmed Wednesday.

Washington University physics professor Jonathan Katz was one of five top scientists chosen by the Department of Energy and attended meetings in Houston last week.

Though considered a leading scientist, Katz’s website postings often touch on social issues. Some of those writings have stirred anger in the past and include postings defending homophobia and questioning the value of racial diversity efforts.

Energy Secretary Steven Chu was not aware of Katz’s writings before selecting him for the panel, spokeswoman Stephanie Mueller said. It was not immediately clear how the department became aware of the writings.


In another posting, Katz questioned the value of diversity efforts.

“The diversity movement is racist at its core,” he writes. “When dealing with people we should be concerned with intellect, talent, character and accomplishment. People aren’t dogs or cattle; race matters only to racists.”
Yep too bad, best guy for the job gets dumped because he doesn't believe in AA .......
People get dumped all the time for saying stupid things on the internet...

Thank goodness this board is anonymous
I love Katz, and his writings have been up there for all to see for years. This is nothing but another example of the incompetence of the Obama administration. They can't conduct even the most rudimentary background checks and are continually embarrassed when they pick people for anything.

I wonder which one bugged Obama the most when he read them. My guess is this one.

Anyone Who Bombs Baghdad [when Saddam was in power] Gets My Vote
Saddam's Options

But it could have been this.

Diversity is the Last Refuge of a Scoundrel
People get dumped all the time for saying stupid things on the internet...

Thank goodness this board is anonymous
Questioning the validity of "good" racism isn't stupid.

Of course, the diversity commissars are all for diversity except when it comes to thought...Then they're as intolerant and narrow minded as you can be.
Jeesh...isn't this the guy that is proud to be a homophobe? His writings reveal him to be a bit of a moron. He should never have been on the team.
People get dumped all the time for saying stupid things on the internet...

Thank goodness this board is anonymous
Questioning the validity of "good" racism isn't stupid.

Of course, the diversity commissars are all for diversity except when it comes to thought...Then they're as intolerant and narrow minded as you can be.

Hey big guy..

Even racist morons slip through the cracks sometimes

But at least he learned a valuable lesson
Jeesh...isn't this the guy that is proud to be a homophobe? His writings reveal him to be a bit of a moron. He should never have been on the team.

Wow...you're right Ravi!!! (make note of that)

But once again, they shoot and then they aim when conducting business at the White House.....

There is one thing in that sample that I found interesting...and quite profound...

Race only matters to racists...so true. Which is why I wonder why there's so much focus by the left being put on BO's race...
People get dumped all the time for saying stupid things on the internet...

Thank goodness this board is anonymous
Questioning the validity of "good" racism isn't stupid.

Of course, the diversity commissars are all for diversity except when it comes to thought...Then they're as intolerant and narrow minded as you can be.

Hey big guy..

Even racist morons slip through the cracks sometimes

But at least he learned a valuable lesson

So you'll cut them some slack on one of their appointees but not the handful of racist whackos on the right?
People get dumped all the time for saying stupid things on the internet...

Thank goodness this board is anonymous
Questioning the validity of "good" racism isn't stupid.

Of course, the diversity commissars are all for diversity except when it comes to thought...Then they're as intolerant and narrow minded as you can be.

Hey big guy..

Even racist morons slip through the cracks sometimes

But at least he learned a valuable lesson

The sound of the point going clean over your head...
American Renaissance News: Professor Dumped From Oil Spill Team Over Writings

Jim Salter, Tampa Bay Online, May 19, 2010

A St. Louis scientist who was among a select group picked by the Obama administration to pursue a solution to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has been removed from the group because of writings on his website, the U.S. Energy Department confirmed Wednesday.

Washington University physics professor Jonathan Katz was one of five top scientists chosen by the Department of Energy and attended meetings in Houston last week.

Though considered a leading scientist, Katz’s website postings often touch on social issues. Some of those writings have stirred anger in the past and include postings defending homophobia and questioning the value of racial diversity efforts.

Energy Secretary Steven Chu was not aware of Katz’s writings before selecting him for the panel, spokeswoman Stephanie Mueller said. It was not immediately clear how the department became aware of the writings.


In another posting, Katz questioned the value of diversity efforts.

“The diversity movement is racist at its core,” he writes. “When dealing with people we should be concerned with intellect, talent, character and accomplishment. People aren’t dogs or cattle; race matters only to racists

He forgot two. "Viewpoint and perspective".

Bias can build up, whether it's bias against women or age (some don't like young engineers - not enough experience, or old engineers - too set in their ways). Then there are racial bias and cultural bias. That's why diversity is important. With diversity come "transparency".

If someone calls themselves "educated" and then says they believe "diversity" is racist, then I have question their "intelligence".

Open Peer Review: Why Peer Review Should Not Be Anonymous

Open peer review consists of signed reviews that can be posted on the Internet together with accepted and refused manuscripts and grant proposals. The idea is to have a more transparent process not only in scientific journals but, most of all, in granting organizations. After all, anyone with enough tenacity can have a paper accepted given the dozens of scientific journals nowadays, but there are only a handful of granting agencies. Therefore, transparency and openness must be implemented in scientific journals, granting agencies, job applications, and every single step of the academia. Secrecy forges despotism. Transparency is always the best protection against abuse.
Hey Rdean your hero Obama has managed to create Bagram as the new Gitmo. Remind us again how when Bush used Gitmo that was bad but Obama using Bagram is good.
Jeesh...isn't this the guy that is proud to be a homophobe? His writings reveal him to be a bit of a moron. He should never have been on the team.

Wow...you're right Ravi!!! (make note of that)

But once again, they shoot and then they aim when conducting business at the White House.....

There is one thing in that sample that I found interesting...and quite profound...

Race only matters to racists...so true. Which is why I wonder why there's so much focus by the left being put on BO's race...

Yup....racists are harmless until they get in a position of power and attempt to apply that racism.

Witness Obama.
Hey Rdean your hero Obama has managed to create Bagram as the new Gitmo. Remind us again how when Bush used Gitmo that was bad but Obama using Bagram is good.

Right....and Obama made Afghanistan his own Iraq...

We just went over 1000 dead this week.

The media didn't even let out a quiff about it.

What was the reason we went there?

To get Osama?

Did we get him?

Are we even looking for him?

Hell no!!!
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So let me get this straight:
Because he's a Leading Scientist, he isn't "allowed" to post his own opinions on his own website?

And, extropolating ~ he isn't allowed to Think Something, and then set out to prove/disprove it? THAT would be considered, well, anathema? Please.

He's a scientist that thinks that homosexuality is abnormal? The absolute logic of hetrosexual relationships being the basis for all bisexual species of life on the planet is REFUTABLE? Knock me down with a feather, 'cuz I must have missed That Day at school.

Just off the top of my head, I truly have to wEnder about "diversity EFFORTS." WTF, folks? Are people being somehow manipulated to diversify our races? Don't we just do that, naturally? Then again, probably the Best Way to get two folks to "mate" is to tell them they CAN't! :)

But, Hey! I'm just some Christian, geezerette, (don't know if I'm right or left, yet ~ see an earlier post), nurse person, running amok amongst the intellectuals, so. :razz:
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