Obama Declares War on US Military


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
This is based on an article that is now 2 years old. Has anything changed ? Yeah. The situation is now even worse. The article is still very relevant and 99% accurate. A very worthwhile link click.

1. America’s men and women in uniform – many of whom have risked their lives in service to their country – are now being stripped of once-guaranteed college benefits.

2. The Obama administration began pushing for U.S. service members – and especially military retirees – to pay as much as 30 percent more for their health care.

3. Deep military cuts that downsize the Pentagon. In 2010, he cut $487 billion from the defense budget. In 2011, he signed into law a budget process intended to cut an additional $492 billion over 10 years.

4. Reduction in deployed nuclear weapons and stockpiles. A plan to carry out a new round of nuclear-warhead cuts. The strategy is expected to leave the U.S. with only about 1,000 warheads, a level that experts say would weaken strategic nuclear deterrence capability.

5. Then there's the scaling back in next-generation warplanes, starting with the F-35, the most expensive weapons program in United States history. The F-35 may be expensive but it's the only stealth fighter jet that is immune to enemy ground to air radar defenses - a more important aspect than the air to air radar invisibility provided by the F-22 Raptor, in the current world war against international jihadist groups.

6. retired Army Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis, a national security and foreign affairs analyst, warned, “These cuts leave America with a military inventory of ancient and broken equipment. Our tanker aircraft are on average 47 years old and our strategic bombers 34 years old, and besides, their numbers are totally insufficient for America’s global missions. For example, our air force shrank from 82 fighter squadrons at the end of the Cold War to 39 today and our Navy is in worse shape. We have a naval fleet of 284 ships and shrinking even though naval planners indicate we need at least 328 ships.

7. As commander in chief, Obama leads a military of about 1.5 million active duty troops, according to the U.S. Department of Defense. That’s less than half the 3.6 million troops during the Korean War.

8. According to Defense News, “Obama is sticking by plans to shrink the Army to 490,000 active-duty troops and the Marine Corps to 186,000 … over the next five years.”

9. During his time in office, Obama has also forced at least four generals to resign from their command. Top notch commanders, all of them.

10. The Obama administration plans to leave 10,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan after NATO combat operations end in late 2014. The number has since been reduced to 5,000. This is an especially puzzling move since these troops are the buffer against what Obama has openly admitted is the one thing that keeps him awake at night > Pakistan (and their 100+ nuclear warheads)

11. Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund accused Obama of nearly a dozen breaches of national security, beginning with foolishly announcing the death of Osama bin Laden “to prop up his presidency politically,” rather than keeping a silent cover in order to use the information obtained in the bin Laden raid. “In a few brief moments of selfish grandstanding and political opportunism,” OPSEC asserted, “our commander in chief lost the single opportunity to exploit intelligence that, had secrecy been preserved, might well have crushed al-Qaida once and for all.”

12. the Obama administration lifted the ban on women serving in direct combat positions, the infantry and special operations, despite concerns from high-profile veterans and leaders that doing so would create a less capable fighting force and open the door for women to be drafted into military service.

13. Perhaps most alarmingly, despite their personal sacrifice to protect Americans’ freedoms, the nation’s men and women in uniform are often deprived of the chance to cast a ballot for their own commander in chief. the Obama re-election campaign sued Ohio state officials in an attempt to suppress, in that pivotal swing state, the votes of America’s military men and women – who traditionally lean conservative and vote Republican.

Republican lawmakers, in 2009, pushed and passed the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act, which was supposed to make it easier for overseas military personnel to vote. The law required a voter assistance office at every military installation. It also automatically provided military voters with an opportunity to update their voter information during the check-in process at their duty stations. However, the Defense Department’s Inspector General reported that the Pentagon was not complying with the 2009 law, citing information that only about half of overseas locations had functioning voter assistance offices.
“Tens of thousands of service members’ votes not counted” was the headline of a June 27, 2012, McClatchy newspaper article detailing just how seriously flawed the current system has been for enabling the millions of men and woman in the U.S. military to vote.

Regarding no. 3, unless we're planning on taking over the planet, cutting a defense budget higher than the next 20 countries combined (most of whom are our allies) isn't unreasonable.
Regarding no. 3, unless we're planning on taking over the planet, cutting a defense budget higher than the next 20 countries combined (most of whom are our allies) isn't unreasonable.
Being that we are are in a world war (even though Obama hasn't acknowledged), against an enemy that has been fighting this war for 1400 years, and the enemy is dispersed all over the planet, it is quite reasonable to not cut our defense budget. You don't cut defense budgets when your round the war enemy is gearing up to attack you on all fronts.

As for what that budget should be, that's determined by needs, which military planners are unaninmous needs to be huge,, and not made smaller (less than 1/2 of Korean War size). Comparisons to some number of other countries is irrelevant.
The government is kind of totally broke. We're gonna have to take one for the team just like the postal service and DoT. If that means losing my college benefits then so be it.

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