Obama DOJ threatens Texas Over UN Observers


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Unconstitutional Federal Move Against Texas: Texas Told They Can't Arrest International Election Observers

By Douglas V. Gibbs @ Political Pistachio: Unconstitutional Federal Move Against Texas: Texas Told They Can't Arrest International Election Observers

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution: "The Times, Places and Manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof."

It is up to each State the manner of holding elections. If they don't want non-citizens near their polling places, that is their prerogative. For the federal government to force upon the States observers is criminal. If a State decides to allow observers, and some States have, that is fine. In turn, the federal government cannot force the State to allow international observers.

When Texas was told they would have international observers at their polling places, Texas responded that representatives from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) being within 100 feet of a polling place's entrance is a criminal offense, and those persons will be arrested.

The State Department has indicated that these international election observers have "full immunity" from being arrested in the United States, under U.S. law.

Federal Law does not supersede State Law in this instance. The Constitution is clear, the manner in which elections are held are up to the States, and if they don't want observers, the federal government, nor any international organization, can force upon the State such persons.

For those of you getting ready to use the Supremacy Clause as an opposing argument, read Article VI carefully. Federal Laws are only supreme when the laws are within the limitations of the Constitution - and once again, there is no authority granted to the federal government allowing them to dictate to the States anything regarding the manner in which they shall run elections.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Big Tough Texas backed down about the TSA in their state, lets see what they do about the UN.
A day or two ago, the rw's were ranting about Obama allowing foreigners to watch our elections.

Now, they're against Obama's DOJs action against Texassss.

Make up your "minds", wouldja?

Oh wait ... You rw's just love flip flopping and etch a sketching.

I thought the red states would be happy about it. Apparently, voter fraud is as rampant as obesity according to the right wing lunatics. UN Observers will ensure that there are fair elections. It's curious that on one hand they are complaining about pollsters, press coverage, moderators, the BLS statistics, and voter fraud but when something is done about it; it's met with such opposition.

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