Obama doesn't really want to be re--elected, so please get smart and do not donate.


Nov 24, 2008
The Democrats have been blowing off independents and people with brains, since slavery was legal, in the south. Wilson signed the Harrison Act, FDR signed the Hemp Stamp Tax Act of 1938 after it took 15 minutes to pass the Democrat-controlled Congress, this was declared unconstitutional in 1972, after years of suppression of industrial hemp applications, including Henry Ford's indestructible hemp-plastic fenders.

Nixon then founded the DEA, which gets bipartisan support. All this has a huge carbon footprint, since the drug war prevents industrial henp energy products, and the Democrats passed Obamacare in 2008, to controvert courts, Congress, and media for years. They then lost the House, tried to pass CO2-neutral biomass research, and it lost, 2012.

Obama has killed more people with drones and busted more pot clubs in four years than GW Bush did in eight years, signed USCA 4 off by signing the invasive NDAA, let ATT get off when it was caught spying on citizens, and he let the NSA spy on citizens, coordinate their ripoffs with corporations like ATT, and then they get the FBI to hassle the whistleblowers.

Obama got on Jimmy Fallon (more MUNEEE), to sing the US Rep.Al Green lyric, "Can't get enough of your love, babe." Can't get enough of that green MUNEEE, baby.

Obama is on a timeline, to make money off his cult of personality, like Bill Clinton does, on his blown-up crowd, for lectures. Clinton makes more on lectures, than Carter does, on all his books, 25 or so. But if he waits until the economy tanks, Obama will have real trouble getting his cheap appeal to translate to turnstyles, where now he is stuck, asking for donations to campaign funds. He has dopes like Bill Maher giving a million, to his super-PAC.

Michelle Obama recently praised eating vegetables; Joe Biden praised Barack's 'equipment.' The Democrats support abortion, so all this tool-time tee-hee-hee has a direction, to get women to vote for Obama. But Romney is even in the polls, already.

Obama is 40-something % job approval, 60-something % cult of personality rating. He is RIGHT WHERE HE WANTS TO BE. Do not give him any funny money, even if you are merely amusing, like Bill Maher. You are getting ripped right off.

Obama will probably lose in November, like Ted Nugent thinks he will. He wants to! Abortion may be what this is all about, but this is not enough, to stop Romney, on a mission to be the next zionazi President, sorry about that. :eusa_boohoo:
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Yes President Obama is a moderate. So?
Obama won't really support equal rights, since he has been letting states attack equality and sentences, with measures, which violate USCA 4 security and USCA 5/14 due process, all the time. Obama-Biden has an online form, which his zealots can use, to report all this at USMB, as 'attacks.' I hereby use USMB, to report Obama's zealots are assholes.

Obama is a moderate fascist. Relative to his party's neglect of fracking and their limpness at CO2-neutral biomass, Obama is a moderate fuck-tard.

Then along comes Romney, who claims he cannot remember bullying. He has CRS, and people with CRS do not deserve to be elected, where they cannot remember things, like the US Constitution and statutes. Then they cannot remember what an asshole John Roberts is, and they appoint other assholes, to SCOTUS.

So I guess we have to learn to like Obama, for some more years, since not enough independents will pretend Romney is Ron Paul, and nobody likes assholes, with CRS.
Obama doesn't really want to be re--elected, so please get smart and do not donate.

Too bad for Obama, too few voters will vote for Romney, Obama’s going to be reelected whether he likes it or not.

Not likely, torte....

The folks who voted for McCain will vote against Obama....

....and lots of folks who voted for Obama


I voted for McCain. Now I will be voting for Obama. Funniest thing is that during the 2008 primaries I actually supported Romney, and I even donated money to his campaign. What I have learned about Romney is that he has zero backbone and will say anything to anyone if he thinks it will get him a vote.
Too bad for Obama, too few voters will vote for Romney, Obama’s going to be reelected whether he likes it or not.

Not likely, torte....

The folks who voted for McCain will vote against Obama....

....and lots of folks who voted for Obama


I voted for McCain. Now I will be voting for Obama. Funniest thing is that during the 2008 primaries I actually supported Romney, and I even donated money to his campaign. What I have learned about Romney is that he has zero backbone and will say anything to anyone if he thinks it will get him a vote.

If by 'zero backbone', you mean he's actually a consensus builder, who is moderate, thoughtful, intelligent and rational... then yea. I didn't support Romney in 2008... but I dismissed the GOP as unworthy of my support regardless of their candidate purely on the '8 year clusterfuck' that was the Bush Presidency. However, I have done my homework this time around... and I like Romney. I always lean towards smart, rational people. Hence, I will not vote for Obama.
Don't kid yourself. Obama is the fulfillment of William Ayers dream. Mr Ayers was recently quoted saying "Every day I wake up and think this is the day I end Capitalism."
Mr Obama fully intends to have this country's name changed to the Socialist United States Of America by the end of his next term.
I didn't vote for Barry in 08 and I won't be voting for him in 12 either.

I rather like Romney and if he'd gotten the nom in 08 I would have voted for him. Since he didn't I held my nose and voted for McCain who I really don't like.

Barry turned me off with his spread the wealth mantra to Joe the Plumber. Up till then I listened but never bought that Hope and Change bs.
I didn't vote for Barry in 08 and I won't be voting for him in 12 either.

I rather like Romney and if he'd gotten the nom in 08 I would have voted for him. Since he didn't I held my nose and voted for McCain who I really don't like.

Barry turned me off with his spread the wealth mantra to Joe the Plumber. Up till then I listened but never bought that Hope and Change bs.

Even then he told us, didn't he?

Obamamoney...here we come!

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