Obama Declares War!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I thought it more than interesting that President Obama framed his oil speech in war-like terms:

"On the one hand, it was a war: here was a "battle plan" that we needed to lift a "siege."
Obama’s Oil Speech: The Choir Vs. the Preacher - Tuned In - TIME.com

" "This is an assault on our shores and we're gonna fight back with everything that we've got."
Obama's Oil Spill "Battle" Metaphor Runs Into Problems - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

What was most revealing was the use of the war image so characteristic of Progressives. German intellectuals had pioneered the idea that war was the source of moral values. American Progressives saw war as a way to reorganize America.

1.In the essay "The Moral Equivalent of War" by William James, James considered one of the classic problems of politics: how to sustain political unity and civic virtue in the absence of war or a credible threat. The standard solution for the problem of sustaining political unity and civic virtue has been either war or a credible external or internal threat, anticipating the use by political leaders of imagined internal or external threats to achieve and maintain their power and the political unity that would discourage opposition to them.

2. The use of the idea if not the reality of war may be seen currently in liberalism’s use of ‘the war on cancer,’ ‘the war on drugs,’ the War on Poverty,’ and the exhortation to fight any problem as ‘the moral equivalent of war.’

And, in President Obama's oil speech last night, we have the lastest incarnation of the the war metaphor.
Obama declaring war on the Oil Spill has rather a King Canute-like feel to it.
Jilly is a two trick poster:



Moments ago I found this Judith Miller post in my email, and as it refers to the same topic, I'd like to splice it in here:

"Oil is not “assaulting our shores and our citizens,” and we’re not waging a “battle” against it. The oil catastrophe cannot and should not be compared to the war in which “our brave men and women in uniform are taking the fight to al-Qaida.”
The speech was filled was “battle plans” and military jargon intended to show how tough the president is on crude. In this, the eighth week of the disaster, the president went from bullying—last week’s search for an “ass to kick”—to full-scale war. “We will fight this spill with everything we’ve got for as long as it takes,” he vowed in his first speech from the Oval Office.
But they do expect something more than political grandstanding from the Oval Office, empty environmental jingoism, and rhetorical battle gear. "
Obama Declares War on Oil by Judith Miller, City Journal 16 June 2010
Well, saw this thread after mine was done. Repeated some of it.

BUT......you will all be happy to know I did my duty today!!!!!

Yes indeed, I served my leader Lord Obama well. I went to the store, and bought 5 cans of Valvoline 10W-30 motor oil. I then took my 5-shot revolver, lined them up against a berm out in the country, and I shot all 5 cans of the evil oil that our beloved president is at war with!!!!

HELL YES BOYS!!!!! Mark that down as a victory for the good ole USA!!!

President Obama, I hope you are proud that I contributed to the war effort!!

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