Obama, Democrat Voter Fraud


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. A former Democratic governor of Indiana says a petition to place Barack Obama on the state ballot during the 2008 Democratic presidential primary is not his, raising the question of voter fraud. Former Governor Joe Kernan, a Democrat, replied, “No, not at all,” when the South Bend (Indiana) Tribune asked if the signature, which helped qualify Obama for the ballot, belonged to him. The newspaper reports it has spoken to at least 40 other people in St. Joseph County, Indiana, whose names erroneously appear on petitions for either Obama or his primary opponent, Hillary Clinton.

2. Indiana requires those running for statewide office to collect 4,500 signatures from registered voters, 500 from each congressional district, before their names may appear on the ballot for voters’ consideration. Local newspapers have reported the names appear to be copied from signatures submitted for another statewide candidate that year.

3. Allegations of voter fraud continue to dog Democrats in general and Barack Obama, in particular. Catherine Engelbrecht, a founder of the Texas-based “True the Vote,” investigated the Texas Democratic presidential primaries in 2008 and announced:

'There was no one checking IDs, judges would vote for people that asked for help. It was fraud, and we watched like deer in the headlights… The first thing we started to do was look at houses with more than six voters in them [a common red flag for voter fraud]…Vacant lots had several voters registered on them. An eight-bed halfway house had more than 40 voters registered at its address.'

a. Andrea “Andi” Pringle, a former aide to D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray, resigned from her post after admitting she fraudulently voted in the Washington, D.C., primary, although she is registered to vote in Montgomery County, Maryland.

b. Lessadolla Sowers, a member of the executive board of the Tunica County, Mississippi, NAACP, received five years in prison for voting 10 times in other people’s names.

c. But these cases are the exception. The vast majority of fraud goes unchecked.

d. Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler revealed in March that 12,000 non-citizens were registered to vote in the state, and 5,000 had non-citizens voted in the 2010 election.

4. The conservative group Minnesota Majority discovered last summer that 341 convicted felons, who had been disenfranchised under state law, illegally cast ballots that probably put Al Franken ahead of Norm Coleman in the state’s hotly disputed U.S. Senate race. (Franken won by a mere 312 votes following multiple recounts showing him behind.)

a. Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez of California likely won her California seat from Bob Dornan thanks to massive voting by illegal immigrants.

5. It appears the Obama administration is gearing up for the next round of fraud. This author reported last year that Project Vote, an ACORN-affiliated organization that once employed the president as a community organizer, intended to “help” more than 50,000 people vote in seven key swing states.

6. Meanwhile, Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandes [of the Obama Department of Justice] has openly declared, “We have no interest in enforcing this provision of the law,” which requires states to purge dead voters from the rolls. “It has nothing to do with increasing turnout, and we are just not going to do it.”
Election Fraud Watch: Did Obama Submit Phony Ballot Petitions in 2008? | Floyd Reports

So....can you take anothe dose of 'Hope and Change'???
Only Republicans commit voter fraud PC, Democrats don't commit voter fraud, they are above that. You madam, are a Loon.
Jeeze. Don't let TDM know.

According to her its only the GOP thats guilty of voter fraud.
Hey gun-cleaning political chic; your by-line "Fighting Thugs and Libs" - isn't that redundant??
Keep your powder dry and guns loaded girl ;-), you never know when 'occupiers' may show up in your front yard.
Keep up the good fight-
Seems all this comes back to ACORN min wage workers making up names to get paid, but there is NO evidence anyone VOTED fraudulently. Period. Just BS accusations.

And THAT is the basis for Pubs trying to change voting laws in forty states to make voting more difficult for the young, old, and minorities.

Pure Pubcrappe. Change the channel.
IF this is true Obama name should not have been on the ballot in IN. It was very close .. And if it happened there where else did it happen.
and yet Obama bitches that most states require Voter ID? in other words, Obama feels its perfectly legal for any of his supporters to vote 20 times in one day at 20 precincts.
Seems all this comes back to ACORN min wage workers making up names to get paid, but there is NO evidence anyone VOTED fraudulently. Period. Just BS accusations.

And THAT is the basis for Pubs trying to change voting laws in forty states to make voting more difficult for the young, old, and minorities.

Pure Pubcrappe. Change the channel.

Tugboat, I'm still waiting for you to be right about something....anything!!

Although the organization prides itself for its registration efforts, it also has a long history of scandal. In the state of Missouri in 1986, 12 ACORN members were convicted of voter fraud. But that case was not an isolated incident in the state. In December 2004, in St. Louis, six volunteers pleaded guilty of dozens of election law violations for filling out registration cards with names of dead people and other bogus information. Authorities launched an earlier investigation after noticing that among the new voters was longtime St. Louis alderman Albert “Red” Villa, who died in 1990. The volunteers worked for “Operation Big Vote” — a branch of ACORN — in St. Louis.

On February 10, 2005, Nonaresa Montgomery, a paid worker who ran Operation Big Vote during the run-up to the 2001 mayoral primary, was found guilty of vote fraud.

Montgomery hired about 30 workers to do fraudulent voter-registration canvassing. Instead of knocking on doors, the volunteers sat at a St. Louis fast food restaurant and wrote out names and information from an outdated voter list. About 1,500 fraudulent voter registration cards were turned in.

In October 2006, St. Louis election officials discovered at least 1,492 “potentially fraudulent” voter registration cards. They were all turned in by ACORN volunteers.

In November 2006, 20,000 to 35,000 questionable voter registration forms were turned in by ACORN officials in Missouri. Most all of these were from St. Louis and Kansas City areas, where ACORN purportedly sought to help empower the “disenfranchised” minorities living there. But the ACORN workers weren’t just told to register new voters. The workers admitted on camera that they were coached to tell registrants to vote for Democrat Claire McCaskill.

In 2007, in Kansas City, Missouri, four ACORN employees were indicted for fraud. In April of this year eight ACORN employees in St. Louis city and county pleaded guilty to federal election fraud for submitting bogus voter registrations.
And, that was just Missouri.

North Carolina — State Board of Elections officials have found at least 100 voter registration forms with the same names over and over again. The forms were turned in by ACORN. Officials sent about 30 applications to the state Board of Elections for possible fraud investigation.

Ohio — The New York Post reported that a Cleveland man said he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times. The complaints have sparked an investigation by election officials into the organization, whose political wing has supported Barack Obama. Witnesses have already been subpoenaed to testify against the organization.

Nevada — Authorities raided the headquarters of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now on Tuesday October 7, 2008, after a month-long investigation. The fraudulent voter registrations included the Dallas Cowboys starting line-up.

Indiana — More than 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana’s Lake County filled out by ACORN employees turned out to be bogus. Officials also stopped processing a stack of about 5,000 applications delivered just before the October 6 registration deadline after the first 2,100 turned out to be phony.

Connecticut — Officials are looking into a complaint alleging ACORN submitted fraudulent voter registration cards in Bridgeport. In one instance, an official said a card was filled out for a 7-year-old girl, whose age was listed as 27. 8,000 cards were submitted in Bridgeport.

Missouri — The Kansas City election board is reporting 100 duplicate applications and 280 with fake information. Acorn officials agreed that at least 4% of their registrations were bogus. Governor Matt Blunt condemned the attempts by ACORN to commit voter fraud.

Pennsylvania — Officials are investigating suspicious or incomplete registration forms submitted by ACORN. 252,595 voter registrations were submitted in Philadelphia. Remarkably, 57,435 were rejected — most of them submitted by ACORN.

Wisconsin — In Milwaukee ACORN improperly used felons as registration workers. Additionally, its workers are among 49 cases of bad registrations sent to authorities for possible charges, as first reported by the Journal Sentinel.

Florida — The Pinellas County Elections supervisor says his office has received around 35 voter registrations that appear to be bogus. There is also a question of 30,000 felons who are registered illegally to vote. Their connections with ACORN are not yet clear.

Texas — Of the 30,000 registration cards ACORN turned in, Harris County tax assessor Paul Bettencourt says just more than 20,000 are valid. And just look at some of the places ACORN was finding those voters. A church just next door is the address for around 150 people. More than 250 people claim a homeless outreach center as their home address. Some listed a county mental health facility as their home and one person even wrote down the Harris County jail at the sheriff’s office.

Michigan — ACORN in Detroit is being investigated after several municipal clerks reported fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications coming through. The clerk interviewed said the fraud appears to be widespread.

New Mexico – The Bernalillo County clerk has notified prosecutors that some 1,100 fraudulent voter registration cards were turned in by ACORN.

That’s not all. So far this year at least 14 states have started investigations against ACORN. Talk about a culture of corruption. It is so bad that Representatives of Congress have asked for the Justice Department to investigate, and GOP presidential candidate John McCain is bringing it up in his stump speeches. The Obama camp is stealthily altering its “Fight the Smears” website to distance themselves from the organization — quite a challenge considering how close their candidate’s association has been with the group.

The liberal vs. conservative, voter fraud vs. voter intimidation debate will no doubt continue after this election. But this year, with the assistance of scandal-plagued ACORN, it appears that — so far — the voter fraud side is winning.
PJ Media » The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM2_q11hX_k&feature=related]FBI Investigating ACORN for Voter Fraud - YouTube[/ame]
Hey gun-cleaning political chic; your by-line "Fighting Thugs and Libs" - isn't that redundant??
Keep your powder dry and guns loaded girl ;-), you never know when 'occupiers' may show up in your front yard.
Keep up the good fight-

1. I checked the Guinness Book of Records, and, according to them only 93.4% of Libs are also Thugs....so my by-line is technically correct.
...but it was the 2010 edition....
I'll have my research department look into it.

2. To reassure you, not only is my powder dry...but all magazines are filled.

3. Occupiers...front yard? Land mines.

Thank you, freetek.
Seems all this comes back to ACORN min wage workers making up names to get paid, but there is NO evidence anyone VOTED fraudulently. Period. Just BS accusations.

And THAT is the basis for Pubs trying to change voting laws in forty states to make voting more difficult for the young, old, and minorities.

Pure Pubcrappe. Change the channel.

Tugboat, I'm still waiting for you to be right about something....anything!!

Although the organization prides itself for its registration efforts, it also has a long history of scandal. In the state of Missouri in 1986, 12 ACORN members were convicted of voter fraud. But that case was not an isolated incident in the state. In December 2004, in St. Louis, six volunteers pleaded guilty of dozens of election law violations for filling out registration cards with names of dead people and other bogus information. Authorities launched an earlier investigation after noticing that among the new voters was longtime St. Louis alderman Albert “Red” Villa, who died in 1990. The volunteers worked for “Operation Big Vote” — a branch of ACORN — in St. Louis.

On February 10, 2005, Nonaresa Montgomery, a paid worker who ran Operation Big Vote during the run-up to the 2001 mayoral primary, was found guilty of vote fraud.

Montgomery hired about 30 workers to do fraudulent voter-registration canvassing. Instead of knocking on doors, the volunteers sat at a St. Louis fast food restaurant and wrote out names and information from an outdated voter list. About 1,500 fraudulent voter registration cards were turned in.

In October 2006, St. Louis election officials discovered at least 1,492 “potentially fraudulent” voter registration cards. They were all turned in by ACORN volunteers.

In November 2006, 20,000 to 35,000 questionable voter registration forms were turned in by ACORN officials in Missouri. Most all of these were from St. Louis and Kansas City areas, where ACORN purportedly sought to help empower the “disenfranchised” minorities living there. But the ACORN workers weren’t just told to register new voters. The workers admitted on camera that they were coached to tell registrants to vote for Democrat Claire McCaskill.

In 2007, in Kansas City, Missouri, four ACORN employees were indicted for fraud. In April of this year eight ACORN employees in St. Louis city and county pleaded guilty to federal election fraud for submitting bogus voter registrations.
And, that was just Missouri.

North Carolina — State Board of Elections officials have found at least 100 voter registration forms with the same names over and over again. The forms were turned in by ACORN. Officials sent about 30 applications to the state Board of Elections for possible fraud investigation.

Ohio — The New York Post reported that a Cleveland man said he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times. The complaints have sparked an investigation by election officials into the organization, whose political wing has supported Barack Obama. Witnesses have already been subpoenaed to testify against the organization.

Nevada — Authorities raided the headquarters of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now on Tuesday October 7, 2008, after a month-long investigation. The fraudulent voter registrations included the Dallas Cowboys starting line-up.

Indiana — More than 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana’s Lake County filled out by ACORN employees turned out to be bogus. Officials also stopped processing a stack of about 5,000 applications delivered just before the October 6 registration deadline after the first 2,100 turned out to be phony.

Connecticut — Officials are looking into a complaint alleging ACORN submitted fraudulent voter registration cards in Bridgeport. In one instance, an official said a card was filled out for a 7-year-old girl, whose age was listed as 27. 8,000 cards were submitted in Bridgeport.

Missouri — The Kansas City election board is reporting 100 duplicate applications and 280 with fake information. Acorn officials agreed that at least 4% of their registrations were bogus. Governor Matt Blunt condemned the attempts by ACORN to commit voter fraud.

Pennsylvania — Officials are investigating suspicious or incomplete registration forms submitted by ACORN. 252,595 voter registrations were submitted in Philadelphia. Remarkably, 57,435 were rejected — most of them submitted by ACORN.

Wisconsin — In Milwaukee ACORN improperly used felons as registration workers. Additionally, its workers are among 49 cases of bad registrations sent to authorities for possible charges, as first reported by the Journal Sentinel.

Florida — The Pinellas County Elections supervisor says his office has received around 35 voter registrations that appear to be bogus. There is also a question of 30,000 felons who are registered illegally to vote. Their connections with ACORN are not yet clear.

Texas — Of the 30,000 registration cards ACORN turned in, Harris County tax assessor Paul Bettencourt says just more than 20,000 are valid. And just look at some of the places ACORN was finding those voters. A church just next door is the address for around 150 people. More than 250 people claim a homeless outreach center as their home address. Some listed a county mental health facility as their home and one person even wrote down the Harris County jail at the sheriff’s office.

Michigan — ACORN in Detroit is being investigated after several municipal clerks reported fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications coming through. The clerk interviewed said the fraud appears to be widespread.

New Mexico – The Bernalillo County clerk has notified prosecutors that some 1,100 fraudulent voter registration cards were turned in by ACORN.

That’s not all. So far this year at least 14 states have started investigations against ACORN. Talk about a culture of corruption. It is so bad that Representatives of Congress have asked for the Justice Department to investigate, and GOP presidential candidate John McCain is bringing it up in his stump speeches. The Obama camp is stealthily altering its “Fight the Smears” website to distance themselves from the organization — quite a challenge considering how close their candidate’s association has been with the group.

The liberal vs. conservative, voter fraud vs. voter intimidation debate will no doubt continue after this election. But this year, with the assistance of scandal-plagued ACORN, it appears that — so far — the voter fraud side is winning.
PJ Media » The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM2_q11hX_k&feature=related]FBI Investigating ACORN for Voter Fraud - YouTube[/ame]

Do you actually think Franco read ANY of this? I don't think he's smart enough! He got through the 2nd paragraph and started crying. :) He's such a weanie! Lol!
Seems all this comes back to ACORN min wage workers making up names to get paid, but there is NO evidence anyone VOTED fraudulently. Period. Just BS accusations.

And THAT is the basis for Pubs trying to change voting laws in forty states to make voting more difficult for the young, old, and minorities.

Pure Pubcrappe. Change the channel.

Tugboat, I'm still waiting for you to be right about something....anything!!

Although the organization prides itself for its registration efforts, it also has a long history of scandal. In the state of Missouri in 1986, 12 ACORN members were convicted of voter fraud. But that case was not an isolated incident in the state. In December 2004, in St. Louis, six volunteers pleaded guilty of dozens of election law violations for filling out registration cards with names of dead people and other bogus information. Authorities launched an earlier investigation after noticing that among the new voters was longtime St. Louis alderman Albert “Red” Villa, who died in 1990. The volunteers worked for “Operation Big Vote” — a branch of ACORN — in St. Louis.

On February 10, 2005, Nonaresa Montgomery, a paid worker who ran Operation Big Vote during the run-up to the 2001 mayoral primary, was found guilty of vote fraud.

Montgomery hired about 30 workers to do fraudulent voter-registration canvassing. Instead of knocking on doors, the volunteers sat at a St. Louis fast food restaurant and wrote out names and information from an outdated voter list. About 1,500 fraudulent voter registration cards were turned in.

In October 2006, St. Louis election officials discovered at least 1,492 “potentially fraudulent” voter registration cards. They were all turned in by ACORN volunteers.

In November 2006, 20,000 to 35,000 questionable voter registration forms were turned in by ACORN officials in Missouri. Most all of these were from St. Louis and Kansas City areas, where ACORN purportedly sought to help empower the “disenfranchised” minorities living there. But the ACORN workers weren’t just told to register new voters. The workers admitted on camera that they were coached to tell registrants to vote for Democrat Claire McCaskill.

In 2007, in Kansas City, Missouri, four ACORN employees were indicted for fraud. In April of this year eight ACORN employees in St. Louis city and county pleaded guilty to federal election fraud for submitting bogus voter registrations.
And, that was just Missouri.

North Carolina — State Board of Elections officials have found at least 100 voter registration forms with the same names over and over again. The forms were turned in by ACORN. Officials sent about 30 applications to the state Board of Elections for possible fraud investigation.

Ohio — The New York Post reported that a Cleveland man said he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times. The complaints have sparked an investigation by election officials into the organization, whose political wing has supported Barack Obama. Witnesses have already been subpoenaed to testify against the organization.

Nevada — Authorities raided the headquarters of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now on Tuesday October 7, 2008, after a month-long investigation. The fraudulent voter registrations included the Dallas Cowboys starting line-up.

Indiana — More than 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana’s Lake County filled out by ACORN employees turned out to be bogus. Officials also stopped processing a stack of about 5,000 applications delivered just before the October 6 registration deadline after the first 2,100 turned out to be phony.

Connecticut — Officials are looking into a complaint alleging ACORN submitted fraudulent voter registration cards in Bridgeport. In one instance, an official said a card was filled out for a 7-year-old girl, whose age was listed as 27. 8,000 cards were submitted in Bridgeport.

Missouri — The Kansas City election board is reporting 100 duplicate applications and 280 with fake information. Acorn officials agreed that at least 4% of their registrations were bogus. Governor Matt Blunt condemned the attempts by ACORN to commit voter fraud.

Pennsylvania — Officials are investigating suspicious or incomplete registration forms submitted by ACORN. 252,595 voter registrations were submitted in Philadelphia. Remarkably, 57,435 were rejected — most of them submitted by ACORN.

Wisconsin — In Milwaukee ACORN improperly used felons as registration workers. Additionally, its workers are among 49 cases of bad registrations sent to authorities for possible charges, as first reported by the Journal Sentinel.

Florida — The Pinellas County Elections supervisor says his office has received around 35 voter registrations that appear to be bogus. There is also a question of 30,000 felons who are registered illegally to vote. Their connections with ACORN are not yet clear.

Texas — Of the 30,000 registration cards ACORN turned in, Harris County tax assessor Paul Bettencourt says just more than 20,000 are valid. And just look at some of the places ACORN was finding those voters. A church just next door is the address for around 150 people. More than 250 people claim a homeless outreach center as their home address. Some listed a county mental health facility as their home and one person even wrote down the Harris County jail at the sheriff’s office.

Michigan — ACORN in Detroit is being investigated after several municipal clerks reported fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications coming through. The clerk interviewed said the fraud appears to be widespread.

New Mexico – The Bernalillo County clerk has notified prosecutors that some 1,100 fraudulent voter registration cards were turned in by ACORN.

That’s not all. So far this year at least 14 states have started investigations against ACORN. Talk about a culture of corruption. It is so bad that Representatives of Congress have asked for the Justice Department to investigate, and GOP presidential candidate John McCain is bringing it up in his stump speeches. The Obama camp is stealthily altering its “Fight the Smears” website to distance themselves from the organization — quite a challenge considering how close their candidate’s association has been with the group.

The liberal vs. conservative, voter fraud vs. voter intimidation debate will no doubt continue after this election. But this year, with the assistance of scandal-plagued ACORN, it appears that — so far — the voter fraud side is winning.
PJ Media » The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM2_q11hX_k&feature=related]FBI Investigating ACORN for Voter Fraud - YouTube[/ame]

Do you actually think Franco read ANY of this? I don't think he's smart enough! He got through the 2nd paragraph and started crying. :) He's such a weanie! Lol!

You know, I should have realized that when I saw that he didn't know how to spell 'Republican.'

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