Obama & Co Hate Private Success


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
All good things come from the government. If you succeed first in your family, you owe. But if you are a legacy that happens to be successful? You really suck! Indeed, your nuts or clit should be cut off.
All good things come from the government. If you succeed first in your family, you owe. But if you are a legacy that happens to be successful? You really suck! Indeed, your nuts or clit should be cut off.

Another ridiculously idiotic post to waste my time.
The Heinlein quote doesn't seem to go with the sentiment of the poster. What am I missing?

"There are two reasons to help people in the world:
One, you like people and you want them to be happy.
Two, you don't like people and you want them to be happy so they will leave you alone!"
David Weslyn

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